Chapter 2783: Emperor's Fall

"The wizard? The wizard?"

The night **** Emperor's figure appeared in the rain. He heard Tian Zhen's words and his face changed constantly.

"How could you be a wizard, you are farting!"

He shouted with disbelief.

As for the wizard, he also knows a few things. The biggest force in the Tianwu domain is to become a wizard society, and their ultimate goal is to become a wizard.

But how many dare to call themselves wizards?

His eyes glanced around, and he realized that his rainy field was completely covered by a wooden energy, and his face was extremely embarrassing.

The magical magical domain of rain is his biggest hole card now. After the rainy field is cast, as long as a drop of rain escapes from here, he can escape with this raindrop.

But now his rain was covered, and he was completely trapped!

This made him have a very bad hunch!


Tian Zhen heard his questioning, his face was full of icy look, his arms waved, and thorns whipped toward the night **** emperor.

"Well, it's time to talk about the old man in Tian Zhen's pain, kill him!"

Hachi and Mosha gave out a laugh.

"Boom boom!"

The flames of terror rose suddenly when the horrible monster attacked that day.

The surrounding temperature suddenly rises!

"The existence of that God Emperor level also releases the magical power of the rule, Night God Emperor, ready to die, hahaha!"

Wang Xian They sensed the horrible flame, glowing glow in their eyes, and roared with a laugh.

"Oops, am I going to fall here night emperor, I am not willing!"

Night God Emperor saw the rising terror flames, watching the thorns attacking him, his body trembling.

His pupils were full of unwillingness!

He has just been promoted to God Emperor!



At this moment, the violent sounds rang out continuously, the night **** Emperor shuddered, and the blood of his mouth was spit out from his mouth.

His eyes are also overflowing with blood and tears!

He glanced down quickly, his Void Kingdom had been destroyed by most.

"Do not!"

Bloody tears shouted in despair.

The kingdom of God is a source of energy for God. Once the kingdom of God is destroyed, its resilience will be greatly weakened.

Moreover, the destruction of the kingdom of God will cause great harm to itself.

Next, every time the small house destroys the Void God Kingdom, the night **** emperor's injury will be a little more severe.

The kingdom of God was destroyed, and he was facing two attacks of the same level, and a crisis of death had haunted him.


"Roar roar!"

At this time, the magical powers of the Flame God Emperor's Abyss had been released, and the sound of flames burning raindrops sounded.

Night God Emperor's face was covered with bloodstains, and his hands in madness clasped the trifurcated artifact in his hand.

"Dragon Palace, Dragon King, I am dead today, and I will take you away!"

"I fight with you!"

He growled madly, and the energy of his whole body was injected into the trigeminal artifact.

A vast water law blooms on the three-pronged artifact!

His whole body seemed to be integrated into the trifurcation artifact, and turned directly into a blue light, attacking the thorn monster!

Today, everything is caused by the Dragon Palace, and they are caused by the Dragon King.

The death of a disciple of the night clan, now in his situation, everything is a dragon palace!

Now facing death threats, his heart was full of unwillingness and fury.

Everything is because of the Dragon Palace, even if it is dead, all the Dragon Palace people will be destroyed!


Tian Zhen saw his attack coming, his cold anger was revealed in his eyes.

"This ... have you heard the sound inside? Have you heard it?"

"It's the roar of the night god, it's the night god, he's been driven to an end, it's over!"

"What's going on inside the battle? Is the Night Emperor going to fall? The Night God wants to end up with Dragon Palace Dragon King?"

"Our ancestor, he ... he ..."

The battle ahead roared, and when the roar of the night **** Emperor came, everyone's eyes widened and filled with a shocking look.

The voice of the night **** emperor is full of sternness and unwillingness. They can already imagine the situation of the night **** emperor!

The surviving disciples of all night clan are full of death.

Once their ancestors and their **** emperors perish, their night clan is completely over.

"An emperor, is it going to fall?"

At the entrance to the abyss, the powerful men of Jiuxiao broke out trembling.

God Emperor fell, this is God Emperor fell!

How many gods are there in the entire Emperor Star?

Now one is going to fall!

And the night emperor is still just promoted!


"Is Emperor Night God and the Dragon Palace Dragon King all together? Are they also dead?"

"It's very possible. After all, the night **** emperor is a real **** emperor. Even if he kills them, the dragon king will have to pay some price. Moreover, the dragon king fights with the night **** emperor in a special way. If Emperor really pulls some people, he can still do it! "

Several strong men next to them were discussing.

This battle really opened their eyes and shook their hearts.

"Boom boom!"

"Ah, ah, I'm not willing to, I think I am the night god, I have just been promoted to God, and have endless life, and endless power, I am not willing, not willing!"

Just then, suddenly a voice full of despair and unwillingness rang through the world.

The tens of billions of kilometers and even the planets on the front line can clearly hear them.

With the screams and unwillingness, there was a roar!

Hearing this voice, everyone shivered, eyes widened for a long time, his eyes were a little blood red!

In the middle of the battlefield at the moment, below is a completely collapsed kingdom of void gods.

Above, there was a corpse suspended.

The body was covered in flames, and tiny thorns pierced his body.

He widened his eyes and lay there unwillingly.

The sky array controlled the thorny monster to fly slowly, and looked down at the night **** emperor.

"Cough, cough!"

The last vitality of the night **** emperor supported his body and stared at Wang Xian.

He was dying. Before he died, he did not even kill a dragon palace strongman.

"Don't be so reconciled, when you dare to kill my apprentice, your ending is already doomed, just a few years away!"

Wang Xian stared at the Night God Emperor and said lightly.

"you you..."

He opened his mouth to speak, but a lot of blood poured out.

"Oh, become a God Emperor, originally you could be happy and be able to lead the night tribe to the top, unfortunately, you offended our Dragon Palace!"

Wang Xian said slowly, with a wave of her arm, the claws formed by the law fell directly on his head!


New God Emperor, Fall!

Emperor Meteor!

(End of this chapter)

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