Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2134: Defying the order, dying? on

Chapter 2134 Defies the Order, Die? on

"The members of the Dragon Palace keep the formation!"

"The Saturn Turtles guard the front and prevent a lot of evil spirits from rushing over!"

"Starwood Wars is behind the Saturn Turtle, long-range attack!"

"The Devil War Department and the Lei Department are located on both wings!"

“Auxiliary and Skyeye are at the end!”

On the battlefield of the meteorites, Wang Xian stared at the hundreds of millions of evil spirits in front, and immediately ordered loudly.

"It is the Dragon King!"

More than 10,000 members of the Dragon Palace immediately responded loudly.

The Saturn tortoise, the hand of the super-continental mainland, is now the Dragon Palace dragon species.

They have a powerful defense force and are not very strong in terms of attacks.

But they are the best choice for keeping the front.

Members of the rear star wars were attacked remotely.

The Devil War Department and the Lei Department are located on the left and right. Among them, there are already ten dragon dragon species, and the combat power is fierce.

The dragon palace ignited the gods of the fire, it is the demon of the level of the gods.

"Kill, kill me!"

Qi Qitian screamed, and the Dinghai Shenzhen in his hand went straight to the front position.


In front of a demon spirit of the nine sacred fires, I felt the power of the violent violent temper, and rushed directly without fear.

Qi Qitian's **** red jade eyes turned slightly and went straight toward the evil spirit.


The foremost two thousand Saturn turtles trembled slightly, and their bodies were shrouded in heavy soil properties.

The whole body, like a moving castle, rushes straight ahead.

The Saturn turtles lined up in a row and are full of shock!

They rushed into the army of evil spirits without fear.


The **** red eyes of the evil spirits stared at them and went straight to kill.

Looking at this **** battlefield from afar is daunting!


In the rear position, a member of the Skyeye Arrows arched the archery.

Tens of thousands of arrows hit the front directly.

In particular, 牟泽森 and two other archer-level archers, with an arrow in the past, instantly penetrated tens of thousands of evil spirits.

With only one round of attack coverage, it killed more than 100,000 evil spirits.


The position of the two wings, the members of the Devil Wars and the Thunder Department violently attacked a demon.

With the help of the dolphins in the rear of the water, they have a sky-blue glow.

A special sound wave of the stock resounded within the scope of the Dragon Palace battlefield, and the members of the Dragon Palace were blessed to suppress the evil spirits.

The orderly attack method of the regulations directly tears a hole in the army of evil spirits.

All the enchanted evil spirits were entangled in countless thorns after the Saturn tortoise resisted the first round of attacks.

As the strongest warfare star wars in the Dragon Palace, once they ignite the fire, they can match the dragon dragon species.

Under such circumstances, in the face of their attacks, the evil spirits were quickly killed.

In addition, the members of the Dragon Palace have the minimum combat power of the semi-god and the nineth order. More than 10,000 members of the Dragon Palace can be worth millions of other forces.

Even the perfect fit makes the Dragon Palace members have very little loss.

Since its establishment, the Dragon Palace has experienced more than a dozen wars, both of which have been horrific.

The experience and cooperation of every member of the Dragon Palace is not comparable to that of an ordinary legion.

A demon evil fell under the members of the Dragon Palace.

"This... so strong!"

Lei Dongxue saw the battle of members of the Dragon Palace for the first time, and his face was shocked.

The lowest semi-divine ninth-order combat power, defense, attack, remote, and auxiliary!

Under the precise cooperation, it is simply a savage harvester, and the speed of killing is even comparable to that of the Northern Expedition and the demon.

You must know that there are more than one million disciples in the Northern Expedition and the Devil's Gate!

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xian heard a comment from Lei Dongxue, and his face showed a faint smile.

The current Dragon Palace is not a complete body, the ascetic killing of the strongest demon is not in place, and the powerful dragon guarding power is no longer.

There is also the strongest crab, not here.

"Being able to compete with Dragon King, this Dragon Palace army, the eternal thunder is no more than three legions!"

Lei Dongxue said a little flattering.

Wang Xian smiled and quietly suspended in the void to look at the battle ahead. He did not shoot.

"Well? What kind of power is that? More than 15,000 people have such a terrible force, even if it is the core team of our eternal thunder, but it is!"

At the last position of the battlefield, five Raytheon led millions of disciples.

They have not shot now, so many evil spirits, they do not use them.

A Raytheon looked at the Dragon Palace and his eyes looked strange.

"It is really strong. It is controlled by Lei Dongxue. It should be the Dragon Palace, a new force, like a lot of strong people at the level of the gods!"

Said next to a thunder.

“It’s really a good idea to recruit other forces and reduce our losses!”

"This force is indeed very good. More than 10,000 people can reach millions of legions. Later, the gods can let the Lord and the Lord assemble it!"

One of Raytheon’s eyes said with some surprise.

"The sky!"

Just then, at the battlefield where the Dragon Palace was located, 3,000 members of the Star Wars Department shouted in unison.

The road branches covered the radius of five or six hundred kilometers in an instant, and their battlefield was completely shrouded.

Millions of evil spirits are shrouded in it!


For a moment, the sound of screaming sounded instantly, and a demon evil was directly hoisted into the air and penetrated by thorns!

"What? How can the Dragon Palace be so strong!"

The horror scene from the Dragon Palace attracted the attention of many forces around.

When they saw the thorns in the Dragon Palace, they slammed millions of demons into the void, and they were shocked.

More than 3,000, a trick to kill millions of evil spirits.

Although there are seven or eight levels of divine status in more than 3,000, this scene is too horrible!

"Damn, how can the Dragon Palace's power be so strong!"

In the central position, Lei Beichen and Lei Tianming saw this scene, his face slightly sinking.

Killing the evil spirit means merit, and the more you kill, the higher your merits.

The reason why they unite is to suppress other disciples.

Now they did not think that the Dragon Palace would be so terrible!

A trick to kill millions of evil spirits, if they continue to let them kill, their merits may be overtaken by Lei Dongxue!

The two looked at each other and their faces were slightly embarrassed.

"Can't let the Dragon Palace continue to kill like this!"

Lei Beichen whispered.

Lei Tianming nodded as much.

"This Dragon Palace is really amazing!"

The bright old man of the Northern Expedition Bank swept away and his eyes sparkled.

"The strength is really strong. The two young masters don't have to worry. Now they have just started. They only have more than 10,000 people. After they have suffered heavy losses from the powerful evil spirits, the natural combat power is not as good as before!"

The president of the Northern Expedition Chamber of Commerce did not put the Dragon Palace in his eyes, said faintly!

Thanks to the Iron Man Brothers for the reward, thank you for your support, what?

Thanks to other brothers for their support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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