Chapter 2151 Harvest


The Dragon Palace slowly disappeared, and all the members of the Dragon Palace returned to the Earth following the Dragon Palace!

This is a characteristic of the kingdom of God. No matter where the country of God is, it can be summoned directly.

But calling the kingdom of God will consume a lot of energy, and it is impossible to maintain it here!

The kingdom of God is in the original place, and the gods cannot follow the country of God directly.

Wang Xianling all the members of the Dragon Palace are all in the Dragon Palace, and strive to improve their strength!

"Go, let's go to the nest of the forces of the Northern Alliance!"

Wang Xian looked at the Dragon Palace and disappeared, looking to the side of the dark dragon, said.

"It is the Dragon King!"

Silently nodded immediately.

"Right, what do you do with these evil spirits?"

Wang Xian looked at the surrounding evil spirits and asked in a dark manner.

"Dragon King, I can earn it into God's country, my **** country is similar to the shape of the magic cave!"

He smiled faintly, his eyes sweeping toward the surrounding evil spirits.


He snarled, and the surrounding evil spirits entered a magical cave at the rear!

"Dragon King, I need to bring the Kingdom of God and put it in a safe place!"

Said darkly toward Wang Xian.

"Okay, let's go!"

Wang Xian nodded.

"Dragon King, the villain carries you!"

Said violently, his body shape changed directly into a horror dragon of 20,000 meters, and he slightly lowered his head.

Wang Xian fell on his dragon head with a smile on his face.


With a loud roar, fly directly toward the Northern Alliance!

The speed of the dark flight was very fast. After two hours, they came to an inanimate star and placed the magical **** country there.

Followed by, flying directly to the planet of the Northern Alliance.

All the forces of the Northern Alliance have been eliminated. It can be said that dozens of planets in the entire Northern Alliance are in a state of no ownership.

This is not important. What is important is that the old nests of one power will have a treasure!

At the very least, treasures such as the **** grass tree are definitely not in the minority.

Wang Xian will collect all the treasures in the bag before the eternal thunder finds that they are destroyed.


However, when Wang Xian and the violently flew toward the nest of the Northern Alliance, they were at the center of the eternal thunder, the eternal god.

The dull sound sounded, accompanied by a series of lightning falling from the sky, the entire eternal kingdom of God, filled with lightning.

Located in a palace in the eternal kingdom of God, the whole body was shivered by thunder and lightning.

In front, there is a **** card, and each **** card is connected with a **** of eternal thunder.

Among them, a large number of **** cards, now completely split.

This means that it has fallen!

Especially the top ten gods on the top, the crack is shocking, with the name of the certain Raytheon!

"God Lord, just a short time ago, we found that the **** brand was broken on a large scale!"

The two women crouched in front of the gods and felt the horrible pressure. The body shivered and whispered.

Just now, they found that when the Shen brand was broken, it was a bit stunned.

In particular, the dozens of Thor's gods are directly broken, which is the top force of the entire eternal thunder.

The entire eternal thunder, after the emergence of the evil spirits, to today's position, has lost 80% of Raytheon.

Now the whole eternal thunder, only a few Raytheon!

This is a huge loss for their eternal thunder!


A loud sound came from the thundering god's main body, and through the cold thunder, he could see his cold face.

"There was a problem in the magic cave. The magic dragon has been suppressed by me. It is obviously dead. How can I still have problems!"

A low voice came from the thundering god!


Suddenly the thunder exploded on him, and the purple thunder lingered around the body.


A loud bang, the body of the thundering **** disappeared directly.

In the void, I can see a purple thunder flying at a speed of horror.

An hour later, the thunder **** appeared in front of the three planets.

The void is still full of **** smell, his face gloomy and glance around.

Sensing the breath of the dragon, the face of the thundering **** is full of tyrannical color.


He whispered!


There was a thunderstorm around the air, and the thunder and lightning spread over a range of tens of millions of kilometers, slowly covering all three planets.

"Dragon, I am sure that you will take your first class!"


He whispered, and the three planets exploded directly under the horrible thunder.

A purple thunder flashes, and the figure of the thundering **** disappears completely.

Lost more than a dozen Raytheon, lost one of the two strongest horrors of the eternal thunder, the eternal thunder.

Lost hundreds of powerful gods, the power of the entire eternal thunder, lost two-thirds!

Two hours later, the news of the eternal thunder and the destruction of the demon's forces was spread to the northern region at a horrible speed.

When the eternal thunder and the strong have got the news, there is silence!

"After the return of God, the whole eternal kingdom of thunder is a great work. This time, the loss of our eternal thunder is too great!"

"The **** magic dragon, this time to be completely restored by our Lord God, will definitely destroy it!"

On the planet of the Eternal Thunder Center, three figures sit in a winding palace.

There are only three people in this palace, which looks unusually empty!

There were a few seats around, but it was completely empty at this time.

Here, it is the famous Thunder Pavilion of the entire eternal thunder!

There were more than twenty Raytheon Megatrons in the entire northern region, and now there are only three Raytheon left.

"In addition to the thunder, the rest of the disciples and the powerful gods have lost too much. At this time, we must think of ways!"

The only middle-aged Raytheon frowned and his face was embarrassing.

"The Northern Alliance that we are recruited should also be eliminated. Take advantage of this opportunity to unify the entire northern region, and take all the resources of those forces!"

"Next, we will cultivate fresh blood for our eternal thunder, otherwise we will be very passive once the eternal **** leaves this time for us!"

A Raytheon suggested.

"Well, I immediately took people to the North Alliance for a group of forces, to conquer them, and to earn some outstanding talents!"

Middle-aged Raytheon nodded and stood up straight!

"Well, you can go to the thunder and thunder, let's deal with the things here!"

The other two lightning nods nodded.

In the eternal thunder, the thunder gods generally do not care about things, everything is discussed with a kind of Raytheon, and now only three Raytheon can deal with all things of eternal thunder!

(End of this chapter)

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