2829 1:42:15 Kelly Rodriguez


All the girls were excited.

Not to mention the entire emperor star domain, it is the entire emperor court island, belong to their dragon palace, they are already very happy.

"Hahaha, Your Majesty the Dragon King, look at the Dragon Palace to control the Emperor's Star Domain in the future. Can you give me a big official? Give me some names."

"For example, the Star Goddess of the Emperor Star, the beautiful little goddess of the heavenly goddess, the most beautiful divine goddess of the Emperor Star.

Aside, Emperor Star Girl said with great excitement.

The imperial court was defeated, the dragon palace was king, and the imperial star domain belonged to the dragon palace. Who else dare her messenger star in this imperial star domain?

She will do whatever she wants in the future.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Xian looked at her with a smile: "It depends on your performance."

"Dragon King, the Jiuxiao Religion outside, all the forces of the Great Heaven Religion seek to see."

At this time, a Longgong Wenchen suddenly flew over and reported to Wang Xianhui.

"Okay, let's deal with some business first, and when we're done, we'll have time to walk around Dixingxing."

Wang Xian was talking to a group of girls.

"I have to deal with it. There are too few people in the emperor's island. All the famous food and clothing in the emperor's star domain will be brought in."

Feng Yan said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, let the emperor island lively."

A group of girls immediately said expectantly.

As an imperial court island, as long as the Dragon Palace has a word, it is believed that there will be countless people coming here.

After all, as the center of the imperial star domain, the resources, aura, and living conditions here are the best in the entire imperial star domain.

In the past, if you wanted to enter the emperor's island, you were either a disciple of the emperor's court or a strong one.


A crowd said, Wang Xian they flew out of the sea.

Wang Xian glanced around the mountains and rivers with a smile on her face.

"In the future, it will no longer be the emperor's court island, it will be changed to Dragon Island!"

He said with a smile on his face.

"Let's go and see!"

Wang Xian smiled and flew towards the center of the vast palace.

"Dragon King!"

As soon as they arrived over the vast palace, Tian Zhen greeted him with a smile on his face.

"How about those people who are members of the Witch Council?"

He asked with a smile.

"On the third day of the Dragon King's chase, they immediately teleported to their own kingdom of vanity."

Tian Zhen said with a smile.

"Dragon King, now a group of forces want to meet the Dragon King and say that they will be loyal to our Dragon Palace in the future and obey our orders. They have brought a lot of treasures and are waiting in the forward position."

Tian Zhen came to Wang Xian and continued.

"Go check it out. We don't have any people on Dragon Island now. We will bring in some influential people and let them manage them!"

Wang Xian nodded slightly, then looked at Feng Yao and their girls: "In the future, we will be here on Dragon Island and Emperor Xingyu. You can manage it as you wish."

He smiled and said.

Wang Xian didn't want to ask anything, and Feng Ye had already become the empress, and it should be okay to care about some things.

Although it is said that the field today is hundreds of millions of times, billions of times.

But whoever they want to manage, whoever has an opinion?

"Hee hee, okay!"

The girls nodded willingly, and occasionally being a majestic hostess, it was also fun.

"Wow, Qingyue Yinxuan, you will register hundreds of names by then, hahaha!"

The Emperor Star Girl laughed exaggeratedly and excitedly.

"The name of Dragon Island is good."

"It's also good for a group of dragon Queens to manage Emperor Starfield in the future."

Tian Zhen laughed and patted a fart, feeling very good.

Now that he has recovered most of his strength, he will be defeated again.

He is very happy. As long as his strength returns to the peak and the strength of the Dragon Palace is improving, he can attack the Witch Club, destroy the traitors, and destroy the group of guys.

"Dragon King!"


In front of it, a huge door was pushed open by members of the Dragon Palace, and Wang Xian walked over.

The vast palace is tens of thousands of meters high. People walking here feel very shocked.

Floors, walls, everywhere, every building are full of art and luxury.

"The Dragon King is here!"

"The Dragon King is here, and the God of Heaven array is also here!"

At this moment, in a square in front of this vast temple, tens of millions of strong men and disciples stood there.

Among them, in the central location, there were the Great Religion, Beichuan Sect, Long Mang Group, and disciples of ancient gods.

On both sides are the strong and disciples of Jiuxiao Juetianjiao and the rest of the forces.

When they saw the Dragon King coming, they looked in awe on their faces.

Defeated the Imperial Court, resisted the Witch Club, and hunted down the Imperial Court Witch Club for hundreds of kilometers. Today's Dragon Palace is invincible to them!

In the face of an invincible existence, they dare not have the slightest arrogance and disrespect.

"Meet the Dragon King and congratulate Dragon Palace for taking control of Emperor Starfield!"

"Meet the Dragon King and congratulate Dragon Palace for taking control of Emperor Starfield!"

When Wang Xian came to the front position, last month's Great Teacher, Jiuxiao Teacher, and Broken Sky Teacher taught them all the strong men to kneel directly on the knees and shouted loudly.

At the rear, all the disciples quickly knelt on the ground, respectfully!

Kneeling and salute, great gift!

Even if it is the two ancestors of Jiuxiao University, the presence of God King.

Such a gift at the moment, they have not the slightest dissatisfaction.

Dragon Palace Dragon King, it is worth their salute!

"Get up!"

Wang Xian glanced at them all, with a wave of his arm, a mighty force made them all stand up.

"Xielong Wang!"

Everyone stood up respectfully and immediately.

"Reporting to the King of Dragons, our Jiuxiao University is willing to obey the dispatch of the Dragon Palace in the future and obey all your orders from the Dragon King. Today, we contribute half of the accumulation of Jiuxiao Treasury!"

Jiuxiao ancestors, they just stood up and said respectfully at once.

"Reporting to the Dragon King, we will absolutely obey the Dragon King ’s orders in the future. We have contributed sects for millions of years. Congratulations to the Dragon Palace for defeating the Imperial Court and Witchcraft Society.

The Heavenly Teacher taught them to stand up immediately, and said respectfully.

"Okay, everyone is interested."

Wang Xian nodded with a smile on his face.

Jiuxiao broke the sky and had no grudges with the Dragon Palace. They surrendered and the Dragon Palace would naturally accept it.

"The Imperial Court Island is now controlled by the Dragon Palace. In the future, there will be no Imperial Court Island and it will be changed to Dragon Island."

"Longzhi Island is very large. There are only four or five million disciples of Dragon Palace. Dragon Palace will accept a group of people to enter Dragon Island."

"Beichuan sect, last month, ancient **** dynasty, Long Mang group, you will move your disciples here."

"The rest of you, Jiuxiao, have also moved their disciples over, and will discuss some specific matters again."

Wang Xian said lightly.

"Thank you Dragon King, thank you Dragon King!"

After hearing the words of Wang Xian, all the forces knelt down on the ground, and worshiped again with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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