Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2201: Dragon Palace! Dragon King! 1

Chapter 2201 Dragon Palace! Dragon King! 1

"They are going to humiliate the young man to death!"

Around, millions of people watched a pirate captain walk toward Wang Xian, and he had to reach out and touch his head. Many people had a look of error!

You must know that the strength of the Star Trek is not weak, and only the strength of the peak of the gods can suppress it!

The fiance of the fox, it seems that some can't!

So humiliating, the young man still has his face here?


The ordinary disciples of the Fox-like Protoss, the people of the Shenhu Gods, and the people of the Central Eternal Double Fox, saw this scene and spit out two words!


Wang Xian has been sitting quietly there, ignoring their ridicule!

Seeing a middle-aged man coming towards himself and reaching out with a ridiculous look, he said softly!

"Be it, oh, the kid is right!"

The middle-aged pirate captain heard his words, and the sarcasm in his eyes was even better!

Their starry pirates receive orders from big men and insult a kid, which is naturally easy!

Don't say insults, you have to kill them, they can do it too!


His mouth tilted slightly, but at this moment, a piercing sword mans pierced his eyes, making his heart shock!

Immediately, he wanted to cover the biting edge with his hand, but he was horrified to find that his head and body were separated!

He widened his eyes and filled his eyes with an incredible look!

"One does not stay!"

The headless body in front of Wang Xian, a faint command!


The next moment, a cold and incomparable swordsman filled the entire square!

All the dragon guards stood up and they held the cold sword in their hands!


More than two thousand dragon guards did not hesitate in the slightest, and the long sword immediately attacked the starry pirates!

The icy murder is accompanied by the sword, making the whole area like an ancient sword battlefield!

Yan Jian holds a long sword, and there is no slightest feeling in his eyes. After killing a captain of the Jiuyi Shenhuo pirate, there is no fluctuation!

His figure flickered like a sword, attacking the other four pirate captains!


"You are attacking here!"


A group of pirate captains saw Long Wei’s sudden shot and saw a pirate captain’s head flying to the sky, his face changed dramatically!


Before they had any movements, a sword with a handle had come to them.

The sword is full of cold breath, and the sword is piercing, even if they have already ignited the sacred fire, they are terrible!


The captain of the Jiuyi Shenhuo pirate did not have the slightest reaction, and was instantly cut off his head!

the second!

The screams sounded through the square, and at this moment, everyone’s face was instant!


At the most central position, Shenhu Xihu suddenly stood up and his face was extremely embarrassing!

Around, a disciple of the eternal double fox is also embarrassed to stand up!

That Wang Xian dare to kill here!

Today, but the days of their gods and adults!

They dare to kill people! ! !


The eternal double fox's gods and peaks can't help but scream!


However, they are greeted by a fierce cry!

Everyone is shocked to see the location of the entrance!

The more than 2,000 swordsmen faced 5,000 pirate members and 5,000 elite members!

Among them, forty or fifty of the level of the gods, ignite the five of the nine fires!

However, at this time, they did not have the strength to resist!

A handle with a sword easily cuts off the head of a star pirate member!

Even those of the forty or fifty levels of the gods, facing the powerful and horrible swordsmen, did not have the strength to resist!

At this moment, there was silence around, everyone looked at this scene with a stunned look, and his face was full of sorrow!

"No no no!"

"Ah, ah, escape, run away!"

"Touch and touch!"

The screaming voice was unusually harsh, and the body and head fell to the ground, without the power of rebellion!

A fallen massacre!

More than two thousand dragon guards, more than 80 combat level of the gods level!

Coupled with the existence of the peak of the demon!

Ruthless kendo, coupled with strong suppression, 5,000 star pirate members, with a terrible death!

Thirty seconds, in the tight 30 seconds, the swordsman disappeared!

The head around the body is rolling!

"Let's go, Wang Xian, are you looking for death?"

God Fox West pot, they see this scene is extremely embarrassing!

Several strong men of the peak of the gods couldn’t help but vacate directly, and the horrible momentum went to Wang Xian to suppress them!


A sword screamed through the heavens and the earth, and a golden sacred sword was suspended in the void!

He stared coldly at the power of the eternal double fox!


When the sacred sword is good for the void, all the swordsmen around them are shaking, and the sword on the body is shaking!


At this moment, millions of people in the entire square took a breath!

"A horrible sword, a horrible sword!"

"The peak of the gods, the middle-aged swordsman is the strongest of the peak of the gods, he turned out to be the fiance of the fox smoke fiance!"

"This... mad, killing 5,000 people directly in the venue of the Lord's Lord!"

"The pirates in this starry sky may not think of it, and the people they provocate are so terrible!"

Everyone stared at them with a stunned look, and they were shocked to talk about it!

They were surprised that the youth would be humiliated by the star pirates, but they did not expect the other party to be so strong!

So unscrupulous!

Directly let the men destroy the 5,000 pirates of the entire starry sky!

One does not stay!

"Their strength is also strong, if I am not mistaken, among the more than 2,000 people, the weakest half-decision, the more than 80 god-level powerhouses, and the gods!"

"All of them are swordsmen, and their power to kill is terrible!"

Some people open their eyes and mutter in the mouth!

"The ruthless sword god, that is the ruthless sword **** of our sky blue star, I remember, it is him!"

"That refers to the **** of heaven and sword. In our central area, one person fights against the three gods of the same level, and kills them all!"

"The three are the three sword gods in the Qingkong Forest. They are all swords and swords. One is more than a horror. At the beginning, our lords personally wanted to recruit them!"

Suddenly, a voice exclaimed from all around!

Everyone heard this sound exclaimed, and the face was stunned!

They looked at the more than two thousand swordsmen!

Cold, ruthless, cold!

They stood there as if they were a sword, it was heartbreaking!

"God Fox West Pot!"

Wang Xian sat there, the violent drink of the eternal double fox and the shock around it did not seem to hear the general!

He held the head of a pirate captain in the starry pirate, looked at the memory in his mind, and spit out a name!

He is keeping accounts!

(End of this chapter)

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