Chapter 2262 has a reputation

"The Dragon Palace fights!"

In front of the store, everyone looked at the pet shop in front of them!

"It seems that the curse is the boss of the Dragon Palace war!"

"Absolutely, if it weren't for him, he would come out and explain it. After all, this is a sinful thing!"

"The boss of this Dragon Palace war pet is not simple, actually cursing the technique, who dares to provoke such an enemy?"

Some people look at the eyes of the shop of the Dragon Palace and show their awe-inspiring look. Even the strongman of the eternal god-level level is full of taboos!

The scene just now is that everyone sees it in the eyes. Such a strange scene, even the strong masters of the four rules are instantly hit hard, without the ability to resist!

The law enforcement officers are also standing there, and there is no evidence at all!

Once you provoke such a person, you really don’t know how to die!

Even if it is stronger than the strength, before you provoke such a person, you should also consider the consequences!

If you master five or six rules, you should avoid this kind of person!

Because he can't kill you, but he can curse your family and friends. Under this strange curse, the weak can't resist it!


Listening to the surrounding arguments, Shangguanzhe and Shi Zhengyang are filled with pale colors on their faces!

The curse of the array, if the previous lineup appeared on them, then they are dead, 100% dead!

Thinking of the mentor’s horror, several people shivered and their eyes filled with fear!

"Go, let's see the masters and their situation!"

Shangguanzhe’s fear of a little glance at the Dragon Palace war pets, immediately flew to the position of Xuantian College!

"The price in the Dragon Palace War Pet Store is fairly fair, let's go, let's go in and buy some!"

Some of the eternal god-level powerhouses hesitated to enter the pet store!

They have no conflict with the boss of the Dragon Palace, but the guests are not, the other party will not deal with them with curse!

A strong group of people enters into it, and buys a squadron!

And what happened in the Dragon Palace warfare, spread quickly to the island of Tianhai!

Not to mention the strange cursing technique, just the value of fighting the pet, is enough to cause a sensation in the Tianhai island!

More and more strong people who get the news go to the Dragon Palace War Pet Shop!

"I thought that this beast house would be a trouble. I didn't expect this dragon palace to be more troublesome. The price is much cheaper than ours. Damn, this has a great impact on us!"

"It has a big impact. The other party opens a day. Unless we have to cut prices, there will be no business!"

"The other party is just a small shop. It shouldn't be a steady stream of pets. If that's the case, it would be a devastating blow to our gods!"

"Look first, if the other party has a steady stream of pets, then we have to prepare for it!"

Located in one of the streets, two old people stood there, slightly frowning and looking at the direction of the Dragon Palace!

The two talked slowly, and finally they turned away!

"This curse is mysterious. There are not a few curses of curiosity in the world. We can't solve this curse. Maybe the dean can unlock it!"

However, at this moment, in a courtyard of Xuantian College, an old man holding a compass said to the middle-aged tutor with a dignified face!

"But this curse is not fatal to you, and the curse effect is almost over!"

Followed by the old man continued.

"Master Jing, even if it is not fatal, such a serious injury must be restored for decades!"

Shi Lao said with a bitter face!

Although the curse on them is not fatal, it takes decades to recover naturally!

Unless you spend a lot of resources to recover quickly, it is too expensive!

"Recover slowly, fear that the other party will continue to curse you, but don't worry too much. The caster can only continue to curse if you get your hair and blood. The blood and flesh of every curse will be dissipated directly!"

The old man holding the compass said, his eyes sparkling: "Who are you offended? This curse falls on you and can withstand, below your strength, you may have a chance to fall!"

"Ninety-nine percent of the youth is the home of the war pet!"

Shi Lao and the middle-aged tutor looked at each other and said with a gloomy face!

"The House of Warfare, Youth? A master of the master who knows how to curse is very dangerous. I ask someone to check it!"

The old man holding the compass slightly picked up his eyebrows!

"That troubles the director!"

The middle-aged tutor said respectfully!

"Nothing, so the character is also going to pay attention!"

The old man holding the compass shook his head and took out the brain to mobilize the power!

Xuantian College is the master of the entire Xuantian field. The entire Xuantian field is centered around Xuantian College!

The dean is the supreme ruler of the entire Xuantian field!

Directors like them also have the right to let the law enforcement department help investigate a person, and it's okay!

But they have no law enforcement power!

The middle-aged tutor and Shi Laoqiang resisted the pain in their bodies and waited quietly!

For the young people, although they are very jealous, but this hatred is not reported, they are not reconciled!




Not long after, Shangguanzhe and Shi Zhengyang came over and shouted in the courtyard!

"Well, sit down!"

The old man holding the compass nodded, Shangguanzhe and Shi Zhengyang are the pride of Xuantian College, and the old people know them very well!

For those who have great confidence in stepping into the realm of the eternal God, the teachers are also more polite!

"There is news!"

At this moment, the old man holding the compass said something, when he saw the contents of the brain, he gave a slight glimpse!

"Director, what is the identity of the other party?"

The middle-aged tutor asked immediately!

"This is the end of the matter. He is the freshman tutor of our Xuantian College. Director Jin brought it!"

The old man holding the compass said directly!


"Is the teacher of our college? Did you bring him?"

The middle-aged mentor and the stone old face are slightly changed, and Shangguanzhe is also full of surprises!

"If you provoke the other party first, let's just do it. The other party knows that your identity will not be any more!"

The old man holding the compass waved at them and motioned them to leave!

"It's Jing Director, we know!"

The middle-aged tutor nodded and frowned slightly.

The other party is also the teacher of Xuantian College. They want to take advantage of the power of the college to revenge! Don't think about it!

There are more than 10,000 teachers in the college, and there are conflicts between the teachers. However, this conflict must not be killed or assassinated. If you anger the dean, you will die!

(End of this chapter)

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