Chapter 2826 Birth of a New King (7)

"There are three abyss species of the immortal king peak here. They are too fast and ask for support."

"Not good, the archer of the Dragon Palace is attacking at us, run away, run away."

"Use the kingdom of God to resist, even if the kingdom of God collapses, people are still alive."

"Boom boom!"

The northern part of the imperial court island, when it came, was a mighty billions of imperial court disciples and strong men.

Cheng Wuhui is okay. All the arrivals are top powerhouses. If they want to escape, they will be relaxed.

But over the emperor's court, 90% of the power of God's Lord level.

Facing the attack of the Dragon Palace and the Abyss, they could only retreat a little bit.

This retreat is very slow.

If it wasn't for the power of Cheng Wuhui to resist most of the attacks of the Dragon Palace, the people of Cheng Wuhui would not be able to escape far.

Even so, every time they escape, they will lose a lot of disciples and strong men.

This is a **** road.


In the sky, the emperor and the other two emperors of the emperor court roared angrily.

When they were in the sky, they battled with Wang Xian and followed the team back.

Looking down, their hearts were bleeding, and every moment, the powerful and disciples of the Imperial Court were hunted and killed by the Dragon Palace and the Abyss.

It is difficult for them to imagine how many strong men and disciples will remain alive in their court.

"Dragon Palace! Dragon Palace!"

"You wait!"

The emperor's court roared with weakness and anger.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xian looked at him angry and smiled coldly.

The winner is king.

If the Dragon Palace is defeated, everyone in the Dragon Palace will be destroyed, even the Beichuan Sect will be destroyed even last month.

Now that they have lost, it will cost a hefty price!

Wang Xian asked herself that this war was not provoked by them.

As for how many people died, that was the choice of the emperor.

In the sky above, a group of gods retreated while following the team of the Imperial Court into the Witch Club below.

Wang Xian, they also know that they can't keep a lot of gods with their strength, they just need to restrain them.

Stop them and hunt down the strong and disciples of the Imperial Court to become a witch society.

A vast war, shifting a little bit towards the north.

This battle is no less fierce than the original battle of imperial damage.

Time passed little by little, and the **** road continued to spread below.

The blood irritated countless abyss species, and they were chasing and killing them in the rear.

The court's disciples and strong men are rapidly decreasing.

The whole void was smelling blood.

And not far behind, a large group of disciples from the North University of Tokyo last month followed and stopped for an hour.

"Guru, who can think of this situation? The Imperial Court and Chengwu will fail too badly!"

"The Dragon Palace is too strong. This imperial court will be driven out of the imperial star domain. They may not dare to enter the imperial star domain in the future."

"Hahaha, teach, we are about to rise, we are about to send, the imperial court is down, the new king is rising, we are the courtiers of the Dragon Palace, we are about to send!"

"After the imperial court fled, the dragon palace will take over the entire court area. The dragon palace has only four or five million members. We have been standing on the side of the dragon palace. We are the courtiers of the dragon palace. The new king is born and we will rise completely.

Last month, all the members of the Beichuan sect, the ancient **** dynasty, and the Long Mang Group stopped and they swallowed.

The strong men roared with excitement.

The emperor court dropped the altar, and the new king of the dragon palace was born.

As a frontier of the Dragon Palace, as a courtier of the Dragon Palace, they will follow Huang Tengda.

In the future, there will be the shelter of the Dragon Palace. Who will dare to provoke them in the entire Emperor Star?

The most important thing is that the Dragon Palace ascended to the throne, and with the strength of the Dragon Palace, the abyss should bow down to the court.

After the abyss has been settled, there will be no major danger in the entire emperor star domain.

They are truly prosperous.

The thought of excitement and excitement appeared on the faces of all of them.


"The invincible legion of Imperial Court and Chengwu Club has been on our side for more than ten hours. I don't know what's going on on the Imperial Court island."

"The number of Cheng Wuhui doesn't seem to be many, but the power is really horrible. Cheng Wuhui is much stronger than the Imperial Court. They joined forces and it is easy to destroy the Dragon Palace."

"At this time, the Dragon Palace may have been defeated and destroyed."

"Yes, the two sides are not at the same level at all. Although the Dragon Palace is strong and rises strongly, it can be called the Eighth Power of the Brilliant Starry Sky, but after all, how to resist the joint efforts of the two powers."

At this time, in the realm of the Imperial Court, in the north of the planet, the entire planet was discussing the imperial court's attack on the Dragon Palace.

Especially not long ago they saw the army of the Imperial Court and the Witchcraft passing by.

They can't see the situation on the battlefield, but for this battle, few people are optimistic about Dragon Palace.

The two great forces of the bright starry sky join forces, and in the whole bright starry sky, few can resist.

In their opinion, the Dragon Palace could not resist it.

On the mind, at this time, the situation of this war is also being discussed, one by one speculation.

Almost 100% of people are not optimistic about Dragon Palace.

"Boom boom!"

"Roar roar!"

"Hurry away, run away!"


Suddenly, there was a terrible voice in the calm void.

The horrible collision is full of savage roar.

A shouting scream, a screaming sound.

Various sounds rushed towards this peaceful planet.

At the same time, there is a tremendous energy coming towards this side.

That energy, with only the aftermath, can destroy a weak planet.

"what's the situation?"

"what's going on?"

"Oh my God, look, there are strong men fighting there, and terrifying strong men fighting!"

"That's the emperor's court, that's the golden colossus of the Witch Council. Look at the top, the emperor is fighting!"

"The Imperial Court and Chengwu will fight against the abyss of the Dragon Palace. No, the Imperial Court and Chengwu will flee. God, how is this possible!"

"The Dragon Palace is hunting down the Cheng Wuhui and the Imperial Court. Hissing, the Dragon Palace is actually hunting down two major forces!"

When the mighty might and various sounds came, some powerful people on the planet immediately flew into the void.

When they saw the scene over there, they widened their eyes and filled with an incredible look.

What did they see?

Dragon Palace leads the abyss species to hunt down the Imperial Court and Chengwu Club!

They, the runaway in defeat!

How is this possible?

(End of this chapter)

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