Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2214: God's main damage, the world is shocked 3

Chapter 2214 God's main damage, the world is shocked 3

"A monk can be integrated into the eternal kingdom of God once he has cultivated into the realm of the eternal God. If he gives a little time, he can return to God!"

"Unless it is the immortal king of the king, to cut off the connection in the field of immortality, or in a special space!"

"You kid, these four men and friends, want to kill the fox gods, some difficulties, once the other party flees back, they will immediately flee with the eternal gods!"

The **** of heaven is sitting in the illusory space of the beginning of the holy wing, and it is not good to the voice of Wang Xian!

Now, he wants to gain the trust of this kid, otherwise he will be trapped here forever!

"Do you have a way?"

Wang Xian heard his words, his eyes sparkling!

For the eternal God Lord, Wang Xian is also aware of some, in addition to controlling the law, the eternal God has a powerful escape ability!

That is the ability to return to your own God in an instant!

This is why the Eternal God will leave the tomb of God!

He is not sure if the Lord of the Double Fox will escape. Once he escapes, it is indeed a big trouble!

"The old man is a deity, and there are natural ways. If I am still in the peak period, this kind of existence, the old man will kill one hand, and the law will not be displayed!"

The voice of the goddess of heaven is coming into his mind!

"Well, don't brag, how can you not know now? Nothing in your heart?"

Wang Xian said to him faintly: "There is a way to say!"


The angry voice was introduced into Wang Xian’s mind!

"Kid, although the old man is only a soul now, but if you give me some spiritual stones and treasures, the simple array can still be laid!"

God of Heaven God said proudly!


"You are waiting for me, you are waiting for me, Eternal God, Dragon Palace, in the future, you will live in the loss of my double fox!"

Suddenly, there was a loud voice in front of the position!

The blossoming flame flower is shot into the void, and the flame flower is terrifying, like a spark!

"This is the flame rule she understands, be careful!"

The crab immediately reminded him loudly that he looked up and the head of the whole skull suddenly became bigger!

The horrible engulfing dragon dragon head directly turns into a hundred-kilometer size, and swallows away toward the one-of-a-kind spark!

"too horrible!"

Everyone saw this scene, his face was amazed!

Everyone present, for the first time saw the desperate fight between the eternal gods!

"I will come back to you!"

The sound of the eternal double fox came, her figure slowly and illusory!

"Can't let him go!"

The dust flies and the dark dragons change their faces slightly, and they shout loudly!

The **** of the gods is heading to the eternal double fox, and has not yet arrived!

Once the other party returns, it is possible to drive the Eternal Kingdom to escape!

"Hey, you can't stop me, remember my words!"

Her face is very incomparably, blood red eyes, mouth in the mouth!


The next moment, her body disappeared directly!


The dust flies and they see this scene change slightly!

"This guy saw that the **** of the gods left and guessed it should be the place to go to her eternal kingdom!"

The faintness is also a slight sink!

"Escaped, the double fox **** lord escaped. Once she escaped, there was a **** sneak attack, even the Dragon Palace and the Eternal God Leaf could not hold it!"

"With so many sieges of the same level, you can escape. Is this the power of the eternal God?"

Everyone around saw the fox gods leaving, and each face showed a shocking look!

Wang Xian saw this scene is also slightly frowning!

"What do you do?"

Wang Xian frowned and said to the goddess of heaven!

"Oh, kid, now I know the old man!"

God of Heaven God smiled proudly!

"There are no artifacts, any artifacts are available, take five pieces, and take some Lingshi!"

However, he did not sloppy, he immediately said!

"it is good!"

Wang Xian nodded and said to the side of the turtle!

"Dragon King!"

Soon, five artifacts were suspended in front of Wang Xian, and there was a superb stone next to it!

"The best stone, barely enough!"

"The old man may be tired after he has shown this trick. Your boy must remember the old man's kindness and talk to me later!"

The goddess of heaven said, the artifact in front of the body rotates to form a circle!

A fascinating stone falls in the center, and a special rhythm comes from the void!

Wang Xian's eyes are full of strange looks!

The formation method, although he knows, but the real powerful master of the formation has not seen him!

The old man claimed to be the Emperor of the Nether, the Emperor of Heaven, which represents that he has a terrible accomplishment in the formation of the law!

"Dragon King, let the guy escape, we immediately chase, there is God God Lord help, should be able to take it down!"

At this time, the crabs flew over and said to Wang Xian!

Wang Xian waved at them and motioned them not to talk!


When a piece of spiritual stone falls in the center of the artifact, a single spiritual stone seems to be attacked by a horrible force and directly annihilated!

Slowly, the five artifacts also collapsed quickly!

"What is Dragon King doing?"

"I don't know, hey, that artifact has actually collapsed. What is this power!"

Some people around him saw the situation of Wang Xian, and his face was shocked!


Slowly, a black hole appears in the void!

"This is the empty enemy of the enemy, through the blood of the Lord of the Double Fox, can lock the position of his eternal kingdom!"

"Through this black hole, you can come to the sky above his eternal kingdom!"

"Hey, there is a saying in the universe, don't provoke the Master!"

The voice of the goddess of heaven was introduced into Wang Xian’s mind.

"The opposite of this black hole is determined to be the eternal **** of the Lord of the Double Fox?"

Wang Xian looked at the black hole in front, and some did not believe it!

" kid, isn't the old man who can lie to you?"

God of Heaven God heard the words of Wang Xian, angry martyrdom!

"That's not necessarily!"

Wang Xian looked at him and pointed to a dragon palace disciple to let it enter!

The disciple nodded and immediately stepped into the black hole!


By sensing the situation of the Dragon Palace disciple, Wang Xian picked a brow!

"Hey crabs, dust, and violent, follow me!"

Wang Xian's body shape moves directly into the black hole!


They didn't hesitate to squat, just follow it!

"Dragon King, what are they doing?"

Everyone around them saw Wang Xian and they entered the black hole, full of surprise colors!

"Dragon Palace, you are waiting for me, Eternal God, you are waiting for me!"

"Today, my double fox **** is your nightmare!"

At the moment, at the center of the Eternal Double Fox, a huge fox structure in the shape of a two-tailed **** is suspended in the void.

The entire two-tailed **** fox has a construction area of ​​tens of millions of kilometers!

The **** wolf screaming in the gods of the double fox **** in the country, full of faces!

(End of this chapter)

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