Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2218: Dog jumps under the wall

Chapter 2218 Dog Jumping Under the Wall


That covered a black hole of nearly ten million kilometers, completely shrouded the thunder **** and his eternal god!

In the void of the superb continent, the entire sky is unusually sunny, and the dense thunder and lightning slowly dissipate!

Eternal Kingdom of God and Black Hole, completely disappeared!

"If it is really the mainstay of Thunder God, Qingyue and Lingxiu are in danger, we must contact Xiaoxian as soon as possible!"

A group of girls saw the crisis though, but Xiao Lan Qingyue and Sun Lingxiu were also in danger!

If the attack was really a thundering god, it was a devastating blow for the blue-green moon Sun Lingxiu!

A few girls are anxious and contact me immediately!


However, at this moment, in the void of the northern region, a black hole appears slowly!

When the black hole appeared not long, a terrible thunderbolt spurted out of the black hole and attacked directly in front of the void!

In front, a planet like a fireball is suspended in the void!

Thunderbolt, precisely on the dead star!


The violent explosion sounded, and the horrible Thunderbolt directly penetrated the planet and made a fierce roar!


Followed by, a huge and eternal kingdom of God came out of the black hole, followed by a huge gray monster!

It’s too embarrassing to prevent the thundering gods from being inhaled into the black hole!

He turned his head, blood red eyes staring at the small blue appearing behind, his face full of anger!

He couldn’t think of it, and he would be taken to a vain air by a beast!

Although it is the northern region, it is far from the planet of the extraordinary continent!


The thundering gods screamed out of violent thunder and lightning, and countless thunders rushed from the eternal gods!

"You are a beast, give me death!"

He screamed, and countless lightnings condensed into one, going straight to the little blue dragonfly!

"Not good, little blue, hurry!"

Lan Qingyue saw the horrible thunder and lightning attack, and quickly turned to Xiao Lan!


Xiao Lan also felt a threat of death from the thunder, and he whispered, and a black hole appeared again in front of him!

"Damn, what is this monster? Why do I suppress a field with Shenwei, and it can also carry black holes!"

Thunder, the thunder **** once again appeared, a look of horror on his face!

The battle of the strong man above the gods can seal one area with Shenwei and prohibit the opponent from teleporting!

But now, his gods have no influence on this starry behemoth!

"Want to escape? Give me death!"

The violent scream of the thundering god, the thunder in the sky scattered, and the Qizi fell toward the small blue behind the black hole!

For a moment, the dense thunder tilted on the little blue body!


In an instant, Xiao Lan’s body was instantly splashed with blood!

"The light of hope!"

Sun Lingxiu saw the injury on Xiaolan's body, his face changed slightly, and her hands were placed on the little blue body, and the white light bloomed!

But now she is igniting her six-year-old fire, the treatment effect is only a drop in the bucket!


Xiao Lanqiang resisted a large area of ​​injury, his body penetrated into the black hole and fled!

"Dead, I will kill you today!"

The thundering **** saw that Xiaolan wanted to escape, and his face was screaming, and immediately entered the black hole to continue chasing!

"Little blue, hold on, be sure to hold on!"

Blue Qingyue looked to the rear and his face was very embarrassing!

In the face of a god, if Xiaolan is not a legendary shackle, with a strange means, it has been killed at the moment!

But then it is difficult to escape the chase of a god!


The little blue body once again entered the black hole and appeared at the boundary between the northern and eastern regions!

A huge wave of energy runs through the whole void!

However, at this time, Lan Qingyue Sun Lingxiu did not have time to view the surrounding scene!

The little blue body stepped out of the black hole, and immediately opened a huge mouth, want to continue to release!

"If you can escape from my hands, I will be suicidal if I am thrilled!"

When the little blue body has not yet entered the black hole, the voice of the thundering **** appears in the sky!


Followed by, a terrible force fell on the body of Xiaolan!

The horrible thunder and lightning will completely cover it!


The painful voice came from the mouth of Little Blue. For a moment, his whole body was darkened by lightning!

The gray body is completely black, and the purple lightning is densely covered!

Lan Qingyue and Sun Lingxiu are protected by Xiaolan!

"Little blue, consumes vitality!"

"Go into the tide ahead!"

Blue Qingyue's face is extremely embarrassing and low-pitched!


The little blue body trembled, and the black part of the body covered by lightning fell off toward the lower position!

It resists the pain in the body and goes directly into the energy tide!

"Hahaha, the vitality of your beast is really strong, but even if you have ten lives today, I will kill you!"

The thundering **** is violently screaming, suspended in the arms of the eternal gods, and a huge Thunderbolt appears in the hands!


A hundred kilometers of thunderbolt is directly attacking the small blue!


Thunder Spear fell into the little blue body and instantly penetrated it!


Xiao Lan’s painful snoring, the speed suddenly increased!

"Good horror!"

Seeing that Xiaolan is still not killed, there is a slight surprise in the eyes of the thundering god!


Behind it, there are more than a dozen Thunderbolts appearing, and they are attacking again toward Xiaolan!

"鲲 Domain!"

Blue Qingyue clasped his arm and sipped!


Out of thin air, the little blue disappeared instantly!

More than a dozen Thunderbolts passed through the location where Xiaolan was just located. Soon, Xiaolan appeared in a place 10,000 kilometers away!

"Oh, Mom, I feel the energy of the black hole, just ahead!"

At this time, Xiao Lan suddenly said to Lan Qingyue!

"Black hole? What black hole?"

Blue Qingyue glimpsed, asked immediately!

"I don't know, the road to the unknown, the black hole energy is raging, it is difficult to pass, but the little blue can pass!"

Xiao Lan said!


Lan Qingyue bit his teeth and immediately ordered him!


The little blue screamed and madly flew in the direction of the black hole!


The thundering **** saw the starry sky beast avoiding his own attack and instantly appeared 10,000 kilometers away, the wrath of the wrath!


He was in shape and immediately chased after him!

"Look, what is that?"

At this moment, in front of the energy tide, the eternal **** leaf and the eternal thunder and thunder disciples suddenly saw the giant horror of the downstream flies over, and the face showed a shocking look!

(End of this chapter)

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