FTLN 2884 I am a lord.

"This is Dragon Palace?"

The Lord entered the Dragon Palace and looked at the towering palace, their eyes shone with luster.

The Dragon Palace did not shock them too much.

After all, today's Dragon Palace is only a seventh-level dragon palace, which can only resist attacks from below the Emperor.

However, the towering dragon palace, the dragons hovering on the pillars, and the huge dragon chairs in the Dragon King Hall gave them the feeling that this is a pure dragon.

There is a feeling that this is where Shenlong lives.

"Portrait of the turtle, get ready and receive the guests."

Wang Xian commanded toward the Turtle Prime Minister.

"It's the Dragon King!"

The turtle turtle responded immediately and began to prepare.

"After half a month, prepare to attack Tianwu domain!"

After entertaining the Lord and all of them, while the gods in the sanctuary flew out of the Dragon Palace and strolled around Longzhi Island, Wang Xian shouted at the turtle and asked him.

"Dragon King, will all of our Dragon Palace disciples pass by this time?"

The tortoise groaned and asked.

"You don't need to lead the strongest disciples in Shiwanlong Palace. All the **** emperors are on the march."

Wang Xian shook her head, her eyes shone with a cold luster.

"After half a month, the three Fengshen dragons broke through. By that time, with our strength, it would be enough to sweep the Imperial Court and Chengwu Club, and sweep the Tianwu domain."

Wang Xian's face was full of confidence.

"It's the Dragon King. I'll prepare it now."

The turtle turtle nodded immediately.

In the next few days, the Lord of the Sacred Land left for three days on Dragon Island.

After they returned, the Lord directly announced that they would become friendly neighbors with the Imperial Star Dragon Palace.

As for the others, not much has been announced.

After all, they announced that they would become friendly neighbors with Dragon Palace, and they were also unilaterally proclaiming them.

It was also announced by the Lord with their cheeks.

The Lord ’s announcement caused the entire sanctuary to boil again, and then it was uploaded from a planet on the edge of the sanctuary. The dragon palace possessed the divine dragon, the real divine dragon.

This surprised many people.

However, there is no evidence that Dragon Palace owns the Dragon. Although countless people have discussed it, not many people believe it.

As for the strength of the Dragon Palace Dragon King, it spread throughout the sanctuary.

What to kill the two emperors.

Killing the emperor is like killing ants.

There are all kinds of words.

She Fengshui, the Red Emperor of Yan, never left Dragon Island. They learned that Dragon Palace was about to go to Tianwu Realm, and the battle method was invincible and ready to follow.

Hong Fengyan is also preparing to accompany Dragon Palace.

These days, a few of them are hanging out on Dragon's Island under the invincible leadership of warfare.

"Roar roar!"

Half a month passed quickly, and when a roar rang in the dragon palace, the whole dragon palace moved.

One hundred thousand members of the strongest dragon palace quickly flew towards the dragon ground.

A famous dragon-level god-level leader immediately flew over.

"Roar roar!"

Located at the forefront, the nine Fengshen dragons flew over with their huge bodies.

Among them, the three Fengshen dragons headed by the center, reaching 25,000 kilometers in size, exude powerful coercion.

These three Fengshen dragons have made a breakthrough yesterday and have the second-order strength of the Emperor.

"Boom boom!"

Behind a group of Fengshen dragons, the leaders of the dragon palace fell in front of the members of the dragon palace.

Thirteen gods and thirteen towering figures.

After hunting down two gods and one emperor in the imperial court, Dragon Palace added three gods.

Coupled with Wang Xian and Jiufeng Fengshen Dragon, the number of dragon emperors now reaches 23.

Among them, the strength of the sky array cannot be counted as an ordinary first-order strong emperor.

Secondly, there are Xiaolan Xiaozhai, plus them, a total of 25 people.

Wang Xian came to the members of the Dragon Palace, glanced over her face, and smiled.

"All Dragon Palace members prepare!"

He sang softly, and there was no Beginning Holy Wing behind him, exuding a mighty dragon power on his body.

"Observe the Dragon King!"

One hundred thousand members of Dragon Palace roared immediately.

Among the 100,000 members of the Dragon Palace, the weakest also has the sixth-tier combat effectiveness of the Immortal King.

Currently the most elite group of dragons.

"Expedition to Witch Domain!"

Wang Xian waved her arm and shouted loudly.

"Expedition to Witch Domain!"

Roared members of the Dragon Palace.

"Roar roar!"

The three Fengshenlongs headed snarled and flew forward, and the other six Fengshenlongs followed the left and right sides.


Their wings trembled slightly, and a dragon sedan formed behind them.

Long sedan is extremely large, with a size of ten kilometers.

There is a dragon chair in front of the dragon car.

"set off!"

Ao Jian and the turtle turtle moved into shape, came to the left and right of the dragon chair.

One represents Long Wei, and one represents Long Zhichen.

As soon as Wang Xian was in shape, she came to the dragon chair, and the command sounded.

"Roar roar!"

Nine wind dragons roared, pulled the dragon chair and flew out of the dragon palace.


Fengshenlong protruded out of the sea, followed by members of the Dragon Palace behind.


When they first followed, a dull noise came from both sides.

The huge and tiny little blue and small house flew out of the ocean.

"Get on the trenches!"

The turtle turtle ordered to members of the Dragon Palace.



Sixty thousand members of the Dragon Palace flew towards Xiaolan, and 40,000 members of the Dragon Palace flew towards the small house.

With the small blue house's size, let alone a 100,000 army, it can also carry millions of troops.

"My obedient!"

On the side of the Dragon Palace, the invincible Shangshui Emperor Hong Fengyan and his disciples saw the scene slightly, and they were slightly stunned.

Nine Fengshen dragons were at the forefront, pulling a dragon sedan chair.

On the two sides of the back, two huge beasts carrying 100,000 members of the Dragon Palace.

The number of Dragon Palace expeditions this time is not large, but all are strong.

Each one is the core existence in any power.

In particular, the **** emperor whose name exudes horror.

Under their induction, there are twenty-five.

These are twenty-five emperors. Before the red sanctuary of the entire sanctuary had not broken, there were only five emperors.

"The Emperor of Liuli is no different."

Muttered in the mouth of God of Water.

"Master, I will go too, and I will stand on that beast and swept a realm, and go out with the dragon to destroy the Imperial Court and the Witch Council!"

Invincible warfare said to his master with excitement.

"If the Dragon King is willing to take you, you go."

The God of Water God glanced at his apprentice and said.

"Hahaha, good!"

"Boss Wang, wait, bring me!"

The invincible warfare cracked his mouth and flew directly in excitement.

"Well, come here!"

Wang Xian glanced and smiled slightly.

On Xiao Lan's body, Baqi beckoned at him.

(End of this chapter)

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