Chapter 2847 Windless Day

"Dragon King, we are now in a relatively deep place in the Bahuang Liuhe, and it may take a long time to catch up."

"We'll get there as quickly as possible."

A message came from the sky array Hachi.

Seeing their reply, Wang Xian raised her brow slightly.

Tian Zhen took Hachi Qi Mosha and Ao Yao to find treasures, and these days also sent him a lot of information. Several of them also besieged and killed a first-order abyss of a **** emperor. .

"Don't worry, just come to Wufeng Lin directly."

Wang Xian did not urge.

Tianzhen Baqi followed them, and it was Wang Xian himself who acted.

The presence of them is just a guarantee.

It doesn't matter if you arrive later.

"Wang Xian, handsome, let's go, we are going to the windless forest."

On the fourth day, Ye Luying's voice came from a door.

"it is good!"

Hearing the sound outside, Wang Xian answered immediately and walked out of the door.

"Walk, walk, Master let me call you."

Yeluying said, taking him outside.

Not long after, four figures appeared in front.

Wang Xian's eyes were gone, and the master and sister of Ye Luying were there.

But one more woman.


Yeluying came over and shouted at the woman with a smile on her face.


The woman nodded, her eyes fell on Wang Xian's body, her eyes changed.

"For the understanding of the wind, did you learn from that holy feather?"

She looked at Wang Xian, and asked with glowing light in her pupils.

The demon fairy gourd that Wang Xian demonstrated to her four days ago shook her heart.

From the cohesion and attack of the fairy gourd, she realized that she felt that she had already taken that step with one foot.

She felt that she could make a breakthrough for decades, at least years and months.

All this is because of the young man in front of him.

And she felt that if this young man had the realm of today, he could already break through to the realm of the emperor.

Even so, as long as he is given enough time, he can break through to the realm of the emperor.

Because he had already broken each level in advance.

Now, facing the young man in front of her, she no longer faces the mentality of a junior, a weak person, but an existence at the same level.

"That's right!"

Wang Xian looked at her and nodded with a smile.

"Your method has made me realize a great deal. After this time, go with me to my kingdom of God. I will help you quickly improve your strength."

The woman groaned and said to Wang Xian.

"Speak later."

Wang Xian declined politely.

"Do you have a strong background?"

The woman asked, frowning slightly when he heard him refuse.

"The ordinary practitioners of ordinary forces."

Wang Xian said lightly.

"You think about it, and then come back from the windless forest!"

The woman said something and didn't say more.

Wang Xian nodded with a smile.

However, on the side, Ye Luying and the four of them stared at this scene with a few stuns.

What happened? How does his master treat a young man so politely?

Want to take him to his own God?

This is the kingdom of God.

They haven't been to many times.


what's the situation?

Master touched his daughter?


They still know Master, and have not had any close contact with any man for more than eight million years.

Some gossip disciples also discussed one or two sentences of their master.

It is impossible to have this idea for a youth.

The four looked at each other, full of doubts.


With a wave of the woman's arm, a banana fan appeared in front.

Wang Xianfei went up and followed, and it was the same goal anyway, and they could learn more about the windless forest.

The banana fan was flying fast. After ten hours, Wang Xian found that there were more people.

A strong man led his disciples toward Wufenglin.

There are also forces directly leading thousands of disciples to the past.

The windless forest is a very good place for wind practitioners.

When there is no windy day, many powerful forces will bring their disciples to experience it in search of the wind jade.

It takes a day to go from Lan Yuexing to Wufeng Lin at the speed of Master Yeluying.

A day later, they came in front of the windless forest.

Around, forces, and strong men led their disciples to stand in front of Wufeng Forest.

The sound of crashing leaves came from the sky, and tornadoes and typhoons raged in the sky.


Wang Xian raised her head and looked upward, with a curious look on her face.

There are many people around this film, at least 100,000 people.

No one entered the windless forest, and at this time the windless forest was moving without wind.

Tornadoes, the collision of leaves, slowly spread towards them.

"The windless day has just begun. Where the leaves have rang and the hurricane has whistled, the attack power of the trees will be greatly reduced. Until the sound of these hurricane leaves colliding throughout the windless forest, this represents the complete opening of the windless day. "

"The true windless day only lasts for one day, but the outer side can maintain two days. These two days are the best time to obtain wind jade."

The woman looked forward and said.

"Primary 4, wait a minute and you will lead them inside."

The woman said to the woman who had just arrived.

"It is Master!"

The woman nodded immediately.

"Protect him."

Hesitating for a few seconds, the woman commanded again at the woman.


The woman nodded and looked at Wang Xian aside.

When Wang Xian heard her, she smiled.

He did not act with Yeluying.

"During the windless day, how much wind jade you can get depends on your luck!"

"Once every 10,000 years, if you can get rich, you have to rely on this one."

"If I can break through this time, it depends on how much wind jade I can get!"

"Walk around, the attack on trees at the edge has been greatly reduced, we pass."

"Be careful, don't let others attack, once there are attackers, don't be afraid, kill me!"

At this time, a sound came from the surrounding location.

One by one the disciples flexed their muscles, and some strong men began to instruct their disciples.

Now only the attack of the surrounding trees has been greatly reduced. Some strong men have not moved. Their goal is to go deeper in the windless forest.


At this moment, a terror of power came towards this side.

"A strong man at the level of God Emperor appeared!"

"An emperor appeared!"

Feeling this mighty power, the eyes of a crowd of powerful men and forces who have arrived glanced over, the pupils narrowed slightly, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

In the sky, an old man shrouded in cyan light hovered there silently.

(End of this chapter)

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