Chapter 2849: King Boss

Brother Yeluying five has reached the sixth rank of the Immortal God King. In the absence of wind, the attack of the trees is greatly reduced.


With his strength, Feng Yu was easily removed, and the attack of the trees fell on him and was easily resisted.

"Give you."

Brother Five flew over and handed Feng Yu to Wang Xian with a smile on his face.

"Hold it yourself, I don't need it, the level is too low."

Wang Xian shook her head and said directly.


The five brothers froze slightly, pouting after watching Wudi Shengyi behind him.

"Okay, then we just accept it."

Brother Five said directly.

Wang Xian nodded.

"For your little sister, you can use this wind jade!"

Five brothers said with a smile.


Ye Lvying closed it with a smile, and then looked at Wang Xian: "Wang Xian, do you get a lot of high-grade Fengyu by this wing?"

"The last time Master brought you out of the windless forest, did you get a lot of wind jade in the windless forest?"

She asked with gaze.

"Yes, so I'm not interested in this low level."

Wang Xian nodded with a smile.

"No wonder, Wang Xian, you are a tyrant!"

Ye Luying exclaimed.

"Let's go, while the others aren't coming in, we can get some more jade."

Wang Xian urged.

Now they should be the fastest, after all, they have not been disturbed by trees.


Ye Luying nodded excitedly.

The windless forest is very scary. Once you enter the windless forest, you will suffer endless attacks.

This attack is completely endless.

The first-order strength of your **** king can only stay in the area of ​​the eternal god's master level attack power, otherwise it is to seek death.

Once in the windless forest, they will be attacked, and the powerful will slow down significantly.

There should be few people who can reach them from Wang Xian.

"There is a wind jade over there!"

"One more here!"

With the yin, yang and five elements dragon eyes, coupled with the strength of Wangxian God Emperor, under his guidance, finding Fengyu is not too simple.

One after another, Jade Liying cheered excitedly.

But gradually they were shocked.

Wang Xian led the team. One, two, and three Fengyu were okay. Maybe he was lucky.

But after encountering dozens of wind jade in succession, this is luck.

"This Wangxian is not simple. No wonder even the Master accepted him as an apprentice."

Three hours later, the four teachers could not help but preach to the younger brothers and sisters.

Brother Five and Brother Six nodded slightly.

Being able to be so valued by his teacher is really not simple.


At this moment, Wang Xian gave a light noise and looked towards the right position.

"what happened?"

Yeluying followed, asking with light.

"Our luck is really good."

Wang Xian said with a smile on her face, and flew directly to the right.

"We are getting rich!"

Seeing Wang Xian's expression, Ye Luying didn't know yet, shouted excitedly.

They immediately followed Wang Xian.

"this is?"

"His, how can there be so many Fengyu?"

As they flew past, the four brothers and sisters of Yeluying took a breath of air, and their eyes were shocked.

In the forward position, there are wind jade on more than twenty trees connected together.

All these wind jade are the existence of the sixth-order immortal king.

More than twenty imperial gods' sixth-order wind jade have been very precious to them.

Even in the fourth division of the Immortal King Seventh Tier, his eyes were hot.

"Be careful, this treasure of mine can't protect you here. Once you get closer, you will be attacked by trees!"

"Moreover, there are more than twenty wind jade here, and the attack power is absolutely very strong. The fifth and sixth stages of the Immortal God can be threatened.

Wang Xian stared forward, sensed the energy here, and said to them.

"Do n’t be afraid, there are four teachers and sisters here, hahaha, we are going to send it!"

Ye Luying said with bright eyes.


Wang Xian nodded, and the strength of the four sisters of Yeluying was able to get more than twenty Fengyu.

Even if she can't, Wang Xian will take the shot herself and get it with a wave.

"Get these Fengyu to help them, and leave on their own."

Wang Xian looked, secretly in her heart.

The time is almost the same. After entering the Windless Forest Valley to get the Holy Feather, he will return to the Emperor Starfield without accident.

There will be no intersection with them then.

"Don't move here!"

On the side, the voice ordered by the four teachers came, and Wang Xian looked at it.

As soon as the four divisions moved, she flew towards the front.


As she flew past, attacks attacked her.

As she moved, a windshield defensively appeared around her.


The attacks that landed on her did not break the defense, but it also reduced her speed.

Not a big deal!

"Come here!"

But at this moment, Wang Xian's heart moved and looked towards the rear position.

"I feel Fengyu, right here, right here!"

"His, this ... there are more than twenty of them, hahaha, sent, we sent!"

When he sensed it, a lot of people flew over quickly.

Their speed is extremely fast, and the attacks of the surrounding leaves are directly blocked by the shield.

"somebody is coming!"

Hearing these sounds, Ye Lüying was tense in their hearts and quickly looked.


At this time, more than twenty middle-aged men and women stood on an aircraft.

At this moment, their eyes were full of redness.


More than twenty people standing on the aircraft also noticed Wang Xian, especially the four sisters who had their arms in front of them removed towards a wind jade.

The first Fengyu was quickly picked off by her, and immediately moved towards the second.


Seeing a large number of Fengyu in front of them, the eyes of everyone in the aircraft were hot, without hesitation.


A middle-aged man headed directly attacked the four sisters.


Sister Four felt the attack behind her, her face slightly changed, and she quickly retreated toward the side.

"Who are you? Here we discovered first!"

Brother Five, they saw each other's attack, their faces changed for the moment, and a fan appeared in their hands, staring at them coldly.

"These jade belongs to us!"

The four division sisters landed in front of them and said coldly.

"It belongs to us now!"

More than 20 middle-aged eyes glanced at Wang Xian's crowd, sensing the power of the four teachers and sisters, and the corners of their lips slightly raised.

"Boom boom!"

There was a powerful movement in them, and a powerful momentum came towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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