Chapter 2216 Ventilation Report

Tomb of the **** of the gods of the gods!

Tens of millions of people still stand there very vibrating.

The battle of the Lord God, the Dragon King, the three kings of the Lord, and the Lord of the Gods, united together, destroying the entire eternal double fox!

However, just now, the double fox **** escaped, the dragon king used a special means to tear a black hole in the void for instant transmission!

No one knows what the next situation is, and no one knows what will happen now!

Everyone vibrates and looks at the double fox continent in front!

The tens of millions of kilometers of the continent were directly defeated, and huge stones suspended in the void!

This scene shocks everyone!

"I don't know what will happen, the fox gods have escaped!"

"If she really let her escape, the Dragon Palace may be in trouble in the future!"

"That may not be, the Dragon Palace has three existences that can compete with it!"

As time went by, no one left, and they were shocked to talk about it!

"In any case, in the future, the Dragon Palace will Megatron's entire innocent star field, even if it is the power of other god-levels, if you encounter the Dragon King, you must shun it!"

Some people look at the central location of the Dragon Palace's strong!

That strong presence makes them full of awe!

In today's World War I, the Dragon Palace shocked the world!

"I don't know if the fox gods have escaped!"

The location of the Dragon Palace, a group of people of the dust gods frowned and said!

A **** Lord wants to run hard, but it is difficult to catch it!

Moreover, the revenge of a God Lord is very scary!

There are some flaws in their hearts. If the Lord of the Double Fox comes to retaliate against them in the future, they can't resist it!


At this moment, the turtle standing on the side received information, and a smile appeared on his face!

"The double fox **** is dead, the dragon palace disciple, with me to receive the eternal double fox!"

The turtles sighed softly and said loudly!


A piece of glory!

When his voice just fell, all the people around him showed a very shocking look!

They widened their eyes and shook their faces!

"The double fox gods were killed by the dragon king!"

"God Lord is fallen, Scorpio!"

Since the historical record, the first slain God Lord has appeared!

"Is this the horror of the Dragon Palace? God can kill!"

Some people are filled with a shocking look!

Even the Lord of God can kill, the entire innocent star, and who is the opponent of the Dragon Palace?

"God Lord is fallen, the Dragon Palace must be in the world!"

An old man muttered in his mouth!

"Double Fox Lord is killed, haha, great!"

However, the faces of the people of the Dust Protoss are very excited!

They know what it means!

"You are here with you, Dragon Palace!"

The owner of the Dust Protoss immediately followed the back and flew in the direction of the Eternal Double Fox!

"My God, in the future, the three gods of the Dragon Palace, plus the **** of the eternal **** of the gods, the four gods, can completely unify the entire innocent star!"

Everyone is full of shock!

Today, in addition to the Dragon Palace and the **** of the gods, the innocent star field is only the southern domain of the gods, plus the northern region of the thunder god, the central seven star god.

The three gods are obviously not the strength of the four gods of the Dragon Palace!

The Dragon Palace, in the future, in the innocent star field, will be unscrupulous!

"The double fox has fallen, this is not a good news!"

At this moment, inside a meteorite in the void, an illusory face flashes!

He heard the news and his face looked awkward!

"The Oriental **** leaves and their group, the eternal thunder and the Dragon Palace have hatred. After they have killed the double fox, they may kill the thunder!"

"If the thunder is not prepared, it will almost die!"

"Looks like..."

His eyes flashed!

Now the power of the Dragon Palace is too strong, and it is so powerful that he is a little scared to his seven-star god!

He has some grievances with the Dragon Palace, and he will not destroy him in the future!

"No, I can't make the Dragon Palace bigger. I want to inform the Lord of Thunder, otherwise the whole innocent star will not have our place!"

In the eyes of the seven-star god, the eyes flashed, and his body shape disappeared instantly!

He wants to inform the thunder gods about the things here. He also wants to go to the southern domain, looking for the gods and gods to talk about this matter, can't sit still!

The speed of the Seven Star God is very fast. When he came to the eternal thunder, it took less than half an hour!

Looking at the eternal godland in front of the thundering god, he frowned slightly!


Hesitated for a moment, he finally did not go in, but cast a stone toward the thunder **** domestic investment!

He did not dare to go too far with the thunder god!

"I hope you can send it in smoothly."

"Go to the South to find the wind and talk to the Lord!"

The Seven Star Gods took a deep look at the eternal thunder and turned to fly south!


However, at this moment, the thunder **** in the eternal **** country sits in the cultivation room!

He has been in a bad mood recently. The last time he sneaked on the Dragon King, he even escaped!

The angry Dragon Palace has occupied a few stars on the eternal thunder, making it extremely irritating!


Suddenly, he looked up into the sky and saw a smashing stone falling towards his goddom!

The stone contains a force of law that makes his eyes full of surprises!


With a wave of his arm, the stone flew directly toward him and caught it in his hand!


The next moment, a line of text appeared out of the stone out of thin air!

"The Lord of the Double Fox has been destroyed by the Dragon King. Now the Dragon Palace has three god-level existences and has the gods and gods!"

A line of words clearly fell in front of him, so that the thundering **** suddenly stood up!

"This is impossible. How can the double fox gods be killed by the Dragon Palace Dragon King!"

"How can the Dragon Palace have three gods!"

The thundering **** is full of incredible faces!

The three gods, how many gods are there in the entire innocent star field?

However, looking at the stones in front of him with his laws, his face was cloudy and uncertain!

"The law of soil properties should be the seven-star **** in the central region. The seven-star **** should not pass this message to me for no reason. He may wish that other gods will fall!"

"But he informed me that there is only one situation, this is true!"

The thundering **** body is a little trembling!

A **** lord was killed by the Dragon Palace, with his hatred of the Dragon Palace, and then the Dragon Palace is killing him!

"Damn, how could this Dragon Palace suddenly pop up so many gods!"

The thundering **** whispered a sly face!

"Can't continue here, escape..."

"But can I escape there? I am not willing!"

The face of the thundering god's main character kept changing, and his eyes slowly sizzled!

"Even if it is to escape, I want to make your Dragon King suffer!"

He looked up and his eyes were red!

(End of this chapter)

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