Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2844: Invincible Jiaozi invincible? on

Chapter 2844 Invincible Jiaozi battle method invincible? on

"Here, thank you."

In the pavilion, two hours later, the woman handed Sheng Yu to Wang Xian, her brows froze, and she clearly understood.

"Well, I can get you here for two hours every day."

Wang Xian looked at her and said with a smile.

"Okay, thanks a lot!"

After the woman finished speaking, her figure disappeared directly, apparently she wanted to absorb what she had learned in the past two hours.

"It's kind of fun."

Wang Xian watched her disappear, murmured in her mouth, and walked towards the room with a smile.

When he came to the room, he continued to conceive Shengyu.

The next two days, except that Wang Xian spent two hours in the pavilion every day, so that the woman felt two hours, the rest of the time was pregnant.


Until five days later, the entire Holy Feather shuddered violently, and the faint shadow of the Wind God Dragon flickered on it.

"Are you going to succeed?"

Wang Xian's eyes showed an excited look. Once she successfully conceived, and the sacred feathers merged with the wingless wings, he would be able to have an additional attribute.

Wind attributes!

At that time, my own strength will also be improved.

Today's holy feather has changed greatly from the illusion when he first got it.

Especially just now, the entire holy feather slowly moved towards the appearance of dragon scales. Although it still looks like a feather, it is very close to dragon scales.

The Fengshen dragon spins, and Wang Xian's heart moves, and there is no beginning holy wing behind him.


When the beginningless wing appeared, the holy feather and the wing shuddered at the same time.


A faint inaudible dragon yelled, and the entire holy plume was shining brightly, flying directly towards the holy wing.


Like the combination of mechs, Sheng Yu landed directly on the Holy Wing, and Wang Xian's eyes shot luster.


The next moment, he sensed that he could touch the surrounding wind properties, and touch the rules of wind properties.

With a wave of his arm, a rule of wind blades emerged, floating in front of him.

A delight in Wang Xian's eyes, the wind blade slowly condensed.


But soon the next moment, the wind blade law in front of him collapsed.

Wang Xian's face was dull, but when he sensed the position behind him, his face slowly darkened.

Wingless Wing is a bone wing with a shiny bone on it.

However, at the corner of a bone wing, there is a holy feather floating on it, and then there is no more.

There is only one holy wing, which looks very inconspicuous, but it is a bit obstructive.

"this is?"

Wang Xian saw this, and her face darkened.

"This is just a holy feather!"

"There are a lot of holy feathers on the wingless wings, and I just found one."

He was dark-faced, secretly in his heart.

In other words, in the windless forest, there are many holy feathers that I have not found all myself.

Only when all are found can the wind attribute wings be complete.

This changed the face of Wang Xian.

The last time he entered the windless forest, he just entered the edge of the windless forest valley.

But even on the brink, he almost died.

If this were to enter the center, wouldn't there be no death?

"Want to go in search of your strength?"

Wang Xian frowned, with a helpless look on her face.

"No, I remember Tian Zhen said a windless day, and that woman also told her disciples a windless day."

Wang Xian's eyes flickered slightly, and the palm of his hand moved, and Sheng Yu appeared in his hand.

Having fully conceived a sacred feather, Wang Xian found that she could sense the wind attribute law.

However, using the wind attribute, the attack power reaches up to the second-order Immortal God King, which is useless.

"Ask that woman tomorrow."

Wang Xian secretly said in her heart, helplessly rested in bed.

"Well, thanks for the tea."

The next day, when Wang Xian came to the pavilion, the woman was already sitting there, with a pot of freshly brewed tea next to it.

"No, it looks like you like tea. I happen to be here."

The woman shook her head.

Wang Xian sat with a smile, palms moved, and Sheng Yu flew towards her.


When she saw Sheng Yu, she was also slightly surprised, and she was surprised: "It has changed?"


Wang Xian nodded and asked, "What's the situation on a windless day? Can you talk about it?"


"Windless days are a special case of windless forests. Storms occur in windless forests every 10,000 years. At that time, the tree attacks in the windless forests will be much weaker."

"Every time, it ’s when the wind practitioners are most excited. The emperor of Fengyu and the Windless Forest Valley will be excited. At that time, the **** emperor will come. Some **** emperors who are not wind attribute may also come . "

The woman said.


Wang Xian raised her brow slightly, her eyes shining with luster.

"A windless day is coming, just three months later."

The woman continued.

Wang Xian nodded slightly, and seemed to be lucky.

"I really do n’t know how to get such treasures with your strength. It is your luck not to die, but even if it is a windless day, you do n’t want to enter the valley of windless forests, and weakening there is not something you can enter . "

The woman glanced at her and continued.

Wang Xian smiled and shifted the topic: "By the way, there is no interoperable platform here in Bahuang Liuhe, which is similar to Intellect."

"Yes, I'll send you one later."

The woman nodded.


Wang Xian nodded, took a sip of tea, and tasted it.

The woman took out a communication stone plate and sent a few messages. When she saw that Wang Xian was not talking, she looked at Sheng Yu and continued to realize.

"Master Wang Xian, come here. This is what Master wants me to give you."

It didn't take long for a sound to come into the ear.

He glanced and saw two women, a middle-aged man, in front of them. They looked at his Master and said carefully.

The three were naturally Yerring.


Wang Xian saw the communication stone plate in their hands and walked towards them.

"Thanks a lot."

After receiving the communication stone plate, he said with a smile.

"No, it ’s the Master who asked us to send it to you. This is a new Eight Desolate Array. I added your friends. If there is anything you can come to me.

Ye Luying said enthusiastically.

"it is good!"

Wang Xian nodded.

"By the way, handsome Wang Xian, what are you doing with our Master these days?"

"Are you going to worship our Master as a teacher? I think you are good. After you worship Master as a teacher, I will cover you in the future."

Ye Luying asked with bright eyes.

They were astonished at their Master and this youth for several days in a row.

This situation was encountered only when they were just under the control of the master.

Of course, in other cases, they have not thought about it, nor have they thought or guessed.

"No, I can't stay here for too long."

Wang Xian shook her head with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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