
"The Dragon and Phoenix Dynasties were established. Starting today, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasties will take over the planet in all areas of the Imperial Court and supervise the entire Imperial Star domain. One month later, the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasties will hold a ceremony to establish the Dynasty!"

After the war, the Emperor Star Realm calmed down slightly.

In the calm, everyone was waiting for the news from Dragon Island.

This news may concern many people and hundreds of billions of life planets.

It didn't take long for a statement to come from the Dragon Palace.

When everyone saw the news, he froze slightly.

"What's the situation? The dragon and phoenix dynasty? The dragon palace also established the dynasty?"

"What's going on? How did the Dragon Palace build power again?"

Looking at the statement, everyone had a stray look on his face.

Dragon and Phoenix Gods, what happened?

"The Dragon King does not manage the Emperor's Star Domain. The Dragon and Phoenix Dynasties were established by a group of Dragon Queens, and the Queen of Dragons were the Empresses. Assist the Empress. "

"The Emperor is in charge of the Emperor Starfield, and a ceremony for the establishment of the dynasty will be held one month later. At that time, it seems that the Dragon King still has something to announce."

Soon, some news came from the Beichuan sect and some forces from the teachings of the previous month.

"The Empress Dowager is the Empress, and our Emperor Star Realm was taken over by the Emperor?"

"This ... this is the first time we have been controlled by a woman in the history of Emperor Star."

"It is presumed that the Dragon King did not want to be in charge, and the dragon queens set up the dynasty, but I really envy the dragon palace dragon queens and become the emperor of the Emperor Star Field!"

"Dragon Palace Dragon Queens are all top powerhouses. After all, they are women of the Dragon King, and you must know that the Dragon Queen in the abyss has two god-level pets.

"After a month of the Jian Dynasty Ceremony, all the rulers of the planet will go to worship and surrender, I don't know if we can pass."

The news spread and everyone talked.

Some of the planet's masters, some small forces, were immediately ready to go to Dragon Island.

"Sir tortoise, what has been gained from this battle?"

At the same time, inside the main dragon palace of Dragon Island.

From the abyss, the main dragon palace has just been transferred here, and the gains from the battle with the imperial court Cheng Wuhui have been busy these days. Wang Xian has not yet understood.

"Dragon King, the harvest this time is not too much. The body of the immortal king peak is only eleven."

"But in this battle, we have harvested several treasures, such as the Flame God Star, the Three Worlds of Heaven and Earth, and the Mark of the Lord.

The Turtle Prime Minister immediately reported.

"Is it eleven? Can Dragon Palace increase the combat power of one emperor, and a few treasures are equivalent to the combat power of four emperors."

Wang Xian smiled.

Compared to the battle in the abyss, the harvest is much less.

But there are a lot of such gains.

"Take out some resources to raise the strength of the Emperor Star Girl to the Ninth Stage of the Immortal God King, and the Dragon and Phoenix God Dynasty is established. As a female emperor, her strength cannot be too low.

Wang Xian commanded toward the Turtle Prime Minister.

"It's the Dragon King!"

The turtles nodded.

"Is there an approximate estimate of developments in the field and resource income?"

Wang Xian groaned and asked.

Now it has taken over the entire Emperor Star Field, and it is in charge of the billion-dollar planet of life.

These life planets are a huge resource.

Taxation alone is an expensive resource.

"There is only an approximate figure, but today's tax for only one day is a very scary number. One day of tax resources can make a thousand Dragon Palace members promote to the emperor."

"In addition, Zhinao ’s main server, the Imperial Court, was not taken away. Tianjin changed the core data inside it, and took over some of the virtual industries on Zhinao, which is no less than a day's tax.

The turtle queen said.

"That is to say, a day's resources can make the Dragon Palace more than 2,000 **** kings?"

Wang Xian raised an eyebrow, with a smile on her face.

"Yes, the Dragon King!"

"This is just a conservative estimate!"

The turtles nodded.

"It seems that Dragon Palace will add some members this time."

Wang Xian said with a smile.

"Yes, the King of Dragons, Weichen suggested that the number of members of the Dragon Palace be increased to one million and doubled. With the power of our Dragon Palace today, it is very easy to recruit real elite disciples.

The turtles nodded.

Recruiting members of the Dragon Palace, as long as the Dragon Palace now releases words, all aquatic creatures in the entire Emperor Star Realm will surge in.

"Well, announce it at the ceremony of the establishment of the dragon and phoenix."

Wang Xian nodded slightly.

"It's the Dragon King!"

The turtle nodded and nodded. After reporting several problems, he left directly.

As soon as Wang Xian was in shape, she came to the office of a group of girls and the future emperor of the Dragon and Phoenix.

A group of girls are looking at the map and discussing some issues of Emperor Star.

He didn't pay much attention even to his arrival.

He smiled when he saw it, and he could find something to do.

Day by day, Dragon Island has become more and more lively.

The migration of all their disciples in Beichuan Sect last month made Dragon Island no longer empty.

There are also more and more people coming from other planets in Emperor Star Field to participate in the celebration of the establishment of the dragon and phoenix dynasty.

With so many planets of life, as long as there are hundreds of people on each planet, the entire planet is very lively.

Later, if it is not restricted to too many people, Rongnoshima may be blocked.

For this lively scene, Wang Xian was happy to comment.

After all the girls have been busy all day, they are preparing to set up a ceremony for the Dragon and Phoenix.

Instead, Wang Xian calmed down, strolled around Longzhi Island, and studied treasures with Tianzhen.

The treasure obtained from the Sorcerer's Club, the Mark of the Sovereign, is, in the words of Tian Zhen, a very precious treasure.

The mark of the Venerable, its material is a treasure made from the skin of a powerful universe.

His mark is his skin.

That is a realm above the Void Emperor.

The powerhouse of this level is a little far away for Dragon Palace.

"Dragon King, tomorrow is the ceremony for the founding of the Dragon and Phoenix gods. Would you like to prepare?"

A month's time soon arrived, and the turtle turtles noticed towards him.

"Is it so fast? How is Shuqing preparing them over there?"

Wang Xian froze slightly, some forgot the time, and asked with a smile.

"Dragon King, Dragon Queen has all been prepared there, Dragon Palace Dragon Guard and Tianyan Arrow Department were dispatched by the Queen to serve as guards."

"Hachichi Mosha they were also called by the dragon Queen to support the scene!"

Xiang Xiangxiang said with a smile.

"Hehe, let's go over tomorrow and let them have the addiction of being an empress!"

Wang Xian smiled and said.

(End of this chapter)

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