Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2207: God Lord's Order 2

Chapter 2207 God Lord's Order 2


At this moment, everyone’s eyes on the eternal double fox have changed a little!

This is his mother's, no wonder the Dragon King said that the double fox **** is not qualified to become the master of the fox smoke!

The disciples of the eternal double fox have assassinated him. The double fox **** does not ask, but also makes it a master of fox smoke?

How can this be!

When the double fox **** heard the words of the fox smoke, his face was extremely embarrassing!

Her chest kept undulating and her face was frosty!

The attitude of Fox Smoke has undoubtedly already indicated that she will not worship her as a teacher!

She was deceived by the gods and was rejected by the public. It is conceivable that after today, it will become the joke of the whole innocent star!

Their eternal double fox is her own, this time it’s a shame!

"Dragon King!"

She whispered, her eyes filled with cold killing!

"Interesting, you eternal double fox people want to kill me, don't tell me now, now you still want to do it?" Haha!"

Wang Xian heard her words and laughed!

"That's the case, let's do it!"

Wang Xian’s arm waved and his face was full of tyrannical looks!


The next moment, all the members of the Dragon Palace raised their weapons in front of them, and a violent murderous rushed into the void!


Over the sky, the dark demon dragon eyes are locked in the eyes of the double fox god, the cold dark pupil is full of murderous!

For a moment, a big horror scatters around!


Around the world, the major forces in the Western Region and the Central Region turned wildly, and quickly retreated toward the rear position!

Their faces are terrified!

"The strength of this Dragon Palace is terrible. At least 500 of the gods are strong, at least nine of them are at the top!"

"The eternal double fox's powerhouse has not all come, but even so, it is not weaker than the Dragon Palace. If it is to fight, it must be fierce and incomparable, and blood will flow into the river!"

All the powers have changed dramatically, and each one is shaking!

If you fight today, you will surely shake the entire innocent star!


Everyone in the eternal double fox sees the Dragon Palace strong and ready to go, but also his face is slightly changed!

The disciples of hundreds of thousands of eternal double foxes stood up in an instant, and a handle weapon appeared in the hands!

They also stare at all members of the Dragon Palace with great dignity!

"Dragon King, I warn you, now take your people out of here, otherwise, I will destroy your Dragon Palace!"

The eyes of the double fox gods swept through all the members of the Dragon Palace, and the murderous martyrdom!

For the Dragon Palace, she did not fear, even as long as she contacted the Northland eternal thunder, the Thunder God Lord agreed to join hands!

At that time, it is easy to kill this dragon palace!

“It’s not a double fox god, it’s still so self-confident!”

Wang Xian slightly squinted and stared at the double fox god, his eyes filled with cold!

"Consider clearly, don't irritate me completely!"

The double fox **** and Wang Xian look at each other, the eyes are full of cold!

If you really fight today, even if they can win the eternal double fox, they will definitely lose a lot!

Hands-on, not worth it!

But if it is really forced to a certain share, she is not afraid!

As one of the innocent star hegemons, there is nothing to fear!

"So, your eternal double fox assassinated me, don't you give me an account?"

Wang Xian asked me faintly!

"Interpretation? Hahaha, Dragon King, it is hard to hear, your Dragon Palace is not worthy of giving me an eternal double fox to give an account!"

"If you dare to fight with us, it will be you!"

The double fox **** stared at Wang Xian with confidence!

"This... Although the strength of the Dragon Palace is very strong, there are still some gaps compared with the eternal double fox, and with the eternal thunder and the enemies, if the eternal double fox is combined with the eternal thunder, the Dragon Palace is very likely Destroyed!"

"In fact, it is already good for the Dragon King to make this step for the Double Fox God. If it is really played, the best situation is also a lose-lose, but in the future, it will definitely be the Dragon Palace!"

Everyone around me glanced and whispered!

The confrontation between the two hegemon-level characters, the confrontation between the two hegemon-level forces!

They can only be as onlookers and are not qualified to step in!

"Not worth it?"

Wang Xian stared coldly at the double fox god!

The double fox **** is also holding his head high and staring at Wang Xian!

"Oh, even if you are the Dragon Palace, our eternal double fox is not afraid of anyone!"

At the rear, the strong eternal double fox's strong face stared at Wang Xian coldly and they screamed!

Wang Xian stood there and did not say anything!

The atmosphere is very dignified!

Every second is very long!

Everyone saw the Dragon King standing quietly there, slightly surprised!

It’s been a few minutes, why didn’t the Dragon King’s reaction be the slightest?

What is he doing?

What do you think?

"Dragon King, my patience is limited!"

The double fox **** saw that Wang Xian stood there and did not speak, his face was impatience!

A staff member appears in the hands, and the momentum rises!

"Damn, he... what exactly does he want to do?"

The **** tiger and the emperor and the empress, they were so embarrassed at this time, seeing the double fox **** to take out the weapon, my heart was shocked!

The outbreak of war will be a catastrophic blow for them!

This time, they may not only get no benefit, but they will cause great trouble!

This makes them regret, and hates the heart of the Dragon King!

Why don't you identify yourself early?

Why is it an enemy of the eternal double fox?

"I am waiting for someone, but I am already here, and I am ready to die!"

Wang Xian suddenly smiled faintly and said to the Lord of the Double Fox!


The double fox **** glimpsed a little, and her eyes slowly shot the horrible killing!

"Be yourself, don't live!"

"Eternal double fox disciple, today, one does not stay!"

The Lord of the Double Fox snorted and raised the Scepter in his hand!

"One does not stay!"

All the eternal double fox strongmen shouted and clasped the weapons in their hands!


Just as their voices just fell, suddenly, there was a mighty power in the East!


A roar of noise came from the shock of the horrible pressure!

Looking far away, I can see a creature with only eight legs and two huge pliers flying over!

That horrible creature exudes a powerful power, reaching a number of hundreds of thousands!

In front, it is a huge monster, exuding a jealous monster like a prisoner!

"That is? It is the Lord of the Dragons, the Lord of the Dragons in the Central Region, the new Lord of God, how come he came!"

When everyone saw the huge figure flying over and saw the front of the sly monster, each face showed a shocking look!

The newly promoted God of the Central Region was later called the Dragon Lord!

The statement spreads throughout the innocent star field!

Its power is also called the eternal dragon! A stronger existence than the Dragon Palace!

However, at this time, some people suddenly thought of a word from the Dragon King!

He is waiting for someone, has already arrived?


Everyone of the eternal double fox looked into the void of the East, and his eyes were amazed.

Such a vast momentum, so full of fanfare, that Dragon Lord God brought all the men under him?


All creatures of Eternal Dragons obscures the sky of one side!

They stopped in the sky above the double fox continent!

Everyone looked up in amazement!


At the forefront, the dragon scorpion, which exudes the horror of power, moves into a human form and falls directly toward the bottom!

Seeing another God Lord appearing, everyone's face is full of doubts!

"Dragon Palace crab, see the Dragon King!"

(End of this chapter)

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