Chapter 2392 is unscrupulous


Wang Xian swooped down from the sky, and did not care about the gods and monsters next to the sea monster!

"you wanna die!"

"You want to kill me!"

Liang Cheng’s main face changed and he made a roar!

Every voice of his voice spread throughout the ears of the guardian wall, obviously wanting to let others know the behavior of his king immortal, let him have scruples!

This is also the case, many strong people heard his words, frowning!

However, there is a point that Liangcheng is wrong!

Wang Xian’s heart has no scruples about this!

To put it bluntly, he is not a native of Tianze. He is able to stay here to gain the body of the sea monster, and the second is because he is leaning against the Xuantian field!

Xuan Tianzi is also good to him!

Dragon Palace naturally wants to contribute!

But this does not mean that the people in the Sky City killed his Dragon Palace disciples, and he continued to resist the sea monsters!

"Five elements, the law is annihilated!"

Wang Xian’s claws are coming out, and the horrible dragon claws are directly toward his body!

The killing of the sky is not the slightest cover!


When Liangcheng saw the attack of Wang Xian and his face changed dramatically, he immediately waved the sword in his hand and drawn a long river of horror to meet the attack of Wang Xian!


The collision of horror came, and Liang Chengzhu still had to resist the attack of the sea monsters, his face changed dramatically!


In the next moment, a threat of death covered the whole body, and he was full of faces!


The next moment, he had a white image on his body!


The demon's claws fell into his body, but his powerful defense did not kill him!

His entire body was pierced, and the light and dark energy fell on them, making his face mad!

His face is full of terrified cold sweat!

"Is this the horror of this guy? No wonder it can kill the gods and sea monsters in an instant!"

Liangcheng's main lips are white, and the body is slowly whitish!

Although the smuggling of his body is resisted, it is also heavy!


He did not hesitate to flee directly in the direction of the 50th district!

"General Wang is going to kill me and save my life!"

At the same time, he screamed and his voice spread across the guardian wall!

Everyone heard this sound and his face changed!

"There is still no death!"

Wang Xian saw that Liang Chengzhu was still alive, his eyes filled with the color of Sen!

"Yu Xingmu, you are entangled in two gods and peaks, and all the members of the Dragon Palace will kill me, killing everyone in the Sky City!"

"Dare to deliberately lead the two gods to the peak of the sea monsters, kill my Dragon Palace disciples, blood debts to pay!"

Wang Xian’s face showed a violent look!

These two sentences, he did not hide in the slightest, the sound also echoed the entire guardian wall!

Nothing to fear, you dare to kill my Dragon Palace disciple, then ten times a hundred times to repay!

"It is the Dragon King!"

More than 1,500 dragon palace gods strong, 3,000 gods and peaks, a roar, full of murderous rushing toward the 50 district!

"Damn, how dare they dare, how dare!"

When Liang Chengzhu heard Wang Xian’s words, his face turned pale!

Once Wang Xian took all the members of the Dragon Palace to kill, it means that the fifty-one district of the 51st District will be abandoned!

And killing them in 50 districts, 50 districts will also suffer heavy losses!

This made him want to split!

Feeling the chasing of the rear Wang Xian and the Dragon Palace, his heart jumped vigorously!

Not only him, this moment, the heart of the entire guardian wall is violently jumping!

What is the situation of his mother? Human beings are guilty!

During this period of guilt, everyone is waiting for death!

"Budget, what are you doing in the 50th district? General Wang, the Dragon Palace is calm!"

A general can't help but mad!

"Kill, everyone in the city of the sky in the 50th district, one does not stay!"

At this time, it is the cold cry of Wang Xian that responds to the whole human being in Tianze.

Wang Xianfei passed, staring at the city of the sky, who was guarding the sky here, and ordered the members of the Dragon Palace!


The next moment, all the members of the Dragon Palace did not have the slightest soft hand, and immediately issued a fatal attack!

For a moment, there was a sea monster attack, and the city of the sky with the members of the Dragon Palace on the right was full of faces!

"Touch and touch!"

In just one round of attacks, tens of thousands of people in the Sky City were killed!

"Insanely crazy, why did Liang Cheng deliberately lead the gods and sea monsters to the Dragon Palace, now trouble!"

"We are not the people of the Sky City, we are not!"

In an instant, the entire 50 districts were completely confused!

"General Wang, you are killing yourself!"

The commander of the city of the sky, who is dealing with the peaks of the gods and the sea monsters, saw this scene, and his eyes turned red and shouted!

He did not think that the other party actually abandoned this at this time to kill them!

Is this the demise of the entire Tianze continent?

"General Wang!"

At this moment, the highest commander in the command room is also mad!

He couldn't sit still at this time, and immediately flew outside!

"General Wang is calm, and it is a matter of life and death!"

The top commander quickly flew toward the 50th district and shouted loudly in the sky!

"Ha ha ha, the supreme sergeant, you should know that my king is not a person of Tianze mainland. I just led my men to kill seven or eight gods and peaks. Now the generals of the 50th District of the Sky City deliberately lead two gods. I stepped into the place where my Dragon Palace corps guarded and killed my Dragon Palace disciple. This hatred, I am going to report now, I want all the city's sky city soldiers in the 50th district to die!"

Wang Xian replied sharply, and the dragon claws waved and went straight to the strongman of the eternal **** level!

"Ah, ah, help, the city commander is in a hurry!"

All the Sky City Powerhouses in the Fifty Zones are instantly pale, and they are desperately seeking for mercy!

However, the people in the Sky City in the 50th district are not the opponents of the Dragon Palace members, and they are quickly killed!

Because of the Dragon Palace's shot, some sea monsters also flew directly to the guardian wall, and the federal warriors on the wall were pale and coping!

"The city of the sky, what are you doing with his mother, want to kill the entire human race?"

In the place where the law of war is guarded, a general’s angry martyrdom!

"I will deliberately attract the two gods and the sea monsters to other areas. What are the generals of the 50th district? Is it a sinner who wants to be a human being on the mainland?"

In the field of Xuantian, the Xuan Tong collar is also a scream of anger!

Everyone on the wall of the guardian is very angry!

The general of the king is not the people of their Tianze mainland, they are very surprised!

Now others have helped to guard and have achieved great results. Now someone is going to harm each other!

The result is that the other party is now directly abandoning, and the generals in the 50th district are simply dead!

(End of this chapter)

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