Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2371: Immortal God King Cub 2

Chapter 2371 Immortal God King Cub 2

"What happened, the crocodile **** wants to go to the star beast!"

"I just heard the younger brother who entered the star beast star said that the disciple of the Star Beast House had an accident in the star beast!"

"It seems that it was all killed by people. Now even the crocodile king can't sit still!"

In the temporary mainland, everyone saw the crocodile king riding the immortal king of the mount, and saw the illusion of the elders on the heavenly gate, the face of the shocked look!

Some of the disciples who have some understanding of the star beasts are whispering!

Wang Xian twice killed the disciples of the Star Beast, without any concealment. Nowadays, the entire Tianfamen and Bazhi are basically known!

The face of the crocodile **** is staring at the faint shadow of the cold elders in Tianfamen. His face is cloudy and uncertain!

He really dared not violate the rules of Tianfa and Ba Zong, otherwise he could not afford this consequence!

However, I thought that my disciples who went to the Star Beast Star were all killed, and my heart was unusually unwilling!

A small thief, so that their losses are so heavy, this hatred does not report, he can not swallow this breath!

"Stars and Mausoleums issued a reward order, which forces can kill the two of my Stars and Beasts disciples, the gods reward four eternal gods and peaks, if they can hold them, reward the six eternal gods !"

"The king of the king said that he did it, and that you will never suffer any revenge!"

The crocodile king sits on the body of the red sacred beast, and he is very cold and announces!

"Hey, the crocodile **** actually released a reward!"

"This...the two people who killed the Stars and Beasts directly rewarded the four eternal gods, and the rewards were too precious!"

Some people heard the reward of the crocodile king, and the face was shocked!

The four eternal gods are at the top of the battle, which is the top fighting power for those who do not have the king!

And still reward four in one time!

"However, the other party can kill the eternal **** of the Stars and Beasts, but it is not so simple to kill!"

Some strong faces have a meditation color!

The other party can make the **** king angry, not a simple character!


At this moment, the position below, flying around with a sigh of relief!

The crocodile god, a group of apprentices, the star sacred building, a group of eternal gods, the peak of the strong fly over!

"Master, Rong Tuer enters the Star Animal Building, I want to avenge Ninger!"

The head of the old man’s eyes said **** to the crocodile king, and his body was a little trembling!

Old man, he is very fond of his son, and now he is killed, he wants revenge!

"Master, I heard that the five divisions were killed, and our brothers and brothers went to avenge him!"

An old man next to him is also a slap in the face!

The crocodile **** gaze swept over his own apprentices and the stars and beasts!

"Boss, you take the old six old seven to join the third oldest four!"

"In addition, if the eternal **** of the lord of the empire is to help the disciples of the gods to kill the enemy, reward an eternal god, the peak of the pet, even if it is a failure, also reward a nine-order war pet!"

The crocodile **** looked cold and said again!

"It's a master!"

Master of the Stars and Animals House nodded immediately!

"Crocodile King, I am willing to assist the Stars and Bells!"

"We are willing too!"

At this moment, each figure flew to the front of the crocodile king, each with the strength of the eternal gods!

The opening of the star beast star, in addition to the star source planet, there are more than a dozen planets like the heavens!

Perhaps these dozens of planets are not as strong as Tianze, but there are still many strong ones in the eternal gods!

The rewards of the rewards just now may be a little difficult for them!

But now, with the help of killing, there is a god-lord's peak pet, even if it is not killed, there is also a nine-order war pet, this is a huge fortune!

This time, the crocodile king is also a **** one!

For a time, four figures flew past, this is still the reason why the eternal gods and peaks here are less!

"Well, with this war pet, you will be smashed!"

The crocodile **** has a wave of arms, and a strange war pet appears!

"It's a master!"

A strong person in the Star Beast Building saw the face of the war pet in front of him, and immediately shouted loudly!

"The person who dares to kill my star beast, the **** of the king will set you up!"

The crocodile king whispered coldly!

"I didn't expect Stars and the Great to send so many strong people to chase each other!"

"If the other party goes directly to the eternal god, where does the Star Beast Building go?"

"I heard that it is the strongman of the Star Beast Building who wants to kill each other and be madly killed by the other side!"

Some people saw a strong group of stars and beasts enter the star beast, whispered!

The crocodile **** is sitting on the immortal **** warlord, standing quietly there!

Tianfamen looked at him with a cold elder, and the ghost disappeared!

"Wang Boda, the beasts of this star animal house are really many, haha, if we stay here for a few months, is it not possible to build a God-fighting pet army!"

When the stars and beasts come to the star beast to chase the king fairy!

Above the top of a mountain range, the invincible face of the warfare is full of excitement and looks at the tamed wild beast in front of you!

An eternal god, the ninth-order beast!

Before he changed, he would definitely rush on, and now he is not interested!

He is waiting for Wang Xian to give him the eternal **** of the Lord!

"Let's go and see if you can tame some of the peak fighting power!"

Wang Xian smiled at him!

He is going to tame some of the gods' peaks and wars here. These wars are not ready for sale, but are used against the city of the sky!

Of course, if the war pets sold are enough for him to upgrade the first order, he will also sell it!

"Go, let's go to the ocean!"

Wang Xian said to him, continue to search for wild animals!

Star Beast Star Eternal God Lord is not everywhere, he is ready to enter the ocean!

Entering the ocean, all the aquarium creatures below the fourth-order eternal **** can be ruled in an instant!


In another place of the star beast, the three brothers and four brothers looked at the seven people and one beast in front of them, and shouted reverently toward the old man who was headed!

Master of the Stars and Beasts, second only to the master of the master, everyone is very respectful to him!

"Where do the two thieves know now?"

The master asked coldly to them!

"Master, the other party has not escaped, the demon eye can find each other, but their speed is too fast, we can't catch up!"

"However, the master sent a golden beast, we still have a great chance to kill it!"

The three divisions said to the masters, looking at the war pets on the side, a flash of excitement in the eyes!

For those two awkward guys, he is angry and powerless. Now the master sends a golden beast, and the chance of killing it is increased by fifty or six percent!

The golden beast, but the immortal **** warlord, the son of the red sacred beast, although the mother of the golden beast is a wild beast of the eternal god!

But the golden beast is far stronger than the ordinary peaks and beasts!

(End of this chapter)

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