Chapter 2186, God's Lord

The rise of the crab, the most influential is the seven-star gods who are also located in the central area!

Especially after the eruption of the tomb of the gods, the eternal seven stars have a **** to provoke crabs!

敖 crab shot directly to kill it!

After the Seven Stars Lord learned, the anger was extremely angry, and he was directly prepared to sanction the crab!

But as a result, the crabs broke out directly from the eternal god-level strength, making the seven-star **** face ugly!

"God Lord, a central **** has actually given birth to a god!"

In the tens of millions of kilometers, hundreds of millions of people heard the sound of the sky above the gods, and saw the strange and vast figure, one face with a shocking look!

The birth of God, this is a huge thing for the entire innocent star!

A **** lord appears and can even change the pattern of the entire innocent star!


On the main island of the Xianshen Island group, the attack of the Seven Star Gods fell on it, and there was a huge shock!


However, after the attack, the main island did not suffer the slightest damage, and the huge energy resisted his attack!

"One star, fall!"

The star of the Seven Stars is condensed, and a meteorite behind it goes straight down to the position!


The huge vibrations came again, and the powerful waves made the meteorites fly out!

Even Wang Xian’s meteorite is flying toward the rear of the void!

"Be careful, the meteorite in front hit it!"

The exclamation of the disciples came from the front!

Wang Xian supported the fox smoke, and looked at the sky above the tomb of the gods!

This blow of the Seven Star God Lord still does not break the defense of the tomb of the gods!

"Oh, it seems that the **** god who had fallen before, is very strong!"

Looking at the crab, he smiled and leaned down to attack the nearby Shendao!

The huge dragon claws directly break the defense of the sky, and the crabs smoothly enter the tomb of the gods!


The seven-star god's face showed an unwilling look, and turned to attack God Island on the side!

Soon, all three gods will enter the island of God!

"The crab becomes the Lord!"

Wang Xian looked at this scene with a smile on his face.

As a god, you must be shocked!


At this time, the sound of the collision came, Wang Xian looked at the front and saw a meteorite colliding with their meteorite!

Under the violent collision, some buildings began to collapse!

On the rock in front, thousands of disciples are standing there!

The collision of the two meteorites did not cause the struggle of the disciples, but they exchanged together!

"Smoke, I am going to handle some things!"

At this moment, Wang Xian’s heart moved and said to the fox smoke!


Fox smoke nodded slightly and watched him leave!

"I am a brother of Wang Xian, is it a world man?"

Looking at the figure of Wang Xian, she muttered in her mouth!

"Sister, come over, walk, we and the gods, they have the disciples of the cold gods to go to the eternal double fox on the continent!"

"Listen to the disciple of the cold **** Shenzong... ah? Sister, what is the smell of your body, how?"

At this moment, Fox was flying over. When he saw the fox, the whole person suddenly stopped!

He widened his eyes and stared at his sister in an incredible way!

"What happened to my brother?"

Fox smoked his face and looked at his brother!

"Sister, the temperament of your body, how... I feel very comfortable looking at you, and I feel that your sister is beautiful again several times!"

Fox is wide-eyed and squinting and saying something incredible!

"Is it? Hey, my brother, let's go!"

Fox smoke walked over and took his arm and said with a smile!

"Good natural atmosphere, my sister, what happened to you? How can such a huge change happen, I feel that the temperament of your body has changed a lot!"

Fox can't help but say!

Fox smoke blinked and smiled and did not answer his words!

"Hey, Hu Dongcheng brothers, this girl is so beautiful, is this?"

When Fox is walking to the front with a fox smoke!

At the center of a group of people gathered, a handsome and handsome young man saw the fox smoke coming, their eyes brightened, and their eyes fixed on her!


The young man, known as Hudongcheng, followed his gaze and saw that the whole person was also embarrassed when he saw the fox smoke.

If the former fox smoke is a rare beauty, then the fox smoke in front of you is suffocating!

His heart jumped wildly and felt that the fox smoke was more beautiful than ever!

"You don't think about the water brothers. This is the fox fox, the power of the gods, but there are already fiances!"

He couldn't help but see the fox smoky eyes, and the inner greed flashed!

But soon this greed was left behind by him!

If Fox's fiancé is an ordinary disciple, he may have to rob it!

But the mysterious youth, there is no need to provoke!

"That's a shame!"

The young man’s face showed a disappointing look, and he shook his head in regret.

However, it still walks with a smile!

"Hello, this girl, in the cold weather, the water of the gods is clear!"

"Oh hello!"

Fox smoked a young man walking towards himself, a slight glimpse, followed by a smile!

"Unfortunately, the girl has a fiancé. If not, there may be some opportunities under it, haha!"

The water clear flow does not conceal it!

"The smoky child sister, this is the lord of the cold gods, the **** of the gods who will ignite the fire!"

Fox Dongyang came over and smiled and introduced to the fox smoke!


Fox smoked nodded to them with a smile!

Her smile made the young people around me feel a little bit again, and her face was slightly awkward.

In their identity, very few women can make them lose their hearts!

"What a nice view!"

Aside from the position, Gu Shaotian looked at the temperament change, and the screaming foxes couldn’t help but whisper!

He suddenly regretted that if he did not regret marriage at the time...

“Ancient days!”

But at this moment, suddenly a cold voice came into his ear!

His face changed and he turned around quickly!

"Let's go to the water brothers, we go to the mainland of the eternal double fox, I would like to see above, see if you can buy any treasures!"

Hu Dongcheng smiled and said to the disciple of the cold **** Shenzong!

"Okay, we are gone!"

A group of elite disciples of the gods of the cold gods and the disciples of the gods and tigers of the gods and tigers flew toward the front of the tomb of the gods!

The eternal double fox continent is an artificial continent directly sent by the eternal double fox!

On top of this, the various buildings of the restaurant and the auction are complete, and it is not the same as the meteorites occupied by the forces!

Double Fox is open to everyone, and there are quite a few scattered people living in it!

(End of this chapter)

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