Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2742: Imperial court call

Chapter 2742: On The Order Of The Imperial Court

"Roar roar!"

The imperial court's 200,000 strong faces stared at the abyss populations who attacked them with a serious look.

Backed by the elders, they receded one after the other.

At this time, Mosha led a group of men who were about to rush to the position behind them.

Mosha originally wanted to be broken, but the powerful people in the Imperial Court reacted too quickly to fail to break the back.

But even so, they were able to collide face-to-face with the 200,000-strong Imperial Court.

With their strength, many people can stay.

And the abyssal flocks who were overwhelmed by Mosha's strenuous forces came directly after them.

The immortal king peak abyss will not support the siege one, its blood-red eyes stare at the 200,000 people in the imperial court, full of bloodthirsty.

"Damn, stop one and ask for support from other law protectors!"

In the sky above, two defenders besieged an abyss of the immortal king peak, and saw two abyssal clan leaders rushing towards their disciples, their faces turned wild.

They only have two immortal kings, and they can't restrain the other three.

One of the guardians gritted his teeth, his body moved, and he quickly attacked the abyss of the immortal king who was closer to them.


At the same time, a fiery red firework flew out of his body, and the firework rushed directly into the sky with a long red line.

A very striking flare stands in the abyss and can be seen from a long distance.

This is a unique request for support from Imperial Court.

And it's the highest level.

This time into the abyss, not only two of them protected the law, but three also entered the abyss, but they are looking for the reason why the disciples have disappeared recently.

"Hold on, our Lord Court protector will soon come to support and support!"

An elder roared sharply when he saw the flare lift off.


The weird roar from the mouth of the Abyss of the God King Paradox, which was parasitic by the evil spirit, erupted into all power and came to the disciples of the 200,000 emperor court.

"No, resist, all attacks attack this abyss!"

An elder emperor looked, his heart shivered, and his face shouted in embarrassment.

"Boom boom!"

The next moment, the force of a horrifying law, headed towards the evil spirit.


Mo Sha smiled faintly, issued a roar, a black flame, and rushed directly toward the front.


All the black flames were instantly corroded, and the next moment, Mosha's body was rushing forward.


His body, about five kilometers, attacked directly in front of a row of people.


When Mosha's attack came, the sound of screams sounded instantly.

For a moment, thousands of people in front of him were beheaded and killed by the evil spirit. He opened his mouth and swallowed it directly to save it.

"Roar roar!"

Mo Sha raised his head and roared excitedly, staring at several of the elders of the Immortal King Nineth Order, and raged away.

"not good!"

"Protect the law, save us!"

"We can't stop the abyss of this immortal king."

The sound of terror came from the mouths of the strong men and disciples in the imperial court. Facing the horrible demons, they hid in fear.

This existence is simply not something they can compete with.


Mosha roared and rushed directly to an elder.

The elder shivered.

"Ah, I fight with you!"

He roared angrily, and the flame-covered fist attacked directly at Mosha.


But he was greeted by a huge claw, grabbing his body directly, and the dark and corroding power was melting his vitality.


Mosha's violent tail swept away, and around five thousand or six thousand people died instantly under his attack.


When an elder saw this, he commanded with a bit of fear.

The formation spread out, and everyone hurriedly hid around.

"Roar roar!"

But within a short time of the magic attack, they missed the best time to leave the abyss.

A large number of abyss species in the rear have approached.

Two abyss population families, hundreds of millions of abyss species, many of which are powerful abyss species.

With so many abyss species, how can they resist?

"not good!"

"It's over, if there's no more Masters coming over, we're all over!"

When the 200,000 strong men in the Imperial Court saw the overwhelming abyss attacking at them, the expression of panic appeared on everyone's face.

An immortal king peak abyss species is raging here, and now there are hundreds of millions of abyss species attacking.

In ten minutes, they will be destroyed.

"Animals, look for death!"

Just then, a roar of anger came, and in the distance, a figure rushed forward with horror.


Mo Sha glanced over, and saw an imperial court guardian approaching, his face full of senran.


When he was in shape, he immediately attacked a nearby Emperor Ting strongman.

No emperor court can withstand his attack.

The horrific power rages, and every second hundreds of emperor court disciples are killed.

These are the **** kings of the imperial court, and the targets of Mosha are placed above the fifth order of the immortal **** king.

In a short period of time, the number of elders who died in his hands has reached three.

And, when the Emperor's court protector rushed over, he was able to hunt at least two.

"Roar roar!"

Mo Sha's excited roar sounded, and continued hunting the surrounding Emperor court strongmen.


After swallowing an elder with his mouth open, Mosha sensed that the imperial court protection had flown over.


When he was in shape, he directly met the defender.

"Small boys, speed up the hunt!"

At the same time, he preached to a group of members of the poison department.

"It's the boss!"

"It's the boss!"

A group of members of the drug department immediately responded loudly.

Their bloodthirsty eyes stared at the targets, killing them immediately.


"How come two abyss herds suddenly appeared!"

The imperial court guard who flew over saw three clans besieging their emperor court disciples, and with an embarrassed expression, roared loudly.

"This group of beasts seems to have evolved. They even know how to support them. Some of our disciples recently died in their siege!"

An imperial court guardian answered with a somber face.

As for what caused only their Emperor Ting powerful to fall more, and other scattered teams died less, they have now automatically ignored.

Because of the support of these two groups, the Imperial Court suffered heavy losses.

"We resist the peak abyss, you rush out!"

The last guardian came roaring violently.

(End of this chapter)

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