Chapter 2191, Assassination

"It doesn't mean that we don't deserve it. She is the only apprentice of our God Lord. The identity in the future is even higher than ours!"

A young man looked at the **** fox night and said faintly!

"I don't deserve it, it doesn't match!"

God Fox night heard a young man's rebuttal, coldly looking toward him!

The young man opened his mouth and dared not say anything!

"Freeze said!"

The whispers of a few people turned the former old man over his head and faintly reminded!

The core disciples of the eternal double fox quickly closed their mouths!

"Little night, like this apprentice of God?"

The old man looked at the **** fox night, and said the voice!


The **** fox night glimpsed, looking at the old man, immediately bowed his head: "grandfather, I..."

"Ha ha!"

The old man smiled and was not talking!

Shenhu night slowly raised his head, his eyes sparkling with luster, and when he looked at the fox smoke, he was filled with strong desires!

Once you can get her, you can get beauty and power!

"Haha, this is the fox girl, congratulations, you are the young princess of our eternal double fox!"

The strongest of the seven or eight gods of the gods went straight to the fox smoke, and said with a smile!

"Don't dare, don't dare, you adults don't have to be so polite!"

Fox smoked to see them so respectful, said quickly!

"Oh, Fox Girl, we are the elders of the Eternal Double Fox. If you have any needs in the future, you can directly tell us!"

"We will definitely solve it for you!"

They shook their heads and said with a trace of respect!

"Hmm, thank you, thank you grandfather!"

Fox smoke responded politely!

A group of foxes and gods and gods and tigers see the eternal double fox's strong and treat the fox smoke so respectfully, their faces are filled with smiles!


Just then, a figure in the center of the main hall appeared out of thin air!


"See the Lord of the Double Fox!"

Everyone saw it, and quickly prepared to kneel down!

"no need!"

The double fox god's main arm waved, and an energy stopped them!

Her eyes looked at the fox smoke, her face smiled, and when she swept over Wang Xian, her eyes flashed slightly!

"Four sacred fires, but also excellent!"

She was secret in her heart.

"You greet the friends of the Fox-wing Protoss and the Gods and Tigers, and introduce some things to the smokers!"

"This is the father and grandfather of the smoker. I am talking to the two and thank you for giving me such a good disciple!"

The double fox **** looked at the fox with a smile and they said!

"Don't dare, God Lord, our patriarch and Tiger Emperor..."

"Let's be together!"

The Lord of the Double Fox said, walking straight toward the back of the main hall!

The tiger emperor and the queen and the fox and fox grandfather are busy with the back!

Eight of the eternal double fox's gods and peaks also followed in the back!

"sit down!"

The Lord of the Double Fox enters inside and signals to them!

The Emperor of the Tigers, Hu Fei, they are sitting in a position with excitement and care!

"The characteristics of the child are very strong. She is the best person I have ever seen. In the future, she is likely to inherit my clothes!"

The Lord of the Double Fox sits in the central position and says directly!

"Smoke can worship the double fox **** Lord you as a teacher, this is her blessing, thank God the Lord can accept the little girl as a disciple!"

Foxf immediately stood up and said respectfully!

"Ha ha!"

The Lord of the Double Fox has waved his hand: "This is also my honor. You can join our eternal double fox directly in the future, I will not treat you badly!"

"If you have any difficulties in the future, just come to them directly!"

"Thank God Lord!"

Queen Fox, they trembled and thanked them!

"It’s all family, you gave me a good disciple!"

The double fox **** said faintly!

"In the future, the smoke will follow me. I am not very clear about some things about the smoke. I only know that she has a fiancé, is it?"

The double fox **** asked!

"Well? It’s the Lord God, the smoker has a fiancé, and the reason why the smoker can reach the strength of today is the reason for her fiancé!"

Fox Fei frowned at the traces and replied!

"Oh, that should be because he opened the hidden physique of the smoke in a special way!"

"Smell's physique is against the sky, and I will practice with me in the future, to inherit my eternal double fox!"

The double fox **** said faintly!


Foxfi heard her words a little, and some did not understand what it meant!

"Fo Fei, don't you say that the marriage contract between the smoker and the king fairy is only a matter of expediency? It is because of the reason why the Quran Shenzong repented!"

A little flash of light flashed in the eyes of the Queen, and immediately asked Foxfi!

"There is such a thing, but..."

Foxfi nodded!

"In the future, the smokers will follow the Lord's Lord and concentrate on cultivation. Some children's private feelings will be put down for the time being. Anyway, it is only an expedient measure. Just forget it!"

Fox did not speak, the Queen directly interrupted!

"Yes, I will see the marriage of the smoker later."

Tiger Emperor also said directly!

Fox did not hear the meaning of the double fox god, but they as the emperor, as the mother of the world, have heard a trace!

Think about it too, the heir chosen by the Lord of the Double Fox is to inherit the eternal double fox!

But if you marry a foreign youth, what will happen in the future?

This they can't guarantee that the Double Fox God Lord obviously wants to kill everything!

"This... now the smoker has a good impression on Wang Xianxin, I am afraid of the smoke she..."

Fox Fei frowned slightly!

"Nothing, this thing is still early, don't talk about it for a while!"

The double fox **** said faintly, shifted the topic and talked about other things!

After talking about it for about five minutes, the tiger emperor Fox Fei left them, and several of the eternal double fox's gods and peaks followed him!

"Small pot, is there anything?"

The double fox **** saw that an old man did not leave, hesitated to stand there, faintly asked!

"Grandma, about the smoke, the small pot has a view!"

The old man respectfully said to the Lord of the Double Fox!


The double fox **** nodded faintly!

"Grandma, Xiaohu believes that if Grandma wants to pass on the eternal double fox to the smoker, it is best to let her marry our eternal double fox!"

The old man said respectfully!

"I don't want to pass on the eternal double fox to her, but it is the most likely to be promoted to God. The rest of the disciples are too small!"

The Lord of the Double Fox said!

"The small pot knows that, like today's best little night wood fire fellow practitioners, there is a one-tenth chance to reach your grandmother, I think..."

"First solve the problem of the fife's fiancé, let's say something else. This matter is handed over to you. Remember, the smoker is my apprentice, and may inherit the eternal double fox in the future!"

The double fox **** interrupted his words and waved his hand to retreat!

The old man squatted and immediately retreated toward the back!

He naturally knows what his grandmother means. He can use any method, but he can't let the foxes hate the eternal double fox!

"this is very simple!"

The old man muttered in the mouth!

(End of this chapter)

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