Chapter 2323 Beats

"Wang Xian, my invincible warfare is not to owe you some medicinal herbs, you even kidnapped my sister!"

The screaming voice rang in the air above the city of Warfare!

The invincible method of warfare flies toward the invincible casino at a horrible speed!

When he saw that the roof of his casino was smashed, watching Wang Xian put his arm on his sister, his eyes shot angry fire!

Wang Xian, this guy, you have this reason!


The warfare Tianmei heard his brother’s voice twitching slightly, and the mouth couldn’t help but pump it!

My brother really owes him a drug?

The strong people around the land of several tactics also had a black face. Fortunately, they did not do it. This is to let other people in Tianze mainland know that others have to pay for the other party, and they will lose their lives. Now!

"Is it owed some medicinal herbs, is there still a few eternal gods in the fifth-order remedy?"

Wang Xian heard his words and saw this guy flying over and said with a black face!

At the same time, he was in a shape, raised his fist and went straight to him!

"Fart, my invincible warfare is obviously owing you fifteen eternal gods fifth-order remedy!"

When the warfare invincible heard Wang Xian’s words, his face was darkened. When were dozens of remedies?

When everyone around them heard the invincibility of the warfare, they turned their heads and did not want to see this scene!

I owe fifteen eternal god-level medicinal herbs. Is this still a few remedies?

This level of remedy is worth the price, no wonder others directly hit the door!


The next moment, they heard a fierce and violent collision, and everyone looked at them quickly!

I saw them invincible young masters, flying directly to the rear position!

"Today I have to teach you this guy, owe me medicinal herbs, brains contact you, don't reply, want to swindle, now add interest, you have to pay me fifty remedies!"

Wang Xian’s fist fell on the invincible body of the warfare, staring coldly at his inverted body!

" guys grab the money!"

The invincible roar of the warfare, the body directly on the ground!

"Oh, don't give it, don't give it to your sister next time!"

Wang Xian fell on the ground and grabbed it directly!


A powerful force fell on him, his body flew directly toward the invincible casino!

"Wang Xian, you don't want to bully too much. Here is the invincible site of my warfare. If you dare to move me, dare to threaten me, you will not return your medicine, anyway, you can't beat me!"

The law is invincible with angry faces!

His body directly penetrates the building behind him and penetrates the entire building!

"No, I will dismantle your invincible casino!"

When Wang Xian was in shape, he instantly came to the invincible body of the warfare, grabbed his body and went to the building again!

Today's Wang Xian's strength has increased greatly, and the invincible in front of him is no different from the doll!

However, the treasure of this guy is too powerful, and his current strength can not beat his defense!


At this time, the warfare that has been beaten by Wang Xian has been invincible and somewhat angry. The body shape is shocked, and the eternal godland emerges from the rear. The ice drill crocodile flies out from inside!

The ice drill crocodile roared, and the warfare was invincible and stood on top!

He knows the strength of Wang Xian, the fifth step of the eternal god, he owns the ice crocodile, and can also compete with it!

"Wang Xian, if you dare to attack me, don't blame me for being polite to you!"

The invincible warfare stood on the body of the ice crocodile, and said with a black face!

"Second 2, this ice drill crocodile is what I gave you, then I will give you the war pets, but also want to deal with me!"

"With your strength, you can't suppress the ice crocodile at all, and, in order to prevent you from paying back, I don't have a left hand outside of you!"

Wang Xian looked at the ice drill crocodile mouth under his body and tilted slightly!


He was shocked and covered with ice crocodile!


The ice drill crocodile immediately writhed his body and glared toward the invincible attack on his body!

"Damn, Wang Xian, you Yiny me!"

The invincible warfare saw the ice drill crocodile attacking himself, and flew toward Wang Xian, full of anger and arrogance!

The ice drill crocodile went to Wang Xian, and even abandoned him directly!

This is his ice drill crocodile, the fifth-order warlord of the eternal god!

"How about you, if you don't pay back, I will take back the ice crocodile!"

Wang Xian said to him faintly!

"When do I say I will not pay back!"

At this time, the helpless invincible voice of the warfare was weakened, and the black face said to Wang Xian!

"So why not return information?"

Wang Xian stared at him!

"I... I didn't see it!"

The warfare is invincible and whispered!


Wang Xian arms a wave, the ice drill crocodile directly into the nest!

"Well, it’s all friends, don’t hurt your feelings because of a little money, just come, let me take you around here!”

Wang Xian looked at him like this and couldn't help but turn a blind eye, a light and cloudy look!

" give me my fighting pet!"

The invincible face of the warfare is changing!

"Look at your performance!"

Wang Xian smiled faintly!

"Hey, Wang boss, what is our relationship, Wang Laoda, you have a dragon palace war pet shop, still care about an ice drill crocodile? With our relationship? Still care a little money!"

"Really, talking about money hurts feelings. Since Wang Laoda came to the land of warfare, I am invincible in the warfare and absolutely entertained Wang Laoda!"

Under the invincible face of the warfare, I quickly laughed!

Fighting and hitting, but also owing money, the war pet has been taken back!

What can he do? Looking for the elders at home, not to mention that he still has to face, is shameless, and their elders in the family may not be shot!

This is too shameful!

"When I talked about the Dragon Palace Wars, I thought about it. I seem to have your support group in my shop. I have been jealous of me. This account, I have to count on your head!"

Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes and walked to the invincible side of the warfare, patted his shoulder heavily!

"Is there? How is this possible? How can my support group be the boss of the king, let me know, I must criticize them!"

The invincible face of the warfare has changed slightly, so it is said to be confused!

The propaganda of the Dragon Palace war pet shop, he naturally knows that the organization of the singer Wang Xian, he is the leader!

Of course, he can't say this thing!

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xian patted his head, and the invincible face was dark and he did not dare to resist!

"This Wang boss, my sister's birthday today, you can't do this kind of thing next time, so my sister is your sister!"

Invincible invincible warfare said to Wang Xian!

"If you don't care, how can I find your sister to call you over, blame yourself!"

Wang Xian said faintly!

Invincible in the war, bite his teeth, did not speak!

In the surrounding, the young men and women of the warfare Tianmei saw this scene, and the mouth was twitching!

Is this your own brother? Is this the ultimate arrogance of the land of warfare?

Such a shameless scene, they saw it for the first time!

(End of this chapter)

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