Chapter 2296 kills and kills


A horrible roar sounds in the animal farm of the Taming Academy!

The energy filled with annihilation falls on the body of Shangguanzhe and Shi Zhengyang, and it instantly explodes!

The gray energy directly dissipates two people!

The two men who just stood there proudly, have disappeared completely at this time, and even a trace of ashes has not been left!


A terrified scream came out from the mouths of several female students around!

They looked at the position where Shangguanzhe and Shi Zhengyang were in a stunned look, and their eyes swept over Wang Xian, and their eyes were full of fear!

Shangguanzhe, Shi Zhengyang, was killed, and was killed!

"what's going on?"

"what happened?"

Some people around me looked over and their faces were full of doubts!

Sudden explosions made them shocked too!

Some people dare to do it in the animal farm!

"what happened?"

At this time, two teachers in the animal farm flew over and frowned and looked around!

Because Shangguanzhe and Shi Zhengyang directly dissipated, people who did not see, did not know what happened specifically!

"He... he killed Shangguanzhe and Shi Zhengyang, he killed them!"

A girl pointed at Wang Xian with some horror, but her body shape continued to retreat toward the rear!


The two teachers were slightly stunned and their faces were full of wrong looks!

They look at Wang Xian, and the atmosphere directly locks it!

"I am a college teacher. This school will come to me naturally, and I will naturally explain it!"

Wang Xian looked at the two teachers and walked straight to the outside!

"Hey, he really killed Shangguanzhe and Shi Zhengyang!"

The two teachers were shocked when they heard him, and their faces were full of shocked look!

When Wang Xiang left, the two looked at each other and one person followed Wang Xian’s side. One immediately informed the strongman of the Taming Academy and Shangguan Zhezhen Shi Zhengyang and their teacher!


At this time, everyone in the entire animal farm also shook!

"Shangguanzhe Shi Zhengyang was killed and killed by a teacher. What hatred they have!"

"I saw it just now, and I killed it in an instant. They didn't even have ashes!"

"Oh, it’s too horrible, why did the teacher directly kill Shangguanzhe and Shi Zhengyang!"

The shocked voice rang in the animal farm, and everyone’s eyes widened and felt incredible!

The teacher is a student, this is the first time in Xuantian College!

Even if the students made a great mistake, there are law enforcement to deal with it. Now it’s killing on the spot, and there’s nothing left in the ashes. It’s fierce!

This matter spreads in Xuantian College at a horrible speed and spreads on the brain!

At the same time, Shangguanzhe's teacher is also his master. Shi Zhengyang's grandfather Shi Lao, soon got the news that they were killed!

When they learned about this, the whole person was paralyzed and immediately flew toward the college!

At the same time, the dean of the Taming Academy, the strongest of the eternal gods, and the directors of the Taming Academy, also got the news!

The Tianjiao of the two animal training institutes was killed, which is a big event for the entire Xuantian Academy!

The high-level officials of the Taming Academy immediately flew toward the court, and the strong teachers of other institutes also had some curiosity!

At this moment, Director Jin also received the news. When she learned that Wang Xian had killed a student’s parents and killed two Tianjiao of the Taming Academy, the look was also stunned!


Looking at the news, she feels very tricky!

Wang Xian is personally arranged by the dean. Can the dean personally pay attention to the arrangement, will it be ordinary people?

Wang Xian is now making these few things. Although the sin is not dead, it is also a violation of the rules of Xuantian College. It is a heavy punishment!

"Always ask the Dean!"

Director Kim murmured and immediately sent a message to the Dean!


"What happened to Director Jin? The teachers of your court have killed our college arrogance. Why have you not suppressed it?"

At this time, the door was opened and the three figures rushed in!

Two old men, a monster, full of anger!

"Green Vice President, Director Hua, Demon Brother, I know this, I am waiting for the dean's reply!"

Director Jin saw that they all came in, screamed and stood up bitterly!

"Wait the Dean reply? This little thing still needs the Dean's reply? The teacher's strong killing of the student has a bad influence. He will be directly detained to..."


The old man in the center said, suddenly there was a terrible energy in the room!

Director Jin’s face changed slightly, and he quickly fell down and his face was full of awe!

The rest of the people are also slightly diminished, standing there respectfully!

"If you kill, kill it!"

The energy has not yet condensed into the adult shadow, just disappearing with a single sound!

However, several strong men in the Taming Academy have a slight look, and their faces are full of wrong looks!

Their dean has always been unselfish, even if his offspring made mistakes, they are still guilty of the same people, now...

Some of them were wrongly looking at Director Jin. Director Jin told the Dean in advance that he might know something!

"I don't know much, but the teacher Wang is personally arranged by the dean!"

Director Jin opened his mouth and said to several people!

"The dean personally arranged? A few days ago, the doorman came to inform that a young man came to the college, and the dean personally picked it up, this..."

Vice President Qing’s eyes widened and his eyes sparkled!

"This is the end of the matter. Cai Qiaoqing’s mother came to make trouble and was deserved to be guilty on the spot!"

"Shangguanzhe and Shi Zhengyang secretly disrespected the teachers of the college and violated the strong. If they kill, they will kill!"

"The two teachers and family members, let's deal with it!"

Director Jin looked at them and said Shen Sheng!

"it is good!"

A group of people nodded, no objection!

Since the dean has spoken, even if the teacher Wang has killed anyone for no reason, he will not be guilty!

Dean's words are higher than anything in Xuantian!

"The deputy dean, the director, the teacher Wang, how to deal with the crimes of Shangguanzhe and Shi Zhengyang, the deputy dean, this kind of teacher must not be so let go, so affected..."

"All right!"

A few people walked out of the room, and the Shangguan Zheyi, who was waiting outside, snorted with a sullen voice, but he did not speak, and he was directly interrupted by Vice President Qing!

"The two weak people dare to make small moves to the strong behind them, and die when they die. This is the end of the matter!"

"If anyone dares to secretly deal with the teacher, don't blame us, Xuantian College is welcome, you will go back and tell their loved ones, this time they are dead!"

Vice President Qing said to them seriously!

A group of teachers outside was slightly surprised, and his face was full of shock!

(End of this chapter)

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