Chapter 2320, on the field


In the black waters of the sea, the war is still going on, the battle goes to the back, and it hits the sea from the bottom of the sea!

On the wall, everyone looked at the members of the Dragon Palace, which had half a body on the sea!

Three or four kilometers in size, the blood-red energy is spinning around the body!

Every hit contains violent power!

Of course, what makes them feel the most shock is their violent body and size!

Every member of the Dragon Palace looks more violent than a powerful sea monster!

The top-ranking strongmen of the three major regiments contain the top sea monsters, and the members of the Dragon Palace are willing to slaughter!

Even the sea monsters of the eternal gods and five levels are seriously injured and fleeing under the siege!


With a hint of horror, the sound came from the battlefield ahead. In the rear position, a sea monster fled in the distance and panicked!

Sea monsters also know the fear, but also know how to escape!

"It's so strong, where does this power come from? How can we have such a violent crowd of strong people on the front line!"

The soldiers of the three legions saw the sea monsters fleeing, and some looked at the Dragon Palace, which showed half of the body!

More than two hundred violent bodies, more than two hundred people with horrible thorns, dozens of powerful archers!

One is stronger than one!

They stood there lined up in a row, almost an invincible wall!

This is almost comparable to the annihilation cannon on the front line of the federal royal family!

"not bad!"

Wang Xian looked down, with a smile on his face!

This time killing the sea monster's harvest, although not as much as he last ruled, but there are no problems in adding the Dragon Palace to thirty or forty eternal gods!

The members of the Dragon Palace will be stronger and stronger!

"This is our new army of Blackwater Front, Dragon Palace, all soldiers, tribute!"

Xuan Zhenshou is also full of joy and look at the members of the Dragon Palace!

This station has only stood for five hours!

Death is seventy or eighty percent less than before!

If the Dragon Palace is able to stay here, this is a great event for the Blackwater Front!

"pay tribute!"

Around, all the soldiers looked at the members of the Dragon Palace on the sea, excitedly shouted!

Strong, will be respected wherever you are!

Especially they help to suppress the sea monsters and stick to the front line!


A group of members of the Dragon Palace flew toward the wall!

"Dragon King!"

Turtles shouted respectfully toward Wang Xian!

"Yes, turtles, you will be responsible for the things here in the future. If you have anything, look for the generals of Xuanzheng and find other generals!"

Wang Xian said to them with satisfaction!

"There is anything you can come to me!"

Xuanzheng said with a smile!

The turtle licked his smile and nodded!

"Send all the spoils back to the Dragon Palace, I will go first!"

Wang Xian said to the members of the Dragon Palace, his body shape, and immediately flew away in the distance!

The matter of the Dragon Palace was solved, and then he will continue to tame the war pets!

There are many sea monsters in the battlefield, but they can't tame the war pets here!

Once the array is well arranged, it will be attacked by a powerful sea monster, and the array will be broken directly. Those eternal gods can escape directly!

Therefore, you still need the second kid in the tactics!

Going to a college and watching the cultivation of a group of students, Wang Xian went directly to the transfer station of the college!

Although the land of warfare is adjacent to the Xuantian field, it takes at least four or five days to fly over!

It takes four or five days for Wang Xian’s current strength, and I can imagine how far it is!

It can be reached in an hour or two through the transmission array!

The land of warfare, the city of warfare!

This is a vast city, towering buildings and trees, some birds flying in the sky!

Wang Xian walked out from the transmission array and walked toward the front as the crowd flowed!

Walking to an open space, his arm moved and a hair appeared in his hand!

"The blood is connected!"

Hair is naturally the second in the tactics, and the formation is condensed!


However, when he put his hair in the array, he quickly melted and gave a sizzling voice!

"this is?"

"The treasure of that guy can resist some formations?"

Wang Xian’s face was black and frowned slightly!

There is no way to lock his position, where to find him?

Go directly to the warfare family?

Even if you go directly, with the virtue of that guy, you will also say that you are not there!

"It's best not to let me catch you, or your kid will wait for me!"

Wang Xian is black and his face is shining!

He opened the brain and immediately checked some information about the invincible warfare!


However, he has not seen the news of the invincible law, he will see the news about the Dragon Palace war pet!

He casually checked it and found that today's Dragon Palace wars are hot!

Especially a few photos, the number of views exceeded his imagination!

Since the last promotion of the Dragon Palace war pet shop, the Dragon Palace war pet has entered the line of sight of everyone!

And a few photos, completely make the Dragon Palace wars hot!

The photos were the photos of Wang Xian and Yong Xing who led them in battle!

At that time, the array had just been broken by the island owner of the Tianhai Island, revealing the scene of the ice-drilling crocodile and hundreds of eternal god-level battles!

In the photo, a lot of fighting spirits are in full swing, exuding a powerful momentum!

So many war pets naturally caused the boiling of the whole heavenly continent!

This also makes the Dragon Palace war pets completely hot!

He looked at his own shop on the brain, and his attention reached 100 billion, making Wang Xian slightly stunned!

But when he saw some of the messages below, his face was incomparably dark!

An organization that claims to be an invincible support group in the warfare method has been screened in the message area!

All are jealous of him!


This account Wang Xianji wrote down, all counted in the invincible body of warfare!

"Invincible Casino!"

Checked some information, Wang Xian saw a message!

Invincible Casino is the largest and most popular entertainment venue in the entire city of Warfare!

And this invincible casino is invincible in the war!

"I didn't expect this kid to open a shop!"

Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes, searched for a position on the brain, and immediately flew toward the invincible casino!

"Well? Great casino!"

Wang Xianfei went to the sky above the casino and his face was shocked!

Fully occupying a place of four or five kilometers, up to about three kilometers, Wang Xian roughly looked at it, more than one hundred layers, each layer is relatively high!

On the wall of the whole building, there are two invincible characters, which are unusually eye-catching!

The location does not need to be said naturally!

"Hey, if I come over to the field, will the kid come out!"

Wang Xian snorted and his eyes sparkled!

This time, Wang Xian wants to cure the guy!

Also let him know that he is amazing!

(End of this chapter)

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