Chapter 2128 Control

The sound of the turtle's phase sounds through the entire Dragon King Hall!

Along with the members of the Dragon Palace stepping forward, an invisible terrorist atmosphere filled the entire Dragon King Hall with chill!

No one, dare to sit on the throne of our Dragon King, and no one has this qualification to sit up!

At this moment, the Leidong snow hole on the dragon chair slightly shrunk, and his face slowly embarrassed.

"Dragon Palace, what are you going to do? Defeat the order of Miss Lei Dongxue? Defend the command of the thundering god?"

"Is it a little dragon palace for you? Do you dare to disobey God's Lord? Do you want to kill yourself?"

In front of the dragon chair, the young man standing on the side shouted in a stern face.

His eyes glanced at the members of the Dragon Palace below, and his eyes were full of disdain.

Who dares to disobey the command of the thundering **** in the entire northern region? No one dares!

Defying the Lord's Lord is no different from finding death!

"Dragon King, I am very angry now, give you ten seconds, I am satisfied within ten seconds, otherwise I will let you regret coming to this world!"

Lei Dongxue sat on the dragon chair, his cold eyes stared at Wang Xian, and his face was full of Senran.

Even if she faced everyone in the Dragon Palace, she did not have the slightest fear.

Because, here is the Northern Region, she carries the command of the thundering **** to requisition the major forces.

As long as there is power to dare to resist, waiting for them is to perish.

As for her safety, she did not worry at all, because once she had something, this was the provocation of the entire eternal thunder.

In the face of such forces, the eternal thunder will definitely remove the strong.

There is absolutely no one force to dare to move her!

Sitting on the dragon chair, Lei Dongxue is still high.

"It's another ants who think that they are high on their own background!"

Wang Xian looked at Lei Dongxue on the dragon chair and said a little sarcastically.

"With your background, I didn't want to do it, but you are too greedy, too arrogant!"

"Only a woman with three sacred fires, how qualified, dare to swear to me?"

He tilted his head slightly and said coldly.


Wang Xian said, with a move of the arm, a hand claw appeared in front of Lei Dongxue and grabbed her neck!

"What? Dragon King, you are killing yourself!"

Lei Dongxue saw that Wang Xian dared to attack. At this moment, the look of the high is completely gone, and some panic screamed.

"Dare to attack the eternal thundering elite disciple, Dragon Palace, you are dead!"

The woman next to the Jiu Shen Shen Huo screamed and slammed her hand toward the palm of her hand.


Just then, a thorn appeared in the air at the feet of the woman and the other three!

The ancestral tree behind the dragon chair bursts with a slight green light.


The middle-aged woman saw the strongman of the Dragon Palace attacking her face, her face changed dramatically, and her eyes were panicked.


Wang Xian’s body was shocked, and the power belonging to the Dragon Palace was directly pressed against them.

As the kingdom of Wang Xian, the Dragon Palace can naturally be easily controlled. It is definitely not a good thing to enter a stranger's country of God.

If there is no strong strength to break out of the Kingdom of God, then it may be permanently suppressed.

Because, here is the world of others!


The woman and her middle-aged face have changed dramatically, and the body seems to be suppressed by a star!

The thorns wrap their bodies!


The next moment, the branches filled with thorns went straight into their bodies.

Their vitality disappeared at a horrible rate.

"Miss Lei Dong Xue, save us!"

The faces of the four men were horrified and screaming.

At this point, Lei Dongxue was full of horror, she opened her mouth!


Without waiting for her to speak, the energy claws directly grabbed her neck.

Her face turned red in a flash, and the delicate face was full of panic.

"No, no... you... let..."

Her body struggled fiercely and stared at Wang Xian in horror.

She did not think of it anyway, Dragon Palace Dragon King dared to attack her!

Do they want to live?

He dared to attack himself!


At this moment, four screams of despair came from the side, and she looked at her face, her face full of sorrow.

The strong person who was so hard to recruit himself was killed at this time.

The **** of the nine sacred gods, there is no strength to resist!

"Do not kill me!"

She panicked and asked for mercy.


Wang Xian said faintly, the palms are slightly forced!


She opened her eyes and shivered, feeling the arrival of death!

Wang Xian’s arm waved and threw the body in the Dragon King Hall!

"Xiao Xian, we will kill her, will it cause revenge for eternal thunder, with our strength..."

Sun Lingxiu saw that the arrogant woman was killed, and said with some slight concern.

"Some troubles, but we have found a good solution!"

Wang Xian smiled at her.

Aside from the position, the turtles walked directly to the front of the dragon chair, wiped the place where Lei Dongxue had sat, and took a returning soul from the ancestral tree!

"It’s a waste to give a returning soul to her!"

The turtles walked to the body and looked cold.

"There is no way, but to control it, there should be some benefits for us!"

Wang Xian said faintly.

A few hours ago, after seeing the greed and arrogance of Lei Dongxue, Wang Xian and the turtles negotiated a solution.

A woman with three sacred fires, Wang Xian, they naturally would not be used to her.

However, the eternal thundering background behind him, the Dragon Palace is currently not provoked.

Take control of it in other ways. Once she finds the thunder god, she can easily solve it. At that time, the Dragon Palace must be destroyed.

There is only one way, that is to kill it, to resurrect the soul and the dragon's blood.

Lei Dongxue, who was resurrected in the Dragon Palace, is already a member of the Dragon Palace.

Then, she will only have one will, mainly in the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon King as the Lord!

At that time, even the Lord God could not sense what happened to her.

It is to waste a precious returning soul!

"It's okay, the Dragon Palace's things are small, you have to deal with it, and they are in the extraordinary continent, and I have to chase the sword!"

Sun Lingxiu saw that Wang Xian had a way to cope with it, and Ling Jianer flew out of the Dragon Palace!

A group of girls are now building their dragon empire

"Dragon King, she should be able to resurrect soon!"

The turtles glared at the body of Lei Donglin and said to Wang Xian.

Wang Xian nodded and the two walked toward the dragon pool.

Put it into the dragon pool, there is a return to the soul, and only a few minutes of death, Lei Dongxue quickly wakes up!


She flew out of the dragon pool and her face still looked terrified.

She stared at Wang Xian and her face was a little distorted.

But soon, her face showed a respectful color.

"See the Dragon King!"

(End of this chapter)

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