Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2278: Young man, work hard

Chapter 2278 Young man, work hard


This time, the ice crocodile did not bite in the mouth, but swallowed it directly inside the stomach!


It whispered, although I didn't understand how the prey in it was not dead, but now it is inside its stomach and will soon be digested!


It is a little disdainful to call again, ready to digest food!

"Touch and touch!"

However, at this moment, it suddenly felt that the position behind it was tight, there was something to be drilled, and the ice-drilled crocodile eyes showed an incomparably angry look!

"I... you are a beast, you **** beast, and I will ride on your head every day!"

The invincible method of warfare flies out from the position behind the ice drill crocodile. As for which position, this is naturally there!

The invincible tactics of a rushing out of the face will be angry and arrogant!

But this time he didn't dare to stand there and yell, and desperately fled in the direction of Wang Xian!


This time, the ice crocodile was completely angry, swaying his huge incomparable tail and swept straight toward the invincible warfare!


The horrible crash came, and the invincible law flew directly hundreds of kilometers, and in the air it turned tens of thousands of heads!

"I Nima..."

The invincible tactics of the warfare were invincible, and he stabilized his body shape and screamed. He looked back at the ice crocodile!

"You are a beast, there is a kind of come with Lao Tzu!"

He turned and screamed toward the ice crocodile!


The snoring of the ice crocodile has changed a bit and you can see its anger!

In its view, the invincible warfare is just a weak ant, an ant dare to provoke himself three times and four times, and absolutely can't let him go!


The speed of the ice crocodile is very fast, and the distance of 100 kilometers is not used for one second!

And the invincible warfare is also desperate to escape!

"Are you kind of hitting me with my tail?"

He is squatting!


A loud noise!

"Nima, missed, you are a beast, the position can also be biased!"

While escaping while escaping, the invincible tactics of the warfare, or very few talents can do it!


The more violent anger sounded, the invincible warfare soon began his own escape route!

Midway, I don’t know how many times I was swallowed, how many times I was swept by my tail!

"Hey? How do you have the voice of the screaming of the young man? You shouldn’t, then the middle two are so powerful!"

Wang Xian, who was sitting there and resting, suddenly heard a voice, and he immediately looked around!


At this time, he saw countless ice arrows falling one after another on the invincible warfare!

Even if he has the best defense, it is also a mess of hair at the moment, the whole person looks very embarrassed!

"Wang boss, give it to me, kill me!"

A screaming scream came, smelling the sad listener crying!

"The fifth step of the Eternal God, ice crocodile!"

At this time, Wang Xian's face is also dignified, this sea monster, but the same level of existence!

"However, the surrounding array has already been laid out, there should be no big problem, it may take some time to tame it!"


Wang Xian’s heart is in the dark, and the formation is immediately open!

Black hole nuisance!

Water dragon bound!

Ice seals!

Three arrays, instantly open, surrounded by ice crocodile!


In the range of thousands of kilometers, the seawater is condensed into two huge water dragons, and the water dragons are entangled toward the ice crocodile!


The ice crocodile found himself ambushing and screaming!

It smashed into a glacier and slammed into two water dragons!


However, the water dragon **** is the sea monster that can fight the fifth order of the eternal god, and entangles the ice drill crocodile!

But this array of methods, absolutely can not be entangled for how long!


The next moment, the array of ice seals played a role, the two water dragons immediately turned into ice dragons, wrapped around the ice drill crocodile!

The sea water within a thousand kilometers is also instantly solidified!

Invincible in the warfare, the whole person is also bound to move inside!

"Array method, the top of the mountain!"

During this period, Wang Xian continued to prepare for the formation!

A khaki with a thick luster, like a special planet-like peak appeared in the sky, continue to suppress the ice crocodile!

Three consecutive terrorist attacks, there is no pause in the middle!



The ice drill crocodile instantly spills a lot of silver blood, and it shows fear and anger in the eyes!


Its terrible tail sweeps through the ice and violently attacks the mountain in the sky!

"Array, dark invasion!"

Wang Xian stood in the distance and continued to use the array. He was not prepared to use his own power, but also left a card!


After a dozen seconds, a group of creeping darkness attacked the ice crocodile, and the darkness fell on it, madly squeezing into its body!

"This guy's strength is strong, and the Master is really good!"

The invincible warfare saw that the ice drill crocodile was tied up, watching Wang Xian’s attack, his face full of surprised look!

"How can this guy be so enchanting, the eternal **** can be dealt with in the fifth order, and it is still a master of the beast!"

The invincible tactics of the warfare were blocked by the ice, and they could only go out of their way!

"Array method, bright and beautiful!"

Wang Xian stood in the distance, and the array of methods kept releasing!

He is not trying to kill the ice crocodile, but to conquer it, but before he accepts it, he must first dare not resist!

Because it is the same level, so you want to tame it, to meet several conditions, the time required is several times more!

The trapped ice-drilled crocodile can't escape, especially Wang Xian's continuous attack!

However, it is still fiercely rebellious!

Even after five hours, it is still fierce!

Wang Xian is not in a hurry, continue to afflict it, he does not believe that this ice drill crocodile will not be afraid, will not surrender!

Next, Wang Xian took a full day and a half to make the ice crocodile wilting lying there!

The next tame was a lot easier, and it took about four hours!

"The first eternal **** of the fifth-order sea monster, if you sell it, you will be steadily elevated to the second-order, even third-order!"

Wang Xian blinked his eyes and was excited!

Withdrawal of the formation, Wang Xian sat on the body of the ice crocodile, treating the injury on it!

Then he summoned its **** country, Wang Xian looked inside and found that there are still many good babies, which makes him feel very cool!

This is here, it’s worth it!

"This ice drill crocodile I want, I want it!"

Just then, a voice rang at the side!


Wang Xian gave him a look and asked!

" is what you said. You can choose one of all the pets. I tell you, don't think about it now!"

The invincible face of the warfare is red and pointing to Wang Xian, angry martyrdom!

"Idiot, you will help me catch an eternal fifth-order and want to go? Are you stupid or I am stupid?"

Wang Xian looked at him disdainfully.

"If you can get a few more, I can consider, young man, work hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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