Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2756: Increase in strength, complete the layout



Longfeng traveled and flew towards the position of the front line of the imperial court.

When Longfeng came to the front of the planets, he found that many forces around him came out of the abyss.

The most striking one is the Imperial Court, where tens of millions of people flew over the abyss from the abyss.

The emperor court strong and his disciples all smiled, apparently this time the gain was not small, and the loss was not great.

"Well? That's Longfeng. I heard that Longgong went against a large abyss herd, I don't know if they succeeded!"

"With the strength of the Dragon Palace, it is natural to easily destroy the entire abyss group, and I heard that the Night Clan has taught them to flee to the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Palace shot and destroyed an immortal king peak Abyss. The strength of the Dragon Palace is greater than Imaginary horror! "

"His, really, we didn't destroy the Abyss of the Immortal King this time, and Dragon Palace destroyed two!"

"The news from the night tribe will still be false? I heard that the Dragon Palace also deliberately blocked the night tribe from fleeing. This time the night tribe was the most unlucky. It encountered the impact of three large abyss herds and five immortal gods. Kind of attack! "

"I heard that now the powerful abyss species have evolved. This night is really unlucky, but if our masters do not go to the island of Pingyi, we can destroy one or two immortal king peak abyss species!"

"Some people now say that the strength of Dragon Palace is stronger than that of the night clan, and I don't know if it is true or false!"

When Longfeng flew over, Emperor Ting Jiuxiao and other powerful men and disciples also noticed.

They knew a lot about the fighting not long ago.

The clan of the night clan was heard by everyone, and the power of the Dragon Palace was known to many people.

Looking at the huge and majestic Longfeng, everyone looked in awe.

Even some of the elders and deacons of the imperial court had a little awe in their hearts.

Slaying and killing two immortal **** king peaks and abyss species, this is not something the general forces can do.

The battle of the abyss began, and the Imperial Court hunted and killed an immortal king peak abyss.

"Let's go to the Meritorious Exchange!"

Wang Xian said to the sky array, and a group of people flew directly towards the striking hall of a planet.

"Dragon King!"

When they saw Wang Xian coming, some staff in front of the hall shouted respectfully.

Today's Dragon Palace, looking at the entire Emperor Star Domain, is also a well-known presence.

On the list of heroes, the strong dragons occupy the majority, which represents strength.

Dragon Palace is also ranked first in the crowd standings.

"Call over to your main cause of merit!"

Wang Xian said immediately to a staff member.

"It's the Dragon King!"

The staff did not dare to neglect, and immediately went inside.

"I heard that the Dragon Palace has just killed a large abyss group in the Abyss. Is the Dragon Palace here to exchange merit treasures?"

Soon, an old man approached respectfully and asked with a smile.

"Yes, the troublemaker brings a lot of preparations for elixir. Our Dragon Palace is going to use all the merits to redeem elixir. Spirit grass and fruit can also be used, no limit to the effect!"

Wang Xian said directly to the old man.


The old man froze and asked tentatively, "Dragon King, do you have two immortal king peaks and abyss species in your hands?"

"Yes, there are two corpses of the peak abyss, thirteen and nine steps, and eighty steps and more than forty. Does the court have so many elixir spirits?"

Wang Xian nodded.

"Yes, our emperor court naturally has so many treasures, the Dragon King waits a moment, and we will prepare now!"

The principal's old man said immediately.

Wang Xian also nodded.

The corpse of the abyss is exchanged on the side of the emperor's court, and it absorbs more resources than Hualongchi.

However, it is impossible for Wang Xian to take out all the corpses of the abyss, nor is it possible to take out the corpses of the emperor court strongmen.

One more thing to exchange for elixir is that this time Wang Xian will also be promoted.

After promotion, he will have the peak fighting power of the immortal **** king.

"Congratulations Dragon Palace, Congratulations Dragon King!

Within five minutes, an old man walked in and said to Wang Xian with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, there is no Lord Emperor court, and we have no chance to hunt these abyss species!"

Wang Xian looked at the protector of the imperial court and said politely.

"That is also the strength of the Dragon Palace. After this time, the Dragon Palace's merits will be no one to surpass, and I also thank the Dragon Palace for its contribution to the humans of the Emperor Star Domain!"

"The Dragon King wants to exchange elixir, **** grass, **** fruit and the like, and we can satisfy it!"

The old man said with a smile.

"Okay, this is the body we need to exchange for the abyss!"

Wang Xian said, passing a few space rings.

The old man took a look at it, nodded, and then took out a few space rings and performed a conversion.

"Dragon King, check it out!"

The old man passed the space ring and said.

"Thank you."

Wang Xian glanced and said with a smile.

"Oh, don't be so polite!"

The old man smiled.

Wang Xian arched his hand and left.

"The strength of the Dragon Palace is really not simple. There should be five or six of them.

The old man looked at Wang Xian's figure, his body moved and disappeared.

"You need a trip to the state!"

Soon, the figure of the old man appeared in a hall. Four old men looked over and one of them asked.

"Dragon Palace exchanged treasures, and they hunted down two immortal king peaks and abyss species, more than a dozen of ninth-order, and the rest more."

The old man said lightly.

"I heard that it took them about a minute to destroy an immortal king peak abyss!"

A defender raised an eyebrow and said with a blinking gaze.

"It can already be confirmed, the night clan they also said, beheaded and killed an immortal king peak abyss species in more than a minute."

Another defender said.

"If you want to destroy an immortal king peak abyss in about a minute, it is estimated that we can do it together with ten guardians. The strength of this dragon palace is really not simple!"

In the central position, an old man said with blinking eyes.


Just then, a bright shadow appeared in front of the hall.

Seeing this figure, everyone immediately reconciled, with a respectful look on their faces.

"Meet Taizu!"

Cried the five men arched.

"Well, it can be determined here. There is only one species in the Black Abyss of the Emperor. After the day and night clan has been promoted, the night clan plus you and the rest of the forces of the Emperor Star Realm will guard here, and I will rush to Pingyi. there!"

A bright shadow appeared, and he spoke directly.

"Huh? Taizu, is there an outbreak in Pingyi?"

The old men were slightly startled and asked immediately.


The light shrouded nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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