Chapter 2241, Teacher Wang

"Mr. Wang Xian, it’s not long before the freshman has just reported, and there is no teacher to teach!"

"But I will start to formally choose students tomorrow morning. I will take you to the forest!"

“After the forest is the residence that the college has prepared for some of the strong in the hospital. In the future, Teacher Wang Xian can live there temporarily!”

Following the position of the director of the Golden Director from the Dean's Tower, she said to Wang Xian!

"Well, thank you Director Jin, I came to Xuantian College on the first day. I don't know much about it here. I don't know much about some teaching!"

Wang Xian said thank you to Director Jin!

"Oh, it doesn't matter, since the Dean has made you a teacher, I think your strength is enough. Teacher Wang Xian is so young, and he must be a genius!"

"Wait a minute, I will take you around the college. If you need anything, you can come directly to me!"

Director Jin’s attitude towards Wang Xian is very good!

After all, Wang Xian was brought by the dean himself, and the relationship with the dean is obviously not simple!

As the master of the Xuantian field, the dean is one of the top peaks of the entire Tianze continent. Even if she wants to see the dean once, sometimes it will take hundreds of years!

If it is not recently that they have a major event at Xuantian College, the dean will not come over!

Director Jin took him to a part of the college, the entire college is huge, and the area is at least tens of thousands of kilometers!

There are hundreds of thousands of students in the college, which is the most outstanding talent in the entire Xuantian field!

The entire college even includes a small mountain range, vast and incomparable!

"Here is Houlin, Teacher Wang Xian, you can live here, of course you can live in other places, it is just some convenience!"

Director Jin took him to a small forest in the bamboo forest, a stream flowing through the bamboo forest!

Next to the stream, there is a piece of quaint and natural house, and each house has a god-level bamboo next to it!

Wang Xian's eyes swept around, and his heart was slightly surprised. There are at least hundreds of thousands of bamboos in the entire bamboo forest. These bamboos are at least half-god!

There are even a lot of divine levels!

"The big world, the land of sorrow!"

Wang Xian can not help but sigh!

"Mr. Wang Xian, tomorrow morning, you will go to the place where I just took you. I will introduce you to other teachers!"

Director Jin said to him!

Wang Xian nodded and talked with him a few words and the director left!

He entered the courtyard, his eyes swept around, his face showing a satisfactory color!

Although not as good as the string peak, but here is also a good place to live!

As for the amount of aura, Wang Xian does not care very much. For him to want to improve quickly, engulfing resources is the fastest way!

Wang Xian took out some books about Xuantian field and Xuantian College in the middle of the course and carefully checked it out!

Tianze mainland does not have day and night, but still divides the day and night by time!

After one night passed, Wang Xian walked toward a square where Mr. Jin took him yesterday!

When he arrived, I found that there were already many people in the square!

Tens of thousands of young men and women stood in the square, standing at the forefront of more than 300 middle-aged and old people.

It can be sensed from the momentum of them, all of them are the existence of the Lord's level!

Director Kim is proud to stand in the center!

"Hey? This classmate, go to the station immediately!"

When Wang Xian came to the stage, a middle-aged man looked at him at the edge and whispered!

"I am a new teacher!"

Wang Xian said a little, smiled and said!


That middle-aged teacher is a little wrong!

"Mr. Wang Xian, come over!"

At this moment, the director of the central position saw Wang Xian, a cold and majestic face with a smile!


A group of teachers saw this scene, his face was full of strange looks!

Qi Qi’s eyes looked at Wang Xian, and many people’s faces were full of amazing looks!

"This is also a teacher, so young?"

A group of teachers are puzzled!

They are the teachers of the Fa, and now they all reach the point of establishing the law, that is, the point of eternal God!

Wang Xian is a black costume, embroidered with a colorful dragon on the costume, it looks a bit domineering!

However, the innocent face and breath, I feel that this is a teenager, maybe even younger than all the students in the field!

He will be a teacher?

"Good Kim Director!"

Wang Xian nodded and walked toward the director Jin!

Around, a group of teachers looked at each other with amazement!

Wang Xian nodded to their goodwill and walked to the side of Director Jin!

"Come to Wang Xian, this is the list of new students in this session. The top five or six hundred students are outstanding in this session!"

“Under normal circumstances, each teacher can choose two more excellent students, and the rest choose in order!”

“But Wang Xian’s teacher can choose his own students and see which one to choose!”

Director Jin said to Wang Xian!

Wang Xian heard her words slightly, and all the teachers around her eyes were wide open, and I immediately looked over!

"Director Jin, how can this be..."

An old man next to him frowned, and immediately said that he was dissatisfied!

However, his words have not been finished, and Director Jin directly raised his arm and motioned him to shut up!

The old man stunned, and he was also a descendant of the immortal king of Xuantian. Although he was separated from Xuantianzi by more than a dozen generations, it was also a good one!

He did not expect that Director Jin would interrupt him directly!

Usually, Kim will give him a face!

But he is not stupid, seeing his words interrupted, his eyes flashing to see Wang Xian!

"This is a bit bad, just do it like other teachers!"

Wang Xian knows that this is the director Jin gave him a back door, and said slightly silently!

"Nothing, you are a new teacher and you are the oldest. It is time to take care of you!"

Director Jin said without hesitation!

Some teachers around are slightly embarrassed, this kind of thing has never happened in Xuantian College!

Sometimes in order to compete for an elite disciple, even the descendants of Xuantianzi God King also earned a red face!

Now, let this young man directly choose the student, this Nima, if he chooses 30 out of the five or six hundred outstanding disciples, then the college will be more disadvantaged than they are in the future!


Wang Xian nodded helplessly!

The students below also saw the Wang Xian on the stage and heard the words of the teachers!

This makes many students stunned!

"This is also a teacher, it is too young!"

"I am going, he can choose students directly!"

"Wow, this is the teacher. The teacher of Xuantian College is asking for the strength of the eternal God. Can he establish the law?"

"This is too young and handsome. My God, he turned out to be our teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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