Chapter 2311 Dangdang II ancestors

Behind the front of the black water, Wang Xian stood on the body of the ice crocodile, and more than a hundred eternal gods at the rear!

He looked at the 10,000-kilometer black water front line military camp, and his eyes sparkled with a cold look!

The roar of a lot of wars, shocking the world!

In front, Wang Xian can sense that the inside of the road is full of energy of the heart, the entire black water front, stronger than him, at least hundreds!

However, he still rushed in unscrupulously!

The biggest card is not Xuan Tianzi, but his promotion to the eternal God. With his current strength, there is no immortal king, no big troubles to trap him, it is very difficult to kill him!

It’s a big deal today, and it’s dingy to escape to the innocent sea of ​​the Dragon Palace, just to go back and look at them!

When I go back next time, Wang Xian directly calls Xuan Tianzi to come to revenge!

"The courageous leader, the fierce leader, give me out!"

Wang Xian stared at the entire frontline barracks, and screamed and spread all over the tens of thousands of kilometers!

"He came, he dared to chase him, the general, killed him and killed him!"

At this moment, in the command room, Yong Xingping and Li Tongling both stood there pale, heard the roar of the war pets, heard this voice, sulking toward the five generals!

"Looking for death, I dare to break into the front of our black water. Today, Laozi wants to unload him eight!"

A burly general showed a strong suffocation on his face and flew straight out!

The other four generals also sullenly followed and flew out!

One of the generals’ brains flashed, but at this time, he did not open the information!


"Who would dare to make trouble on our front line in Blackwater, is it to die?"

"Hey, dare to break into our front line, dare to be here, sin can't be forgiven!"

When the five generals flew out, the entire front line was also attracted by the roar of the war pets and the screams of Wang Xian!

In an instant, thousands of eternal gods and strong men flew out, the entire Xuantian field, the strongest is the front line!

Thousands of eternal gods, many of them who have mastered more than five or six rules, look at the rear, and the horrible momentum is moving toward Wang Xian!


Faced with so many powerful people, a lot of warfare is also a low-pitched voice!


At this time, a more expansive figure flew toward the foremost position, and each general was suspended in the sky!

In just one minute, more than a dozen generals were cold-locked Wang Xian!

"You are the boss of the Dragon Palace war pet, the sinner who killed our soldiers?"

The five generals who flew over were murderous and staring at Wang Xian!

"Sinner? Hehe, I want to ask if I come here. Who ordered the courageous leader to lead the warrior with the Litong tie to go to my Dragon Palace to collect pets?"

"If you don't buy a pet, you can take someone to grab it. Is this the practice of your black water frontline?"

Wang Xian’s eyes swept over more than a thousand eternal gods and fell on the faces of several generals.

"No matter what, dare to kill our frontline fighters, we have to pay the price!"

A general in the center said with a face!

"Haha, joke, everyone else has come to grab my things, I still don't fight back, are you all black-fronters who are robbers?"

Wang Xian laughed and sneered at the sarcasm!


"Let's go, kill him!"

His voice has just fallen to the king, and the horror of a strong man is directly attacking Wang Xian!

Even, there are generals ready to do it!

"Kill him, kill him!"

At this time, Yong Xingping and Li Tongling also flew over. They stared at Wang Xian, and their eyes were full of anger and jealousy!

This guy dared to come to the front of the black water, he is coming to die!

"Wang Xian, what are you doing here?"

At this time, a blue figure flew over, and she stared at Wang Xian in an incredible way, flying toward the front position!

Came to the front of several generals and arched them toward them!

"Well? Shantou, do you know him?"

A general looked at Xuan Umbrella and asked in amazement!

"Too grandpa, know!"

Xuan Umbroke nodded and looked at an ice-drilled crocodile, behind the hundreds of war-fighting kings!

"Come here to kill the two guys!"

Wang Xian also looked at Xuan Xingqiu, faintly pointing to Yong Xingping and Li Tongling!

"Let's go, dare to kill us, don't put us in the eye, no matter what your identity today, you will be killed!"

An old man with a cane was full of anger, and a compass immediately hovered over his head!

"Too grandpa, no!"

Xuan Umbrella saw this scene and quickly stopped the old man!

She knows that this guy is the son of his ancestors, and his ancestors personally care, absolutely can not kill!

"Too grandfather, he has some relationship with our ancestors!"

Xuan Umbrella quickly reminded the old man!


The old man gave a slight glimpse.

Everyone around was also slightly surprised, and Yong Xingping and Li Tonglian were even more white!

"Our soldiers on the front line of Blackwater guard the front, and countless deaths and injuries every year. No matter what his identity, the soldiers who dare to kill me on the front line of Blackwater must pay a heavy price and suppress it. I will bear all the consequences!"

The old man with the cane was blinking, but soon his cane stood in the void, still talking coldly!

The old man is the third generation of Xuan Tian descendants, that is to say, he is the grandson of Xuan Tianzi, and his position can rank in the top three in the whole Xuantian field!

Some consequences, some things, he can bear, he dares to do it!

However, he replaced the two words with repression, and there are some scruples!

If the relationship with the ancestors is deep, then he does not dare to kill it!

"Repress him and suppress him!"

Yong Xingping and Li Tongling both murmured, holding their fists tightly!

They have a bad hunch, and even if they suppress the other side, they will be severely punished!

Xuan Umbrella heard the decision of his grandfather, but also a slight silence!

She looked at Wang Xian, this guy is too arrogant, arrogant to directly with hundreds of war pets to kill!

This is the black water front, but the battlefield where the entire Xuantian field is gathered!

There are hundreds of descendants of Guanguanuan. You are arrogant, and Xuantian descendants will dare to cure you, even if you have a relationship with your ancestors!

"Oh, you can't kill you this time, you can kill you next time!"

Wang Xian heard their conversation, and his eyes fell on Yong Xingping and Li Tongling. The murderousness in his eyes was not concealed!

"Let's let go, suppress him!"

The old man holding the cane immediately shouted!

"Yes, the general!"

The next few generals nodded immediately and there was a terrifying momentum!

"Stop, the old man stopped!"

At this moment, the black water front line array was transmitted to the array, and more than a dozen figures flew out!

(End of this chapter)

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