Chapter 2239, The Great World

"Wang Xian Xiaoyou, will give this old paper to the old boy, don't say too much, just say after you take it!"

Behind the old woman, the goddess of heaven sent a message to Wang Xian, and a spirit paper floated in front of him!

"it is good!"

Wang Xian nodded and did not ask anything!

"Come to Xiaoxian, sit down!"

Entering the main peak of Xuantianzi, I saw him coming in and greeted him warmly!


Wang Xian nodded: "Thank you for your care!"

"Haha, I said that I don't have to be so polite!"

Xuan Tianzi shook his head and gestured to him!

Wang Xian looked at the food on the table, all of which are valuable items. The materials are all at the level of the gods!

He snorted and his eyes flashed a little surprised!

"Try it, I don't want to eat it like this, huh, I have a glass of wine, this is brewing 100,000 years of wine!"

Xuan Tianzi warmly greeted!

Wang Xian nodded, and the guest set!

Xuan Tianzi does not have any special purpose, just introduce him to some situations in the Xuantian field!

Xuantian field is one of the four major forces in Tianze mainland, and the area accounts for one-fifth of Tianze mainland!

As for how big, Wang Xian roughly calculated it, equivalent to a thousand previous earth areas!

Yes, it is a thousand, it is so horrible!

A city in the Xuantian field is equivalent to several earth sizes!

After three rounds of wine, most of them are Xuan Tianzi, and they are telling him how the gods of the gods were so powerful, how to be powerful!

How do you get the guidance of Goddess of Heaven!

However, it is obvious that Xuantianzi concealed the fact that he had been rejected by the teacher for five years!

Wang Xian found that this mysterious son is also a man of temperament, no wonder that Tianzheng would say that his heart is very good!

"Predecessors, I will not bother you, this is a Ling paper, God of Heaven, let me give you after you take me in!"

Before Wang Xian left, he took the paper out and placed it in front of Xuantianzi!


Xuan Tianzi glimpsed a little, his fingers pointed to the paper, and soon his body trembled!

"Where, whirring, some core arrays of Goddess of Heaven!"

He whispered, his face was red and his face was full of excitement!

"These core arrays are only passed on to the pro-disciples, but now you have fallen, but if my Xuantianzi can step into the emperor one day, I will take revenge for you!"

"It is possible that my talent is dull and I can't reach your realm!"

Xuan Tianzi murmured in the mouth, clenched his fist tightly!

"The next few days will master the way of the battle, and then try to earn resources and improve the strength!"

Wang Xian returned to the string peak, the heart is dark!

"Day, give me the method I can master now!"

Wang Xian said, speaking to the **** of heaven!

"You kid didn't listen to the old boy just saying that I was so arrogant? I didn't have a single apprentice for ten years!"

"Now look at you, I am almost a nanny!"

Some of the apocalypse that the gods of the gods are rare said!

"Okay, recognize yourself, you are hanging now!"

Wang Xian smiled and smiled: "When I reach the level of the Emperor, I will pinch a body!"


God of Heaven and God took a breath, and he taught me!

Now he, all count on Wang Xian!

In the next ten days, Wang Xian did not have a string of peaks. He has been practicing various methods of practitioners!

In ten days, Wang Xian has mastered more than 20 arrays, including several auxiliary arrays, and the rest are attacking arrays!

"It's a enchanting!"

Watching Wang Xian master can match the third-order array of God's Lord, and the goddess of the heavens muttered in the mouth!

At the beginning, did he master a tactic? Which one did not take hundreds of years? It's as easy as he is!

However, Goddess of Heaven also knows that this is mainly because Wang Xian has mastered seven attributes, plus his own strength is there!

Otherwise, it is impossible to master so quickly!

Seven attributes, or attribute origin, this is not a joke!

“It’s not bad, although it’s a bit of a tasteless, but it’s good to not waste too much time!”

Wang Xian stretched out and said faintly!

"Xuan Tianzi will kill you if he hears you!"

Tianzhen Shendi said faintly!

"The next thing to consider is getting resources. Do you know how to get resources quickly!"

Wang Xian’s eyes sparkled with luster, asking for the **** of heaven!

"Hey, the old man has been a emptiness **** for more than 50 million years. I don't know these things!"

God of Heaven shook his head!

Wang Xian is speechless, but think about it too. How do you know how the little **** can get resources faster?

"Go and ask the old boy, he is the dean of Xuantian College, more clearly!"

God of Heaven God suggested to him!

"it is good!"

Wang Xian nodded and immediately took out the communicator and sent a message to Xuan Tianzi!

Soon Xuan Tianzi will reply!

Wang Xian prevented him from coming to pick himself up and flew directly in the direction of Xuantian College!

There is a guardianship in the sky above the mountain peak, but Wang Xian has a token of Xuan Tianzi, which can be free from interference from the formation!

Flying in the void, Wang Xian can feel the vast atmosphere around!

This breath is like the wilderness of the legend of the earth, and the world in science fiction movies!

Cars, spaceships, and aircraft shuttles are in the world of wilderness!

Wang Xian actually saw a kind of entertainment like a bar!

Wonderful mountains and waters, wild sci-fi!

"Hey, people seem to have a lot more!"

When Wang Xian came to the towering and eye-catching Xuan Tian College, he saw a lot more people at the entrance of the college than last time!

Most of them are young men and women who are head and neck!

school starts?

Wang Xian is puzzled and walks toward the college!

"Drip, non-institute students, no entry!"

This time, Wang Xian just turned into a voice!

At the guard's office, someone immediately stared at him, and some students were curious to see it!

"Well? It's that boy!"

When a middle-aged guard saw Wang Xian, his face changed slightly and he hurriedly greeted him!

"Don't you, are you?"

In front of him, the dean who let them see the dragon and the end of the dragon personally greeted him personally!

"Go to Xuantianzi seniors!"

Wang Xian said with a smile!

"Come on, Xuan Tian College is very big, I will take you in the past!"

Middle-aged face with respect and respectfully said to him!

"That's good, trouble!"

"No trouble, no trouble!"

The last time I was still cold-faced middle-aged this time, respectfully took Wang Xian into the college!

The entire college is really big, they only came to the tower where the central dean is located in an hour before the full speed flight!

The entire college also made Wang Xian completely open-minded, too grand and majestic!

(End of this chapter)

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