Chapter 2298 is on the fire

"There is a pit in the mind of Wang Xian. He just sent a message asking me if I can buy a pet. This guy, this lady looks beautiful and doesn't look for me to chat. Now I even ask me if I can buy a war pet!"

"I also received his message and said that there are also a lot of eternal gods' wars. Does this guy want to hang us!"

"It is possible that the sisters have noticed, and if there is anything, report it quickly!"

Zhi brain, Xuan Tian descendants are now unmarried girls, a group of girls received Wang Xian's information!

When they saw the information, the corner of the mouth pumped, and the eyes of Wang Xian were stunned!

Suddenly, the whole group was so lively that no girl responded to Wang Xian’s message!

"The middle-aged strongman who came to the last seven or eight rules did not return. What are you doing?"

At this moment, Wang Xian’s face in the Dragon Palace Battle Pet Store showed a hint of helplessness!

Just a few people contacted him but didn't buy it!

Even if there is, I only buy one, and there are too many warfare in his hands!

"Would you like to advertise?"

Wang Xian’s heart is dark!

You can advertise in the brain, as long as you have money, you can spread the whole world!

Even if you are willing to give up the blood, even if you open your brain, you will automatically pop up an advertisement.

"Playing an advertisement, this time the Dragon Palace fights like a fire, the next time you don't have to be so troublesome!"

"The war pet, after all, is a precious thing, you can buy it if you want to buy it!"

Wang Xiankou muttered, decided to play a wave of advertising, and still play a big ad!

He bit his teeth, thought about it, opened the brain, and started editing a video!

This video is naturally a video of the recent wolf howling!

At present, this heat is very high. It is estimated that hundreds of millions of people in Tianze mainland have seen this video!

The comments below are all the yearning and longing for the war pets!

Taking advantage of this hot wave of advertising, it is still possible!

Wang Xian edited with wisdom brain!

Title: 3,521 ice-winged wolf roaring, invincible under the ice, alligator mounts, all from the Dragon Palace battle pet!

The title comes with a video of a crowd of ice-winged wolves, and a strip of text is worn below!

It says: The strength of the invincible waste of warfare is like a man who wants to guard a city. It is simply an idiotic dream. He is riding from the Dragon Palace Wars, and more than 3,000 ice-cutting wolves are also from the Dragon Palace Wars!

Now the Dragon Palace Wars sells all ice-cutting wolves, sells a large number of Beixiao Sirius, and sells the Eternal God's fifth-order sea monster ice drill crocodile....

A text is attached to it, Wang Xian looked at the price of promotion!

"Black, it's really black. If you want to promote the entire Tianze continent, you need a **** stone that can rival the third-order pet of the Eternal God. It can make the Dragon Palace add a few eternal gods!"

Wang Xian was dark, but he decided to make a **** one!

As long as this propaganda goes out, the battlefield of his Dragon Palace will be famous for Tianze Continent!

In the future, when you catch a tame sea monster, you can sell it as long as you post a message. It is extremely convenient!

Such a big promotion is not done in the brain!

In less than half an hour, a middle-aged came to the Dragon Palace War Pet Shop!

Middle-aged is a brain-minded staff, dedicated to promotion!

Wang Xian's promotion on such a scale naturally requires offline trading!

"Sir, the invincible young master of the warfare is the place where the law of war is the ultimate arrogance, the identity is extraordinary, your word, cough, will anger the invincible young master of the warfare, will also make the land of warfare dissatisfied!"

Negotiating everything, middle-aged watching the propaganda of Wang Xian’s editor, coughing, and asked a little embarrassed!

"Nothing, there is nothing to come to me!"

Wang Xian waved his hand, and the invincible method of warfare really dared to come to him, he was really happy!

Nima, now even the information does not return to him, the next time I see, let him know that the money is the grandson!

"Okay, as long as you must do this, then our brains will be so publicized, promote the whole brain, promote the time one day, give away two hours, and we will also give some first-level promotion!"

The middle-aged nodded, and discussed some details, leaving directly!

Wang Xian's promotion of this level, the promotion costs are very high, not everyone is promoting every day!

Therefore, middle-aged people report to the top level on the brain, and soon promote it!

Wang Xian opened the brain and looked at it, and immediately saw an advertisement about the Dragon Palace War Pet Shop in a more conspicuous place in the brain!

The promotion effect is very good. In less than ten minutes, Wang Xian saw that the number of views of the Dragon Palace War Pet Store reached tens of millions, and it is increasing at a speed of horror!

In the lower part of the Dragon Palace Wars, all kinds of information has increased wildly!

"Really, the more than 3,000 ice-cutting wolves come from the Dragon Palace war pets, and now the Dragon Palace war pets are for sale!"

“Let’s come to see the rich, a pet shop to promote it like this!”

"The trough, even directly said that the invincible method of warfare is waste, the shopkeeper is on your way, the entire land of warfare will not let you go!"

One by one recovery appears below!

Especially recently, the video heat of the roaring wolf and the invincible heat of the warfare are very high!

Now a big advertisement, directly say that the warfare is invincible!

Directly sell the more than 3,000 ice-cutting wolves, and also said that the invincible mount under the law comes from the Dragon Palace war pets, which naturally attracts the attention of countless people!

And, this ad is spreading at a crazy speed!

Not only because of the promotion of brains, but also because it involves invincible warfare!

After all, the entire Tianze mainland, who does not know that the war is invincible is the eternal arrogance, now called waste...

In the land of tactics, when everyone saw this news, his face was full of wrong looks!

Someone is angry, someone is yelling!

But more powerful people are slightly surprised!

The invincible master of the tactics has the fifth-order ice drill crocodile mount of the eternal god, and all the strong have already learned!

This ice crocodile was not sent by the ancestors. When the warfare was invincible, it was said that riding the ice crocodile directly rushed into the ancestors to show off, and the result was thrown out!

Not sent by the ancestors, it may really come from the Dragon Palace war pet!

No, looking at the promotional video, all the strong players are almost certain, the ice felling wolf and the ice drill crocodile are from the Dragon Palace battle pet!

This has made many strong people feel hot, if it is really like the introduction of the Dragon Palace, they still have a lot of eternal gods!

For such a mount, is that not tempted?

If you buy dozens of ice-winged wolves, you can let the family soldiers unite their mounts, and the combat power can be improved!

“Whether it’s true or not, be sure to check it out!”

"Dare to spend such a big price to promote, can't be fake!"

"The above said that there are hundreds of warlords at the eternal **** level. If it is true, it is simply crazy!"

Many of the strongest people in the mainland have been eager to move around, and some people immediately rushed to the field of Xuantian!

(End of this chapter)

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