Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2254: Dragon Palace warfare

Chapter 2254, Dragon Palace Warfare

When a dozen people just walked here, they saw two eternal god-level Hummers coming out of the store!

These ten people are not strong, and the highest ones ignite the five gods!

Seeing the sea monsters of the eternal **** level, almost scared the urine!

If not two Hummers are directly there, they may have escaped directly!

Now I saw them quietly squatting at the door of the store, and everyone looked at the shops behind the two eternal god-level battle pets!

"The Dragon Palace warfare, this pet shop is so powerful, it has tamed two adult lord-level adult warfare, and also squats at the door to attract guests!"

"The opposite of the newly opened Beast House is also the two nine-story gods fighting at the door, here is actually the **** level, is this shop more powerful than the opposite Beast House!"

"A pet shop, it is already very powerful to be able to take out the level of God, let us go and see!"

Several people hesitated and walked toward the store!

They carefully looked at the two Hummers at the door and saw that they had no movement and came to the door!


When they were just close to the store, they felt a violent violent momentum coming from inside!

This makes their face change!

"This... inside!"

But soon, the people who came over opened their eyes and stared at the inside of the store with incredible eyes!

The shop is not very big, you can see a part at the door!

They saw a humming sea monster in the level of the eternal god, and at least one dozen at a glance!

This is where they can see!

The horrible momentum and pressure in the store made them feel trembling!

Above the realm of the eternal God, or three million stone can enter, the rest are forbidden!

At the door of the store, stand a sign!

"This... there are a lot of eternal god-level warfare pets, and this requirement, even as long as the eternal **** level, or three million **** stone valuers enter!"

"My embarrassed, when did this pet shop open, how could it be so strong, how can there be so many god-level battles inside!"

The shocked voice came from their mouths, and several people stood at the door and didn't go in!

They are not qualified to go in, nor dare to enter inside!

But this can't stop their curiosity and shock!

"This is the main sea monster of Hummer, this is the tamed Hummer **** sea monster, hey, when is this street more such a pet shop!"

"There are two outside, you look inside, at least a dozen or so, no, lying, you see there, there are a few Hummer gods and cubs there, this Nima is the main sea of ​​the horse Is it strange?"

"This dragon palace warfare is too powerful, too much than the opposite of the beast house!"

Soon, the two Hummer gods and sea monsters attracted everyone passing by, they came to the door of the store, even more stunned!

The sound of the discussion sounded, less than three minutes, gathered hundreds of people around!

As time goes by, more and more people gather around the Dragon Palace War Pet Shop!

Some young people saw this adult eternal god-in-law, filled with a hot look, and some people hesitated to start contacting their predecessors!

Eternal God can be called a strong, this level is very difficult to fall!

The life of an eternal God is millions of years, and the family has an eternal God who sits in the town, at least for hundreds of thousands of years!

It is not so easy to advance to the eternal God, the whole world chooses hundreds of millions of people on the mainland, and the eternal God is only 70,000 people!

Seven thousand and eighty thousand eternal gods and strong men seem to be many, but according to the population, an eternal **** may appear in thousands of people!

It is very difficult to cultivate a strong eternal **** level!

It is self-evident that you can get a war pet of an eternal god-level in adulthood!

As time goes by, more and more people gather here again, in less than ten minutes, there are thousands of people gathered around!

"What is the opposite situation, how can I hear people say that there are twenty or thirty eternal god-level wars? Isn't it? Deceptive!"

"There are two Hummer gods and beasts there at the opposite door. There are twenty or thirty eternal god-level war pets in the pet shop."

The Beast House has just opened today and has been advertised for a long time. There are many people who come to their stores!

Even many people at the door didn't go in!

Now I heard that there is a more powerful pet shop on the opposite side. Some people still don’t believe it at first!

But then, when they noticed that some strong people were heading for it, they had to believe it!

The distance of one kilometer is not very far, and some people can't help but look at it in the past!

There are also some people who have made their own past look at it!

The news was quickly passed over, and there was indeed twenty or thirty god-level warfare pets in the pet shop of the Dragon Palace.

And it’s still a sea monster!

Hummer sea monsters, water properties, body size of about 10 meters, this is an ideal mount, especially into the underground sea, and then fit!

After they got the news, they were in a daze, and immediately rushed to the opposite side!

"There is a price on the wall, not the price, stay in the store for up to ten minutes, do not buy to leave directly!"

At this moment, Wang Xian sat in a chair in the store, next to a pot of tea!

He looked at the people who came in and reminded them!

The strong eternal gods who just came in heard the words of Wang Xian, and looked at Wang Xian, who was sitting on the side of tea!

"You are the boss here!"

A middle-aged woman asked some questions!


Wang Xian responded faintly, no more!

"The three eternal gods, the second-order Hummer, the twenty-two eternal gods, the first-order Hummer, seven cubs, this should be to find the Hummer nest!"

"I am able to tame so many gods and sea monsters. I must be a powerful master of animal husbandry. I don't know which one?"

An old man’s eyes looked at the heat and looked around Wang Xian!

"If you don't buy, go out!"

Wang Xian sprinkled five words coldly, not so much time and they were very polite.

The eternal god-level warfare is not lacking in the purchase of people, and what is the use of them?


The old man glimpsed a little, his face slowly ugly!

"The young man doesn't have to be angry. You adults don't teach you to meet the eternal God..."


The old man’s face was a little bad, but his words had not been finished, and he immediately sensed that all the Hummer gods and sea monsters around him would completely lock him!

The low voice is coming!

The old man’s face changed and he quickly retreated to the outside!

"Rules and prices are written on the wall!"

Wang Xian looked at the rest of the eternal gods with some vigilance, a faint reminder!

(End of this chapter)

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