Chapter 2348 Bad Eyes

From the explanation of Xuanzheng, Wang Xian has an understanding of the star beast!

The star beast star is a wild star, and the wild beast is raging!

The Beastmaster of the Star Beast Star was once killed by the King of the Stars Planet, and the Immortal Kingdom is still in the Star Beast!

After being repaired to the immortal king of God, the King of God can open up space in the void and hide his own immortal **** in the void!

It has reached the realm of immortal gods, and it is even more difficult to be killed!

The Beastmaster is the strongest of the immortal king level. After being killed, the king of the star planet has not been able to enter the immortal kingdom of the Beastmaster!

Now the immortal kingdom of God is occupied by the star **** beasts, especially the five-year-old void cracks, they can enter the beastmaster's immortal goddom!

This period is the safest time for humans to enter the star beast!

In normal times, you can enter, but it is very dangerous. Once you are pegged by the immortal king of the immortal king level, you will die!

This is the best time!

However, the immortal king does not dare to enter at this time, because once the star **** beasts of the gods and kings sense that there is a foreign god, the king of the beast will come out from the immortal **** of the beastmaster!

Therefore, the only ones who can enter are the strong under the immortal king!

Most of the Eternal Gods entered inside during this period, looking for opportunities!

Because of the relationship between the federal royal family, the four major forces can have more than a dozen places each year!

There is a lot of reason why the federal royal family does not have the immortal king to sit in the town and still be able to command the Quartet!

Wang Xian’s heart is slightly clear. After going out from Xuanzheng, he flies directly to the college!

"Mr. Wang, let's go!"

Two days later, Wang Xian came to the transfer matrix of Xuantian College. More than a dozen people have already arrived there and greeted Wang Xian!

"Xuan Vice Dean, are you coming to lead the team this time?"

Wang Xian walked over with a smile and looked at the 16 people!

Xuan Tianyuan, a deputy dean, the strength of the eternal god, the peak of the two eternal gods, the eighth order, the fourth eight-order, the rest are all seven!

All are top powerhouses!

"Oh, yes, this time the old team, let's go, teacher Wang, let's go to the federal royal family!"

Vice President Xuan nodded!

A group of people also nodded to Wang Xian, now both the top of the Xuantian College and the front line of the high-level, know the strength and background of Wang Xian!

He is a polite person!


Wang Xian nodded!

"The star beast is not the first time to go, the danger is some, but be careful not to cause casualties, but remember, don't go to the Beastmaster field!"

Xuan Vice Dean reminded Wang Xian!


Wang Xian nodded!

Going to the Star Beast Star is a good opportunity for them. Every time you go there, you can get a lot of good things!

The chance of casualties is very small, and sometimes there are not many casualties in succession!

Of course, careless strong people will fall!

A group of people rushed toward the federal royal family through the transmission array!

After half an hour, they appeared in a palace!

Aside from the transfer of the palace, many people have arrived!

"Wang Boda, hahaha, Wang Laoda, here!"

Wang Xian has not looked around, and a full of excitement sounds!

He followed the sound and saw the figure of the invincible guy in the war!

"Wang Boda, I didn't expect you to come!"

The invincible tactics ran over and the face was full of excitement!

"How come you come, with your strength, go there to send food?"

Wang Xian faintly glanced at him, his eyes looked around!

Around, the people of the land of warfare have arrived, and the people of the sword field have come!

"Hey, I didn't want to come, but my ancestors said that let me go to the star source planet, my ancestors said to find a master for me, let me know a little!"

The invincible smile of the warfare explained to the king!

"Well? Have you found a master?"

Wang Xian’s face showed a strange look. The invincible warfare was so much loved by his ancestors. His ancestors could also teach him how to find him a master.

"It seems that I really have a fate with Wang Laoda. This time, Wang Laoda, we act together?"

The invincible warfare said to Wang Xian!

"This is ok!"

Wang Xian smiled and nodded. There is a warfare invincible this guy, but it is very good!

Next to the position, a group of people in the warfare family saw the invincible warfare and Wang Xian talking, but also smiled, looking at the deputy director of Xuan, and walked over to say hello!

The strongest of the four forces are basically familiar with each other, and many know each other!


At this time, the array of transmissions, there are more than a dozen figures!

More than a dozen people swept over the surrounding, the old man in the center fell on Wang Xian's body, suddenly picked a brow!

"Hecheng Lord, that kid!"

Next to it, an old man with a faint wing behind him, whispering toward the central Hecheng Lord!

"Well, I didn't expect him to go too. Also, as a master of animal husbandry, this is a good opportunity!"

Hecheng master nodded faintly!

"The boss of the Dragon Palace war pet, the strength of the eighth-order **** of the eternal god, if there is a chance, hold it!"

He immediately voiced to the fifteen men around him!

"It is the Hecheng Lord!"

Some of the fifteen people were slightly wrong, and some people blinked!

Their group, the weakest is the seventh step of the eternal God!


Wang Xian, who is chatting with the invincible in the warfare, noticed one by one and slightly raised his eyebrows!

Seeing the strongest in the city of the sky, his eyes flash!

"Boss, the group of guys in the city of the sky, those guys look a little bad!"

The invincible eyes of the warfare also looked at the past, whispered!

"Looking for opportunities to kill them!"

Wang Xian slightly narrowed his eyes, and he naturally sensed the bad looks of the other side!

The other party should already know that he killed the city in the sky. He is not sure if he does not revenge, but the other person is so blind, absolutely not good!

In this case, if there is an opportunity, Wang Xian will never let go of the opportunity to kill them!

"All of you are here!"

Just then, a voice sounded!

Everyone looked, an old man came with more than 20 people, next to the location, and a group of young men and women in the cold moon!

"Yuan Xiong, have come, can go!"

Vice President Xuan smiled and looked at the past and said!

"Okay, then let's go!"

Yuan Lao nodded and whispered a few words along the cold moon. They said a few words!


At this time, the position of the sky, a full-scale fighter flying over, the entire fighter is like a whale, emitting blue light!


Open a door below the fighter plane!

"You are invited to the speed of the sky whale spacecraft, and one day we will reach the star source planet!"

Yuan Lao reached out to everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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