Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2386: The third order of the 30,000 gods is on the Shanghai Strange Legion

Chapter 2386, The Third Order of the Three Thousand Gods, on the Shanghai Strange Legion


"Oh la la!"

The torrential rain falls from the sky, and the rainwater in front of the guardian wall falls on the scarlet sea, playing a **** red flower!

The sea monster has entered the position of the guard wall 20 kilometers away!

A personal class in the sky rushed to the tragic killing!

The battle is more and more fierce, and from time to time there are eternal god-level powerhouses to die!

The endless sea monsters are groaning and roaring between heaven and earth!

The human beings of Tianze mainland only have to take orders to resist!

Under the sea, members of the Dragon Palace also have some small pressure, but this pressure is still within the scope!

One group of sea monsters, the existence of more than one billion billions of each group has come one after another!

Two days and three days a day, on the eighth day of the beginning of the catastrophe, only the sea monsters ruled by Wang Xian reached a total of seven or eight billion!

Together with the killing, the Dragon Palace has won at least 20 billion dead bodies!

Among them, the corpse of the eternal god-level level has reached tens of thousands!

It is no exaggeration to say that the sea monsters killed by the Dragon Palace occupy one-fourth of the entire invasion of sea monsters!

The members of the Dragon Palace are too strong to suppress the sea monsters. Together with Wang Xian, it is easy to rule the sea monsters with a radius of 500 kilometers. It is not too easy to hunt!

"You generals, come to the general command room!"

Just then, a voice rang in the ears of Wang Xian!

Wang Xian slightly stunned, hesitated a moment, and the body shape directly rushed out of the sea!


Moved instantly into the general command room, the other generals flashed and teleported!

"At present, we have lost 30% of the Terran soldiers here, and immediately ordered the second group of people to come here!"

"In addition, the sea monsters of the eternal gods above the fifth level have not appeared in large numbers, so be prepared!"

The Supreme Commander did not hesitate and immediately said to all of them!

"it is good!"

The commanding commanders of the four major forces nodded calmly!

"There is still a very bad news. According to the news from the king of the king behind us, the fifth epoch of the eternal gods gathered in the back is blamed in Shanghai, more than 30,000!"

The highest commander said with a gloomy face!

"Three thousand!"

Everyone's face is a bit unsightly!

The eternal God of the entire Tianze continent is only about 70,000 to 80,000, and most of them are below the fifth order of the eternal god. Now the sea monster has gathered a 30,000 sea monster army, which is a bit horrible!

When the attack comes, the generals of their gods and peaks must be shot, and even many generals will fall!

"Be prepared, and let us prepare all the human beings in Tianze mainland. It is really a certain point, and all the people are soldiers!"

The highest commander bit his teeth and said!

A group of people nodded slightly silently, one by one a little dignified away!

At the same time, the four forces and the federal royal family began to make the second batch of soldiers into the battlefield!

In the eight-day war, the Tianze mainland humans killed and injured nearly 20 million people. This is the real strong!

The combat effectiveness of the second batch of personnel is much weaker than the first batch!

On the brain of Tianze mainland, the outbreak of the third catastrophe has already been announced. At this time, the federal government announced that all the people are ready for the whole army!

The catastrophe, spread to everyone at any time, has really reached a certain level, and the demigod will also go to the battlefield!

There are some panic in the whole Tianze mainland, and all the people are soldiers. How many people will this die?

Even if Tianze mainland fights with the underground sea day and night, it has never reached the point where all the people are soldiers!

There will be strong guardians!

The last catastrophe, this generation of humans have never experienced, now the catastrophe begins, everyone is full of worry!

However, when the humans on the mainland of the day saw the fierce battle on the wall of the guardian, the scalp was numb and full of anger!

They can only pray that human beings can win!


Wang Xian returned to the bottom of the sea and immediately rushed into the sea monster group in front!

Under the shock of the body, at least tens of thousands of sea monsters were ruled and quickly turned into resources!

In today's Hualong Pool, the dragon blood has reached 80%!

This is why the 5,000 members of the Dragon Palace are experiencing rapid consumption!

In ten days, the dragon palace eternal **** level of the strong increased by 5,000!

A full five thousand is definitely a very scary number!

Moreover, after 5,000, it can still be increased. According to resources, the Dragon Palace can add 15,000 eternal gods!

However, Wang Xian did not continue to increase, but to enhance the strength of the eternal God-level Dragon Palace!

Wang Xian is at least the 5,000 members of the Dragon Palace, all of whom have the combat power of the eternal gods above the fifth and sixth orders!

On the afternoon of the eighth day, the second batch of soldiers entered the battlefield and killed with the sea monsters!

However, the soldiers who came in at this time were extremely dangerous. In the next two days, five or six million soldiers died every day!

There are more and more casualties, and the sea monsters are getting more and more fierce!

Even the location of the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian has sent 500 members to the level of the Eternal God!



On the tenth day, the roar of the whole Tianze continent suddenly came from the depths of the ocean, and everyone was slightly surprised!

As everyone sees it, it is in the depths of the ocean, like a doomsday scene!

A sword of the sky rises to the sky and goes straight into the ocean!

The horrible beast and the sword of the sky!

"This is the sea monster of the immortal king level fighting with the sword king, the battle of the king level begins!"

Everyone has a slight glimpse of their hearts, their pupils are miniature, and they look at the face with shock!

The sea monster that is attacking has a slight shape!


In the rear position, a sudden roar, the sea monster who is attacking suddenly retreats toward the rear!

A lot of people are full of surprises!

However, very soon, there was a bad news in the command room!

The sea monsters did not retreat, but instead gathered more, and the 30,000 eternal gods of the eternal gods came to the forefront of all sea monsters!

They are ready for the final general attack!

After the generals got the news, the face showed a very dignified look!

"In ten days, is the sea monster going to make the final total attack?"

Xuan Tong collar frowned, looking at the generals in the field of Xuantian!

"The mysterious collar, the 30,000 eternal gods, the sea monsters above the fifth-order, how many gods are peaks?"

Wang Xian frowned and asked!

God's fifth-order sea monster, he can no longer control!

"According to the uncertain news, more than two hundred people are more than twice as many as our human beings. Ninety-five percent of our human beings here are coming to the top!"

"If you are cooperating with federal strategic weapons, you can't fight, but you must be prepared for death!"

Xuan Tong led his face with dignity!

In ten days, the sea monsters carried out a general attack, and then it was a massive life and death fight!

(End of this chapter)

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