Chapter 2332

"Go, let's go to the deepest part of the earth!"

Wang Xian hesitated for a while, still decided to go to the depths of the underground to see!

With his strength, he is also able to sneak into the deepest!

Even if it is an immortal king, the invincible guy has a treasure, and there are treasures in his hands, enough to escape to the eternal gods!

Moreover, the map of the sea monster's lair in his hand, if true, he is likely to get a group of eternal gods seventh-order sea monster!

You can go for an adventure!

"Walking away from Wang Daoda, what are we waiting for!"

The warfare invincible heard Wang Xian’s decision, his face was excited and immediately urged!

"it is good!"

Wang Xian nodded!

Now the war pets in his hands are all sold enough for him to upgrade to the next level. By then, he will have the strength of the eternal God's ninth order!

However, he is not satisfied. If he can obtain some of the eternal gods' seventh-order eighth-order war pets, then after the sale, he will be able to reach the fourth-order of the eternal god!

At that time, he will be invincible under the realm of the immortal king!

Looking at the whole Tianze continent, humans plus Shanghai monsters can threaten themselves, but it is only about ten people!

At that time, it was really powerful!

He stared at the deep sea bottom, his body shape, and flew inward with the invincible warfare!

This is his first time flying towards such a deep seabed!

The underground sea is deep and deep, and the bottom reaches hundreds of millions of kilometers. What is the concept?

Even if Wang Xian wants to go deep into the tenth floor, he needs to fly for hours!

Of course, if he teleports, it will be very fast, but in this sea of ​​monsters, the teleport is completely dead!

In case of a teleport to the sea monster group, there may be no chance to return to the eternal godland, and it will be killed in an instant!

"Here, they breathe here, and then continue to the depths of the deep underground!"

Just when Wang Xian left for about twenty minutes, just over two hundred people came over at the location just now!

For the first three old men, there is a strange war pet in front of an old man wearing a beasted costume!

The war pet has a long nose, and the nose occupies one third of the head, which looks a little deformed!

"Go deep underground?"

The white-haired old man in the center frowned slightly!

"The ancestors, Jing Tianya, a map of the sea monster's lair in the depths of the underground sea, should be gotten by the guy now, they are very likely..."

The old man said to the central white-haired old man, his face showed a meditation color!

"Oh? Jingcheng Lord, Sea Monster Nest Map? What Sea Monster Nest Map?"

The old man wearing a beast costume asked with a flash of gaze!

"Tulin turtle nest map, that guy can kill the end of the world, at least master the eight rules, even nine, facing the soil turtle he should be able to conquer!"

Jingcheng Lord did not conceal, said openly!

"Zonggezhu, continue to pursue, if you can chase the Dragon Palace to fight the boss, it is a big opportunity for you and me!"

The white-haired old man said to the Zongge master at this time!

"Well, if we can succeed, we will join you in the northern city and join the city of the sky!"

The chief of the sect said with a smile!

"Well, continue to pursue, there may be some dangers, weak people, and once they are in danger, return to the eternal kingdom!"

The white-haired old man’s eyes flashed, smiled and nodded, and ordered to everyone!

"Yes, the old man!"

All the people immediately responded, the white-haired old man is the generation of the city in the northern city!

The war pets in front of Zongge’s main body moved and immediately began to pursue!

More than two hundred people in a row immediately pursued the depths of the underground sea!

The people who come here are naturally a group of northern cities!

More than two hundred eternal gods of the third-order or above, this is the strength of the northern city!

Even if the northern city is the weakest among the eighteen cities, there is no suppression of the eternal gods and peaks, it is still a small force!

Master the nine rules, plus the God of the Lord, a total of three!

This power is very strong, at least in their view, it is not difficult to hold the Dragon Palace war pet boss!

Wang Xian, who is flying towards the bottom of the underground sea, does not know that someone is chasing himself behind!

He wouldn’t have thought that killing Jing Tian Ya’s people would provoke a city on the city of the sky!

Always flying toward the bottom, vigilant around the glance, Wang Xianyixin used to recall the route above the turtle's nest map!

The bottom of the underground sea is too big, and a map can't be positioned at all!

Wang Xian can only be determined according to the above records, which can be roughly determined in a field of a million kilometers!

A few thousand kilometers, this is not a small place, it takes a lot of time to explore every place!

Moreover, be careful on the bottom of the sea!


"It’s really dangerous here!"

Avoiding the sneak attack of a phantom, sea monster, Wang Xian's arm waved, a powerful energy attacked the phantom!


The transparent underground killer flickered and disappeared quickly!

A hit will kill, a thousand miles away!

This is the famous killer sea monster in the sea of ​​the sky!

Wang Xian did not pay attention to the phantom, sea monster that had already escaped, and continued to fly down!

When reaching the eighth floor of the underground sea, Wang Xian uses the light and dark heart to hide his body shape!

He was able to sense the horror energy coming from below and around!

In the underground sea, his current strength can not be unscrupulous!

"Wang Laoda, this place is almost gone, I am going to attract the sea monsters, you are here to arrange the formation!"

Invincible in the warfare is also the first time to enter the depths of the underground sea. He has always been taboo to say that he has always been daring!

"For the time being, don't go to the bottom of the sea to find something!"

Wang Xian shook his head toward him!

"Looking for something? Wang Laoda, what are you looking for at the bottom of the underground?"

The invincible warfare in the face of the war!

"Sea monster nest, you also have a look!"

Wang Xian said, throwing the map to the invincible warfare!

"This... Wang Boda, how do you have this thing, this is a good thing, but unfortunately it is not the Eternal God's eighth-order sea monster nest!"

The invincible warfare is slightly disappointing!

Wang Xian ignored him and continued to fly to the bottom position!

Continue to fly for half an hour, a dark sea bottom appeared in the sight of Wang Xian!

This is the bottom of the underground sea, the entire underground sea, the sea monsters of the eternal **** level, 80% are hidden in the bottom of the sea!

Here, it is also the most dangerous place in the entire underground sea!

"According to the map, it should be within a radius of tens of kilometers!"

Wang Xian roughly estimated the scope!

"Second 2, we are looking for the nest of the Turtle to see if we can find it!"

Wang Xian told the invincible in the war!

"Well, this place can be a little dangerous. Wang Laoda, the eternal **** of the eighth-order war pets, can not be fooled!"

(End of this chapter)

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