Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2860: He, we are going to kill eight badlands! 4

Chapter 2860 He, we must kill! 4

The arrival of Bahuang's law-defending method has come, and the invincible method of warfare has not been regarded in the slightest.

The invincible method of warfare also knows that there may be trouble next.

Escape, there is only one way!

Yelüying's brothers and sisters turned pale when they saw the emergence of the Eight Wilds.

"Escape? In this Bahak Liuhe, killed our Bahak's disciples, still want to flee?"

Hearing the words of invincible warfare, holding the whisker's Yaohuang Fa, his eyes showed a mocking look.

"The battle method is invincible. Don't cause trouble for your master. Don't think that you can make mistakes. Your master can protect you and be an enemy of us. Even your master Shangshui God cannot protect you!

He stared coldly at the invincibility of the warfare and warned in a deep voice.

"Huh, this matter has nothing to do with my master, it's totally my personal behavior!"

The invincible method of battle raised his head and hummed coldly, and said coldly.

"Oh, if your behavior is invincible, then we will kill you!"

The Bahuang Guardian stared coldly at the invincibility of the warfare, and said arrogantly.

In their view, there is no God of Water, such a person provokes them to waste, which is no different from seeking death.

"Invincible, come here, we are not involved in this matter!"

Tianxin heard the words of Bahuang Hufa, and anxiously looked on his face, and immediately said to the invincibility of the warfare.

"Heavenly heart, how can a person with such a sense of invincibility as my invincible warfare do the kind of greed for life and fear of death, huh, today I will teach you how bad I am!

Said the invincible battle method cold.

"Brother Invincible is too righteous, but I'm afraid it will be a lot of trouble. We quickly contact the brother of Brother Invincible and let them contact the God of Water!"

"Oops, our invincible brother confessed death. Ten cows couldn't pull it. If Bahuang really played hard, that invincible brother would be over!"

A few young men looked anxiously and said in their mouths.

"The invincibility of this warfare is very moral, and I would rather offend Eight Wilds to keep the young man!"

"The invincible warfare really offends Bahuang, and the Bahuang protector really dares to kill him."

"Who is that young man? I haven't seen it before. It is not easy to protect the disciples of the invincible method of war and the holy religion."

"Not easy? Can there be eight shortages? But the young man has changed his face!"

In the surrounding area, more and more people were attracted by a distress flares, one by one whispering.

"Hands on, that kid, we will kill eight wastelands, all those who dare to help him, kill them all!"

Yahuang gave the order coldly, holding the dust-protecting method.

Hearing this command, the invincible face of warfare changed slightly.

"Master is here, Master, you are finally here!"

However, at this time, a surprise sound came from the side.

Hearing this voice, everyone around was a little stunned.

"Are you here again?"

"A strong man in the sanctuary?"

Everyone hurriedly looked at the location of Ye Luying's gaze.


At this moment, a woman in a cyan costume, with a luxurious appearance, flew towards this side.

The woman looked young and old. She walked in the windless forest. The next moment, she went directly to Wang Xian.


Seeing the appearance of the woman, the three defenders of Yahuang had their eyes fixed slightly.

"Sanctuary, red style!"

Hongfeng Yan looked at the severely injured Wang Xian, took out an elixir and brought it to him, turning her head to fall on the three guardians of the Eight Wastelands, arching her hands.

While on the road, Ye Luying had told her the details through the communication stone plate.

"Why, the protector of the sanctuary wants to defend the man who killed our Eight Wild Disciples, or is he also a disciple of your sanctuary?"

At the same level of confrontation, Yahuang Hu Fa took a few steps forward, and his eyes were locked on the red face.

"Although I am the protector of the sanctuary, this matter has nothing to do with the sanctuary, and he is not a disciple of the sanctuary. I don't know how you can resolve this grudge?"

Red Wind looked at them lightly. With a wave of his arm, each wind jade flew towards them. There were more than a hundred of them. Among the wind jade, there was also an artifact, the artifact of the immortal **** king!

"His, what a big deal!"

"Take such a valuable thing in exchange for that young man's life, this ... It seems that young man is very important to the protection of the sanctuary!"

"The artifact of the immortal king's peak, if Habaran agrees, it can be considered a big profit!"

Some people around whispered.

Even the strong men in the Eight Wilds were fierce with their eyes and awe in their hearts.

"Wow, who is this big sister, Boss Wang?"

The invincible way of looking at Hong Fengyan's handwriting was also slightly surprised, and he squeezed his eyes toward Wang Xian.

Wang Xian glanced at him, ignored it, took out the communication stone plate and sent a message again.

It's a bit slow, they!

"The lives of our eight wasteland disciples are not comparable to some dead things. If we accept them, will we be able to kill our eight wasteland disciples at will after taking some treasures!"

"Huh, what a little sect we are!

"He, we will kill eight wastelands, no one can protect, attack, I'll see who dare to help him!"

Holding the duster's eight wasteland protection method staring at Hong Fengyan, he ordered directly.

"Boom boom!"

Around, a group of disciples who had been prepared for the Eight Disasters immediately released a powerful power.


However, when their momentum bloomed, Hong Fengyan also had a powerful power.

"He, I will guarantee it today!"

Everyone around seemed to hear the sound of the wind howl, Red Wind Yan seemed to be standing at the center of the wind howl, and looked at everyone in Badan coldly.

"Okay, you have to protect, then you die!"

The three defenders in the Bahuang area showed murderous eyes, and the old man holding the dust brush in the middle moved his body and attacked directly towards Hong Fengyan.

Two guardians beside him followed closely behind.

"Oops, it's about to fight!"

"God King's peak combat power, we retreat!"

Everyone around me saw this scene, his face changed, and he shouted loudly.

"Invincible, come here!"

"Little Shimei, let ’s retreat. The invincible warfare is to find death by ourselves. He really thought that by virtue of a **** emperor, he could be lawless? This kind of guy who doesn't know how to live or die will still have less contact with him!

Tian Xin shouted at the invincible warfare.

The two middle-aged men behind her immediately took her body back towards the rear.

"Go, boss, wait for us, we are ready to escape! We are very good at escape!"

The invincible mouth of the battle method was drawn, and he opened his mouth and said to Wang Xian.


Wang Xian stood there without moving and ignored the invincibility of the warfare.

Looking at the red wind face guarding in front of him, his eyes flashed with shine.


Hong Fengyan saw that the three defenders of Bahuang came towards her, and her face did not change at all.

Above her, a tornado formed, and in the next moment, the tornado slowly consolidated, forming a blue gourd!

(End of this chapter)

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