Chapter 2167, Fox Smoke

"Our current strength, even the display of the kingdom of God can not be displayed, want to summon the Dragon Palace disciples can not do it, it seems that they have to stay in this diving tiger star for a while!"

Wang Xian finished the soup in his hand and thought about it.

This injury was the heaviest one in his history, and he was able to survive in the end, a big reason because of the old man.

But this does not allow Wang Xian to thank the old man, after all, old things want to win him!

The sky outside slowly darkened, and the woman left after going to pick up some things here.

Wang Xian stood up from the bed and walked outside the room.

Because of the injury, it seems to be a little weak and pale, and his face is pale.

Out of the room, Wang Xian glanced around and found him in the courtyard at the foot of the mountain!

The courtyard is not very large, it is planted with flowers of various colors, and there are dozens of tall trees in the central position!

"The separate small courtyard is not bad. I would like to thank those who brought me over!"

Wang Xian’s heart went to the chair under the tree.

He took out the communication stone plate and was ready to contact the sword and ask some questions!

However, his message was sent out for a long time, and the sword did not reply!

"It seems that the sword should have encountered something, or has already entered the tomb of the god!"

Wang Xian heart secretly, close your eyes and begin to repair strength!


For a moment, the rich aura entered his body, so that it was slowly shrouded in colorful light!

"Well? What is this situation? Colorful light? No, this is seven attributes, seven attributes!"

"How is this possible, impossible, absolutely impossible, it is absolutely impossible for a person to have seven attributes at the same time!"

"Must be that I am wrong, definitely, grass, how can I get the wrong thing, this kid has seven attributes!"

And when Wang Xian began to absorb the aura, the moment of the colorful rays shrouded, the old man in the beginning of the holy wing suddenly opened his eyes.

His body trembled and his face was incredulous.

Even if he lived for thousands of years, the first time he saw this kind of thing!

Seven attributes, how can a person have seven attributes?

"This kid is too strange, too bad!"

The old man kept his long bes on his hands, kept moving, his face changed.

The more you sense, the more he is sure, the kid is indeed seven attributes!

Seven attributes, this has touched the blind spot of his gods!

Just woke up, I feel like I am living in a dream!


At this moment, Wang Xian, who is recovering his strength, suddenly feels that the foreground is changing!

In front of him, the old man with white hair and long hair appeared in front of him, and a pair of hot eyes stared at him!

"Old man, what do you do?"

Wang Xian frowned at the old man and asked immediately!

"Kid, you are lucky, the Emperor decided to accept you as a disciple, close the disciple!"

The old man did not care about Wang Xian’s unreasonableness and said to him seriously.

"Oh, a dead person, still want to be my master? Even if you are really a god, you are not qualified!"

Wang Xian said faintly.

Not to mention that the old man has fallen, even if it is not degraded, he has the inheritance of the dragon, a emptiness god, is not qualified to be his master!

"You...the old man is the **** of heaven, sweeping the eight wild and six, you and kid..."

When the old man heard his words, he suddenly became angry and pointed at him!

"Oh, your bad old man can be uneasy, roll immediately, don't bother me to fix the strength, otherwise..."

Wang Xian faintly threatened.


The old man breathed a little rush, knowing that Wang Xian is not joking, his body shape disappeared directly!

"Looking for an opportunity to accept or absorb it!"

Wang Xian looked at the disappearing old man, the surrounding scene recovered, and the heart was dark.

He slowly closed his eyes and continued to recover!

"Damn **** it, that kid has a lot of vigilance against me. It seems that the last time he won the election made him have a lot of opinions on the old man!"

The old man returned to the space of the beginning of the Holy Wing and his face turned black.

"Seven kinds of attributes! It seems that there is no such thing in the history of history. No wonder I won't succeed!"

"However, if I can take it as a disciple, the old man may not be able to take revenge in the future, and there is still a chance to reshape the golden body!"

"No, no, this kid has a great opinion on me!"

The old man's face showed an anxious color. After a few minutes, he raised his head slightly.

"It seems that I can only refresh a little bit!"

He bitterly squinted and nodded toward the void.


The next moment, there was a faint purple glow around Wang Xian, and the purple light flashed through!


Suddenly, Wang Xian sensed that the aura around him increased by about twenty times!

"The old man is the **** of heaven, and there is no one in the world." This is a small array, raising the aura of twenty times around!"

"If this is the time of the old man's peak, the arm swings, the world is formed, and the aura of tens of millions of kilometers is gathered!"

"If you become a disciple of the old man, the old man teaches you to fight the world and control the power of the law!"

The voice of the old man was introduced into Wang Xian’s mind.

He raised his brow slightly and his eyes flashed a little surprised!

He did not respond, sitting quietly there!

"Hey, the kid of vengeance!"

In the beginning of the holy wing, the old man said indignantly!

"Miss, lord, that guy has woke up. He seems to have some problems in his mind, not even our planet!"

I don't know how long it took, Wang Xian suddenly heard a voice coming from outside the door.

"Is there a problem with my brain? That is to say that he doesn't know where he is from? If you don't know, throw it directly into the family work hall!"

A middle-aged voice sounded!

"Father, how can I say that my daughter was rescued outside, how can I send it to the house?"

The dissatisfaction sounds loud and the sound is sweet!

"Our Protoss can't be idlers!"

The sound of middle-aged majesty sounds!

"That won't work, let him choose it!"

Female voice dissatisfied!

Wang Xian listened to the conversation outside and slowly opened his eyes!



The courtyard door opened and the middle-aged, woman, and a girl came in.

Middle-aged body is slightly thin, dragging a tail behind him, looks like a scholar!

He looked at the Wang Xian, who was sitting on the plate, and looked up and down. His eyes were full of surprises!

"The power of the demigod?"

He was shocked in his heart and said openly!

"In the next Wang Xian, thank you girl for saving me!"

Wang Xian swept through the middle age, and fell on the exquisite appearance, with three pink traces on his face, fox ears and a girl with a fox tail.

There was a fascinating flash in his eyes and he arched his hand!

"Remember the name?"

Middle-aged pick a brow!

(End of this chapter)

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