Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2308: Break through the battle

Chapter 2308 Fighting Breakdown

"The island master, the battle inside the battle is the boss of the front line of thousands of soldiers and the Dragon Palace war!"

"It seems that the frontline fighters came to requisition all the pets of the Dragon Palace, and the boss did not agree to the battle!"

Around the formation, a middle-aged man who knows the situation flies to the sky and reports to the island owner of the island of Tianhai!

"The frontline soldiers? Requisition wars!"

The owner of the island was slightly surprised, and his face showed a faint look!

In addition to the mistakes, his face is also dignified!

"Is these formations a group of soldiers?"

The island owner continued to ask!

"It does not seem!"

Some middle-aged people are not sure: "It should be the arrangement of the boss, and I have not seen a lot of soldiers!"


When the island owner heard his words and his face changed slightly, he stared at the middle age and immediately asked: "Is there any generals among the soldiers?"

Most of them who can become generals have mastered more than six rules. The rest want to be generals, they must make great military achievements!

"No, it’s two tie teams!"

The middle-aged determined shaking his head, two uniform tie collars, all of them are very clear!

"Everyone is back!"

After listening to the island, the face of the island sank, and there was a battle in the hand!

Two unified tie teams, that just a roar, is the Dragon Palace war pet boss!

Such a terrible roar, all frontline officers will be killed!


At the same time, Wang Xian, who is located in the law, feels the improvement of his strength and a smile on his face!

The Jiuyi Shenhuo crosses to the first step of the Eternal God, which is a qualitative improvement for him!

Now he can contend with the eternal God who masters the seven principles!

Wang Xian glanced at everything in the tactics, and Li Ling was still desperately resisting the fighting!

It is estimated that it will not be long before it will be directly killed!

Yong Xingping is attacking the formation, but there are two defensive formations in the game. He wants to break it, at least one minute!

"Now the Shen Dan has not been completely settled, and it is a little worse to upgrade."

Wang Xian looked at the remaining medicinal herbs and showed a smile on his face!

There is still half of the deposit in the country where there is no payment. After the payment is completed, he can raise it again!

At that time, the second-order eternal God, he can fight against the Lord of God who masters the eight rules!

However, now I am strong enough!

Name: Wang Xian

Race: Yin Yang Wuxing Shenlong (People Dragon One)

Level: First Order of Eternal God (The Dragon becomes the sixth change)

Source: 1/10

Shentong: rule the aquarium (aquarium that rules below its own level)

Phagocytic organism (phagocytic extraction source)

Five lines of control

Gongfa: Shenlong

Shentong: Demon Soul, Fuling, Yinyang and Five Elements.

Law: Five elements of the big mill, the palm of the dragon country, the dragon head of the world, the Wanli dragon body, the yin and yang poles, the yin and yang five elements, the dragon dragon tail!

Rule: Jinmu Shuiyue is dark (first order)

Kingdom of God: Dragon Palace

Has Dragon Palace: Level 7.

Dragon Palace members: 165633

“The dragon has changed to the sixth, and the seven rules of property have been mastered. Energy has become the power of the source!”

Wang Xian’s face showed a smile, and his eyes looked toward the front field!



Suddenly, Wang Xian looked up and saw that the sky above the formation began to burst!

A more powerful energy attacked the array of his arrangements!

"There are strong shots!"

He slightly picked a brow, and the strength of the other side he sensed, the strength of the other party is stronger than him!

It may be a 7th-order master of the Eternal God, and after the formation of the tactics, he can counter the power of the Eternal God's eighth-order!

"There are strong outside! There are strong shots outside, we are saved!"

Some soldiers saw the formation of the law slowly collapsed, the face of the rest of the face after the robbery, full of excitement!

"The outside man killed him and killed him!"

The fierce snoring sounded from the mouth of the sergeant, and he quickly escaped the attack of a war pet, and he was very embarrassed!

Seeing that the formation broke open, and quickly fled to the outside!

"Adult, kill him!"

Yong Xingping is also full of murderous martyrdom!


In the next moment, more than one hundred eternal god-level war pets screamed in a cold roar!

Wang Xian's figure is moving, standing on the front of the ice crocodile, the eyes are full of cold!

The array is dissipated, and everyone sees the scene inside!

Nearly a thousand soldiers fled to the outside and escaped, and the chilly sounds sounded through the entire island!

However, this is not shocking. What is shocking is that there are hundreds of war pets in the center!

The two-kilometer ice-drilling crocodile is suspended in the center, giving off an icy atmosphere!

At the rear, ninety-five Beixiao Sirius are arranged in a row, and the breath is heart-rending!

This scene alone shocked the entire Tianhai island!

"This is... a lot of war pets, Scorpio, this is this..."

"Is this the Dragon Palace war pet? The horrible dragon palace war pets, this war pet is too bad!"

More than one hundred war pets, equivalent to more than one hundred eternal god-level powerhouse!

This power makes everyone feel guilty!

In front of more than one hundred wars, the thousands of soldiers are completely incomparable!

"On this group of people, you dare to come to the Dragon Palace to requisition the war pets. Who gives you courage? Hehe!"

Wang Xian sneered across all of them!

"The soldiers who killed us on the front line of Blackwater, you are dead, you are dead!"

Yongxing’s face stared at Wang Xian, full of murderous martyrdom!

"Adult, kill him, kill him!"

He groaned and looked at the island owner!

"I am a teacher at Xuantian College. You have come to forcefully expropriate my war pets. Who gave you the order?"

"I still want to kill me? Today, all the participants will die!"

Wang Xian’s face also showed a violent look. He was physically moved and instantly rushed to Yongxing!

"Do you stop!"

The island owner saw this scene, and when he heard Wang Xian’s words, he frowned slightly!

A frontline commander, a teacher of Xuantian College, is the core of today's Xuantian field!

However, the front line actually came to directly use the dragon beast to fight the beast, which needs to send a strong person directly?

They are all core strengths in the Xuantian field. Is it not possible to directly issue orders?

Then why is it so big that it is still a human life?

Is it a game between the strong?

The island owner had some headaches, his eyes glanced at the brain, and determined the identity of Wang Xian and did not know which side to help!


Wang Xian did not pay attention to the words of the island owner, and his body shape moved directly to Yongxingping and Li Tong to kill!

The horrible momentum made the two face mad!

The island owner saw Wang Xian ignore him, his face was black, his arm moved, and he was ready to play the law!


However, at this time, a single pet screamed and flew directly to the front of the island owner, and roared and shocked the world!

"All the pets have been bought by the federal royal powerhouse. If there are casualties, you are responsible!"

Wang Xiankou said a word, continue to kill Yongxing and Li Tong!

The island's main face is black, Yong Xingping and Li Tonglian face madness, the heart beats vigorously!

(End of this chapter)

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