Chapter 2326

Wang Xian’s strength has increased greatly today, but he has not filled the strength of the surge in the accomplishments of the formation!

Just use the time when the warfare is invincible to find the sea monsters to learn the new formation!

With the guidance of the goddess of heaven, and his cultivation of the formation with his own attributes, the speed is much faster!

A little bit past, Wang Xian quickly mastered a battle!

"Wang Boss, Wang Laoda, kill them, kill them!"

Two hours later, the invincible voice of the warfare sounded!

Wang Xian opened his eyes and looked at it with a smile on his face!

"Good guy, good job!"

Looking at the dozens of sea monsters chasing after the invincible in the warfare, his face smiled!

Silver gun sea monster, head like a gun, wind property, has the first-order strength of the eternal god!

This sea monster is also good as a war pet!


In the face of the first-order sea monster of the eternal god, there is no need for a battle, and with his current strength, he can rule directly!

The powerful Longwei covered it, and more than a dozen eternal gods, the sea monsters trembled, and their faces were full of horror and awe!

"Yes, keep going!"

Wang Xian's body shape moves directly into the nest of more than a dozen sea monsters!

" fast, and sure enough, Wang Dao is a lot better!"

Seeing Wang Xian’s taming warfare so fast, the invincible face of the warfare is full of excitement!

The Eternal God Lord's eighth-order war pet is hopeful!

Fighting high spirits invincible immediately flew out to attract sea monsters!

The body has the treasure that his ancestors gave him, and the eternal gods and peaks are hard to break. He is raging in this sea area, there is no danger at all!

Even if the sea monster is swallowed directly into the belly, he can also drill out!

It may be a shame to drill out, but he doesn't care!

Fighting high spirits!

With such a perfect teammate, the next two days, Wang Xian tamed a total of more than 100 eternal god-level sea monsters!

With more than a hundred, this is another huge resource!

"How about Wang Boda, the eternal **** of the sixth-order magical sea fish, three directly!"

Invincible standing in front of the warfare, watching Wang Xian tame the magical sea, asked with a smile!

"This colorful sea fish is very suitable for female strong mounts, very beautiful, do you want to pick up a girl?"

Wang Xian said with a smile at the invincible law!

"Cut, I am invincible in the warfare, and the support group beauty has several billions. I don't want this magical sea fish, the girl's stuff, I can't see it!"

Now the invincible warfare is really inflated!

In the past, if he could get such a war pet, he was happy to fly to heaven!

But now, the horizon is high, at least the sea monster of the eighth-order eternal **** is suitable for his identity!

"Then keep on working!"

Wang Xian said with a smile!

"Reassured, my war is invincible, the entire underground sea is our back garden, all sea monsters are our fighting pets!"

The invincible warfare said, rushed straight out!

Wang Xian smiled and looked at the background of his departure!

"It’s almost the same for Wang Lao’s more than one hundred pets. Isn’t it time to find his own fighting pet?”

"I don't know which war pets can have a relationship with this young master, hehe!"

The invincible side of the warfare is flying a happy dark road!

"However, this time can not be too obvious. It is necessary to catch a few more sea monsters of the eighth-order eternal god, or let me owe it!"

He muttered in his mouth!

This is the dog can't change it!

If Wang Xian knows his thoughts at the moment, his face must be incomparably dark!


"This is? Stars flying fish, I am going, how much is this, more than two hundred, this is simply the eternal **** fish!"

More than two hundred starfish flying sea monsters flew over here, the momentum is like a rainbow, causing a lot of movement!

Star Wenfei fish sea monster, the third step of the eternal god!

"This, since it has been encountered, or if it will lead to Wang Lao, then he should not talk to himself about the debts!"

"Wang Lao Da, Wang Lao Da, I am waiting for you not thin!"

He said in his mouth, his body shape, directly attacking the fish!

"You a group of beasts, so swaggered in front of my invincible warfare, I don't want to live!"

He groaned as he attacked!


A roar of noise came from the star fish flying fish, and saw that someone even provoked them and went straight to the invincible attack of the war!

"The animals, there is a kind of chasing over, hey, you are such a garbage, give me a mount, I can't see it!"

He fled desperately, and during this time, he felt that his speed has improved a lot!

Every day, I am escaping, and the speed is approaching the second-order powerhouse of the Eternal God!

This makes him slightly proud!

"Oops, some people provoke a starfish flying fish, damn, who is that guy?"

Just in the invincible battle with the fish group desperately to escape, in the back of the starfish flying fish, a dozen people saw the starfish flying fish suddenly flew forward, the face was angry and ruined!

"Master Yuan Liang, what should I do now?"

A middle-aged man looked at an old man next to him, and asked some embarrassed!

"This is just a matter of luck, being disturbed by us is also bad luck!"

Yuan Liang, who wore a beast costume, frowned and shook his head slightly!

"Now the starfish flying fish is disturbed, and the chances of flying directly back to the nest are not great. We can only catch them directly with the beast ring!"

"But there are only ten beast rings in our hands. Do you want to shoot, but also look at you!"

Master Yuan Liang said to the middle age next to him!

"Catch five, although the royal beast ring is precious, but as long as you can catch the third-order starfish of the eternal god, it is worth it!"

Middle-aged hesitated, said!

"Okay, then we will continue to follow, and unexpectedly capture five tames!"

Master Yuan Liang nodded, and everyone immediately followed the position!

"Hey? That guy is only the first-order strength of the eternal God, why provoke the Starfish, and the defense treasure on him is so strong!"

More than a dozen people followed the back, staring at the invincible warfare of being chased!

Such a weak strength, but also provoke a powerful sea monster, is this not looking for death?

"The law is invincible. He claims to be invincible in the war. It is the eternal arrogance of the land of warfare. What is he going to do?"

Among the dozens of people, the only one who heard the front came, and there was a glimpse of a glimpse in his eyes.

"Sometimes he seemed to have won a fifth-order ice drill crocodile!"

He whispered a word, full of envious look!

"Ice crocodile? The teacher is abnormal, Yuan Liang master, we don't start, let's follow!"

Suddenly, the head of the middle-aged eyes shone with luster, whispered!

"it is good!"

Master Yuan Liang nodded slightly, and the invincible behavior in front of him was indeed a bit strange!

There should be a picture!

(End of this chapter)

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