Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2303: Offended people and all sold out

Chapter 2303 offenders and all sold out

"You...all your pets are sold to one party, let us wait here for so long?"

The middle-aged man next to Xuan Umbrella looked at the federal middle-aged to buy all the war pets. After seeing the consent of the Dragon Palace war pet boss, his face showed an angry look!

They were rushed out of the front line of the Xuantian field. They were just rushed out and now lined up. All the pets were wrapped up by one person!

Especially these war pets are very jealous, just leave, how can they be willing?

"We are waiting for the Quartet here, don't say anything else, at least to spread some of it!"

The sword middle field is also the cold middle of the middle of the year, staring at Wang Xian, some cold in the eyes!

"Yes, Wang Xian, business is not what you do!"

Xuan Umbrella is also a calm face on the side of the road!

Everyone stared at Wang Xian, and his eyes were full of unpleasant colors!

"Everyone, this blame the boss. The last time I came, I sold it all out. You can wait for the next time!"

"Our federal royal family is ready to build a beast army, and please give us a face to the federal royal family!"

The middle-aged federal saw dissatisfaction with the other three parties and said to them faintly!

"We are naturally giving the face of the federal royal family, but we have to face too. We don't say anything else. We ran so far, not even one, we are willing? Others will be willing?"

An old man in the land of warfare took a look at the federal middle age, faintly said!

"I didn't let you come over!"

Wang Xian heard his words and said faintly!

He didn't call people to ask people to come and buy war pets, they came by themselves!


The face of the old man in the land of warfare was instantly embarrassed, and his eyes stared coldly at Wang Xian!

"Little brother, you promote it on the brain, and bluntly say that our warfare land is absolutely invincible. It is a waste thing. We haven't found a statement yet!"

"Invincible in the war is the star of tomorrow in our land of warfare, but not everyone can insult it!"

The old man said that the momentum of the body is brewing!

"Hey, we are invincible, the young master can be insulted by anyone alone! And it is so unscrupulously filthy!"

Behind the old man, a young man stared at Wang Xian coldly, his eyes filled with Senran!

Wang Xian’s indiscriminate use of such a large-scale promotion is indiscriminate. It has caused dissatisfaction among many people in the land of warfare!

In particular, the invincible support groups of the warfare have already sprayed in the message area of ​​the Zhinao Palace.

It’s just that Wang Xian’s meeting didn’t look at the brain!


Several other forces have seen this scene a slight glimpse, and the dragon palace war pets promote the blunt warfare invincible is a waste thing they naturally know!

They are naturally incomprehensible in the invincible identity of the warfare. The land of warfare is not as good as it is. Once it is true, no one else will say anything!

After all, insulting people first, killing him in the land of warfare and dare to help out?

"Oh, you don't say that the second half of the war is good. Since you are so familiar with the second in the war, then he will owe me fifteen eternal gods and give me the fifth-order remedy!"

"His uncle, the ice crocodile sold to him, owed the account, I sent him a message, he did not reply, it seems that he wants to pay the bill, if you can contact him, let him give the remedy I sent it, or you give it to me!"

Wang Xian saw a few faces full of anger in the land of the tactics, and even brewed momentum, his eyes showing a disdainful look!

The invincible guy in the tactics still owes money to himself. Are you still in his head and arrogant in front of me?


Everyone in the land of the tactics was stunned, and the momentum of the body disappeared instantly, and some of them looked at each other!

"Come here, whoever can contact him in invincible contact with the warfare, can't contact him to contact his family!"

Wang Xian continued to say to them!

This time, a group of people in the land of warfare is speechless, and they feel very impressed at this moment!

They did not think of it, the invincible warfare actually owed money to the Dragon Palace war pet!

They are also arrogant to avenge invincible young masters, but people do not even bird them, even disdain to account!

This Nima is simply a shame!

The atmosphere suddenly became strange, and the rest of the people also looked at the land of warfare in a wrong way!

"We don't know this thing well, but if the warfare is invincible and owes you a remedy, you will definitely pay you back, and you will never owe it!"

The old man in the land of warfare said a little reddish!

"Next time, if there is a war pet, please let us know in advance!"

A middle-aged man next to the land of the tactics said a word, looking at his own person!


Yes, they are gone!

They didn't even think that they would be so embarrassed!

"Invincible really owes him medicinal herbs? Fifteen eternal god-level medicinal herbs, this is not a small amount!"

"This... It is really possible that the invincible mount is not given by the ancestors, nor is it tamed by him. He only buys it. Although he has money, he can't afford a fifth-order mount of the eternal god. Is owing money!"

The people in the land of the tactics are walking, while still whispering!

They are not on behalf of the entire tactics to buy war pets, but a war department representing the tactics, is it really invincible for the war law to pay back!

No, they understand the invincible virtues of the warfare!

The people in the land of the tactics went to the sword field in the shop and the front line of Xuan Tian, ​​the face of the sergeant looked gloomy!

"Please also give the two faces!"

In the middle ages of the Confederate, he saw that there was one less force. He sighed with relief and bowed his hand to the sword field and the Xuantian front line!

"The next time I will get a pet in the Dragon Palace, I will inform you in advance!"

Wang Xian said in a faint voice!

"it is good!"

A group of people in the sword field hesitated, and no more trouble, turned and left!

"Little brother, you sell war pets on Tianhai Island, at least people in our Xuantian field, and you should help yourself!"

The sword field and the land of warfare left, and the two generals in the Xuantian field were somewhat reluctant!

As he said, people in the Xuantian field want to help Xuantian!

"It’s late, I can’t help it!”

Wang Xian looked at the old man and said faintly!

"Here, it is the site of Xuantian, our territory!"

The middle-aged face next to it is a little cold!

"Oh? What? I still want to get it?"

Wang Xian mouth slightly tilted up, looking at him disdain!

"If there is a war pet next time, please let me know in advance!"

Xuan Umbrella said to Wang Xian with a blank expression, turned and left!

"Let's say, you have a bad attitude!"

Wang Xian looked at the middle-aged side and said with a slight sarcasm!

Xuan Umbrella has a body and continues to walk in front!

"Kid, here is the Xuantian field, the site of Xuantian!"

On the side of the middle-aged, I heard Wang Xian’s words, and my eyes stared at him coldly and said!


Wang Xian looked disdainful!


His face changed, and when they saw the generals, they all left, slightly clenched their fists, revealing a hazy smile, and turned away!

(End of this chapter)

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