Chapter 2175 Killing Sword 1

"Wang Xian brother, Wang Xian brother!"

In the courtyard of Wang Xian, the fox smoke came back and shouted loudly.


Wang Xian, who is recovering his injuries, opened his eyes and looked at her.

"What's wrong, is there anything?"

Wang Xian looked at her and ran over and asked with a smile.

"There is a big thing. I am afraid that I will follow the family and the family's people to the Tomb of the God of the Immortals!"

"Tomorrow, you will not go with me!"

Her sparkling eyes stared at Wang Xian, and her face looked hopeful.


Wang Xian slightly raised his eyebrows!

"I don't know very well. I only know that it is a tomb of a god-level powerhouse a million years ago. This time, our fox-like protoss family and many strong people in the central domain of the Western Region will go!"

"A **** country at the level of God is very attractive to many forces. Do you want to go, maybe we can get the inheritance of God, oh!"

Fox smoked his eyes slightly, revealing a pair of fangs, fox teeth!

"God's tomb? Go, I will go with you tomorrow!"

Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes, he was originally going to the land of the tomb of the gods!

However, he did not expect that more than a month has passed, and the tomb of the **** has been obtained by the world!

I don't know if there is any gain in the sword!

"Great, let me tell my father!"

Fox smoked nodded happily!

"Is it going tomorrow?"

Wang Xian stood up and asked her.

"Well, I will leave early tomorrow. It is estimated that most of the strong and disciples of the latent tiger will pass!"

Fox smoke nodded!

"You are now improving quickly, but the combat experience has not improved. I will teach you some attack skills after a while!"

Wang Xian said to her.

"Thank you, Wang Xian brother!"

Fox smoked her head in joy.

"Wood properties, control, entanglement, penetration...."

Wang Xian explained to her some attack techniques of wood properties.

Foxes are adoring the face and listening, learning!

A few hours later, she went out to look for her parents, brought some food, and then went to Wang Xian to ask for advice.

Sleepless all night, when the sun rises the next day, the fox smokes the king to go down.

Going to the entrance of the Fox-wing Protoss, Wang Xian saw nearly 2,000 people standing there!


The fox smoker who took Wang Xian shouted at his father!

"Go to your brother!"

Seeing Wang Xian next to the fox smoke, Fox Fei narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Go, Wang Xian brother, we are in the past!"

Take Wang Xian to the position of a group of disciples!

"younger sister!"

"Fox child sister!"

Some of the disciples of the tribe greeted the fox, and looked curiously at Wang Xian next to her.

For the fiance of this fox, they have heard about it in recent days.

Not only they, but the entire family of the latent tigers has been spread!

Standing there and not shooting, you can make the ancient days tremble on the ground, the strength of the gods!

It can also be worthy of the fox smoke!

When they looked at Wang Xian, Wang Xian also looked around with everyone!

The number of foxes and the disciples may not be because of the blood.

The entire submarine of the submerged tiger star, only more than a thousand disciples, this time only a hundred people!

"that is?"

In the rear position, a group of young people from the main family of the Fox-like Protoss saw the fox smoke coming over, pulling a young man with a happy face and a slight glimpse.

"Fox Dongyang, people seem to have a famous flower, huh, huh!"

A little fat young man said to the handsome and beautiful Fox Dongyang.

"Shut up, you!"

Fox Dongyang eyes swept over the fat man, his face was a bit ugly.

He walked straight toward the position of Fox and Wang Xian!

Slightly squinting, locked Wang Xian next to the fox smoke, his cold mouth slightly tilted.

He used to be nothing else. He simply looked at him and was unhappy. He wanted to teach him lessons and make him embarrassed!

"There is a good show!"

The young girl looked at him and walked over, jokingly said.

There are a lot of disciples around the Fox-like Protoss, and there are more than a dozen who are behind the Fox Dongyang!

"Fox Dongyang, they are coming!"

"Fox Dongyang is the most outstanding disciple of our entire Fox-like Protoss, the strength of the half-length!"

"It’s really enviable to see the peak of the gods. Is he going to know Wang Xian?"

"It should be, after all, the fiance of the smoky sister, the strength is also the peak of the gods, the natural understanding between the strong!"

A group of people saw Fox Dongyang, they walked straight ahead and whispered.


However, their voices were clearly introduced into the ears of Fox Dongyang.

When they heard the peak of the gods, they were slightly stunned and their faces were full of mistakes.

Even the fox Dongyang pupil is slightly shrunk, and the body is stiff!

"Fox Dongyang brother, hello brothers, I will introduce to you, this is my sister's fiance Wang Xian, the power of the demigod!"

Fox saw them coming over, picked a brow, and quickly introduced!

The fox smoker on the side heard the introduction of his brother, and touched his waist with his arm, his face was reddish!

"Oh, I didn't expect to be able to meet such a arrogant in the submerged tiger star!"

Fox Dongyang's face changed and looked at Wang Xian with no expression.

I was still thinking about making this kid embarrassed, and now I can only give up!

He did not think that the other party turned out to be the strength of the demigod!

"Hello there!"

Wang Xian nodded to his faintness.

"Go, go to the place where the array is!"

At this moment, a voice came, and the former strongmen flew straight toward the sky.

Fox Dongyang sinks his face and flies directly to the sky!

"Haha, I have a hard scorpion!"

The voice of the chubby youth banquet continues to ring!

All the disciples of the Fox-like Protoss looked at Wang Xian intently or unconsciously, and their eyes were full of surprises!

"The beauty of the water, I did not expect your charm to be so great!"

Wang Xian looked at the fox smoke, and said with a smile!

"Who is a beautiful woman, I am a blessing!"

The fox screamed dissatisfied.

The two flew into the sky, followed by a strong group of people flying towards the transmission array.

The transmission array is located in the North King City of the Latent Tiger Star, located in the transfer square of the North King City!

When they arrived, there were tens of thousands of people gathered in the square, and the peaks of the powers gathered in the central position!

"The foxes of the Protoss came, and there is a conflict between the strong and the wind planets on the opposite side of the transmission array. The formation is being repaired. It is estimated that it will take a while!"

In the position below, an old man with a tiger's head embroidered on the chest of his clothes looked at them and said with a smile!

"Then we will wait for a while, don't worry!"

The fox-like protoss elders responded, and all the people flew directly!

"It's them!"

However, on the side of the transmission array, a man and a woman stared at Wang Xian and Fox Smoke with anger!

(End of this chapter)

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