Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2374: Immortal God King Cub 5

Chapter 2374 Immortal God Cub 5


Five or six gods and peaks stared at Wang Xian and attacked again. The power of powerful laws was contained in the tentacles, making Wang Xian's face slightly changed!

"Wang boss, help!"

Aside from the position, the invincible screams invincible!

In front of these wild animals, he was just a beaten ball. If it wasn't for the protection of the treasure, he would have finished!


Wang Xian saw the wild beast that once again attacked himself. The dragon was shocked and covered directly toward the immortal **** cub!


His body was shocked and snorted!

"Touch and touch!"

At this time, a tentacle fell on his body, causing Wang Xian's face to change greatly. He felt that the internal organs seemed to collapse!

"Let them stop!"

Wang Xian quickly directed toward the immortal **** cub!


The cub looked awkwardly at Wang Xian and made a scream!


The rest of the wild beasts were somewhat puzzled, and several attacking beasts responded with a voice!

They are somewhat puzzled and look at the immortal gods and youngsters!


At this time, the immortal **** cub flew directly toward the position of Wang Xian!


Around, a wild beast quickly stopped the tentacles!


The immortal gods and young cubs smashed toward them again, and the tentacles shook slightly, without dare to stop!

"Let them let go!"

Wang Xian saw this scene, his eyes showed a fiery radiance, and immediately ordered to the immortal **** cub!


The immortal gods cubs screamed at them, and the wild beasts reluctantly let go, but they still sway around it!

"Let them fall back!"

Wang Xian saw this scene, frowned slightly and continued to order!


The immortal god, the cub, has a fierce look on his face, and he is yelling at the beasts!


A lot of wild animals are obviously commotion, and the figure is slightly retreating toward the rear!


Wang Xian’s arm waved, without hesitation, and fled directly to the rear with the invincible warfare!

At the same time, he ordered the immortal **** cub to follow behind him!


The immortal **** cub screamed and quickly followed behind Wang Xian!


A lot of wild animals are obviously very flustered, and they quickly catch up and make a roar!


Wang Xian flew forward, and soon felt that he was flying out of the space!

With a wave of his arm, he directly controlled the immortal **** cub with energy, and turned to escape in the direction of going back!


In the rear, more than a dozen gods and peaks of the beasts are chasing in the back!


Wang Xian's eyes narrowed, with an immortal **** cub and the invincible escape of the war!

Speaking of it, Wang Xian has come to this land of sorrows, and the number of escapes is more than ever!

He still has a lot of confidence in his speed!

"Wang Boda, this can escape, hahaha, it's amazing!"

The invincible warfare has just been beaten by the wild beasts. It is dizzy and turned. Just after returning to God, it will be taken away by Wang Xian!

He shouted the rest of his life after the robbery!

"Now have not escaped danger!"

Wang Xian said one sentence, all flying!

"It’s no wonder that everyone in the Stars and Beasts did not come over because they knew it was the land of the immortal king of the wild!"

"All the people in the Stars and Animals House must be ambushing outside, not able to return in the same way, to deviate from some!"

Wang Xian said in his heart, looking at the side and deviating from the road just now!


In the rear position, a dozen gods and peaks of the beasts are horrible roar!

The sound of roaring is tens of thousands of kilometers!

"This is the roar of the gods and the peaks of the beasts, and more than one, what happened inside!"

At this moment, I didn't dare to enter the star-beast building in the field of the immortal gods. Everyone heard the sound coming from inside, and his face changed slightly!

"It should be that the two guys have provoked a powerful wild beast, being chased or fighting?"

The four divisions look toward the inside!

"The roar is getting closer and closer to us!"

Suddenly, they found that the roar of the gods' peaks and beasts was getting closer and closer, and they looked at each other and prepared themselves one by one!

"That direction!"

"The two guys are out, chasing!"

At this moment, they found a position hundreds of kilometers next to them, a figure carrying a powerful momentum to escape in the distance!

Seeing the vague figure in the distance, the Stars and Animals building immediately recognized everyone!


"There are more than a dozen gods behind him who are at the peak of the beast!"

At this moment, they saw that behind the two thieves, there were more than a dozen gods and peaks and beasts chasing after them!

At the same time, the Stars and Animals House was slightly shocked, and immediately came to the body of the Golden Beast and joined the ranks of chasing!

"Hey, the king is arrogant, and there are more than a dozen gods and peaks, and nearly ten gods and peaks."

The invincible warfare is out of danger, and the situation of being a dog has just disappeared!

He looked at the crowd behind him and said with a smile!

Wang Xian ignored him and flew at a horrible speed!


An hour later, Wang Xian flew out of the ocean and flew straight toward the mountains in front!


More than a dozen wild animals stopped and screamed with anger and anger, and they continued to pursue it!

Suddenly, they turned their eyes to the back and looked at the people in the Stars and Beasts!


The headed beasts screamed and attacked them directly!


Seeing a dozen or so wild beasts in front of them suddenly attacked them, and the stars and beasts were mad!

"Don't get entangled with them, get rid of this group of beasts!"

Master of the Stars and Animals House is full of embarrassing martyrdom!


The rest of the stars and beasts are gloomy, and the **** beasts attack them. It is even more difficult to catch the two thieves!


Wang Xian enters the mountains and shuttles directly in the mountains. The speed is no slower than in the sky!

I have been flying for more than an hour, completely unable to sense the rear figure, a smile on my face!


Wang Xian fell on the ground!

"Finally opened this group of followers!"

The invincible warfare was a little relieved: "It’s really exciting, and escaped from the field of immortal gods!"


At this moment, there was a low voice coming from the side. He immediately looked at the curiosity and saw Wang Xian looking at the wild beast in front of him. He sighed helplessly!

"Hey, Wang Boda, we have come to the Star Beast Star for two days, except for a nine-order war pet, this one-time garbage eternal **** first-order war pet!"

He had some unbearable love to pat the head of this war pet!

"This one is enough!"

Wang Xian looked at him with a smile and stared at the wild beast in front of him!

At present, the eternal **** is the first step, but this is the immortal **** cub!

(End of this chapter)

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