Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2896: Power of the Dragon Palace 2

Chapter 2896 The Might of Dragon Palace 2

"All the powerful kings of the King of Witch will be killed. One is not left, but the dragons below the King of the Gods have not been killed. I would like to ask the strong men in the Bahuang.

Are you panic?

At this time, within the communication network of Bahuang Liuhe, a message came from a slightly well-known person in Bahuang Liuhe.

That person is invincible.

The invincible method of warfare used a special method to allow his younger brother to board his own communication network and publish this information.

Slightly joking words have aroused the attention of many people in Bahuang Liuhe.

Don't panic?

Can they not panic?

Not long after they joined the Imperial Court of Chengwu Club, only two months later, the Chengwu Club and Imperial Court were destroyed by the Dragon Palace.

And it was easily destroyed.

Sweep a field, destroy the two peak forces.

Nine Fengshen dragons roar the starry sky and majestic the world!


After receiving the news, the strong man in Yaohuang turned wild.

It's about their lives.

The strength of their eight wastelands is very strong, but it is definitely not the strength of the imperial court and the Chengwu Society.

Especially the Cheng Wuhui, after doing a good job of defense, they can't break the defense of each other.

But now they are destroyed, except for the dragon palace, all others are destroyed.

Even the wizard was killed!

The wizard is the pinnacle of this dazzling star god.

The strong who can be stronger than the wizard, the whole bright starry sky does not exceed three.

Even the barren deity of the Eight Wastelands is not an opponent of the wizard.

"You said, would the Dragon King lead the Dragon Palace strongman to come over?"

At this point, a question was asked.

Seeing this problem, all the strong and disciples of Bahuang changed their faces fiercely.

There is a strange boiling in today's Bahuang Liuhe communication network.

The disciples who are not Bahuang are all very shocked, and they respond to various comments.

However, the disciples of Bahuang looked at these questions, but felt scalp and chose to be silent.

As a result, it was a very shocking thing, but fewer people responded to the comments.

The atmosphere was slightly weird.

Not only in the communication network, but also in the reality of the Badlands and Liuhe, the atmosphere is very strange.

Some Bahuang disciples were embarrassed and hurried.

There are still many people looking sad.

They are really scared now.

Fear of Dragon Palace Dragon King leading the strong to kill.

What could they do at that time?

Surrender or escape?

As for resistance, none of the Eight Disaster disciples and strong believe that they will be the opponents of Dragon Palace.

"Master Desolate God, all the information transmitted by the communication network is true now, and his subordinates also received a message from the sanctuary. Instant spike! "

At the time when the whole Badan Liuhe was shaking, it was located in the hall of the Badan planet, and all the gods of the Badan gathered.

Dozens of Eight Wilds are standing in front, reporting the embarrassment of the first old man.

The atmosphere was slightly dignified, and everyone's face was very bad.

Even the barren deity sitting in front of him had a somber face.

The information circulating on the communication network in the past two days is an imminent disaster for them.

Another dozen emperors leaned on the throne, their faces changing.

For a moment, the whole hall seemed to be frozen.

The strength shown by the Dragon Palace made them feel hopeless.

If they attack, they are definitely not Dragon Palace's opponents. How many people will die by then, they don't know.

Once the Dragon Palace is organized in advance, they can even be wiped out.


When the whole hall was abnormally silent, a horrible might came towards it.


"To death, how dare you break into our barren land!"

For a moment, a famous emperor in the hall seemed to be ignited by flames, all stood up, and his body was full of violent expression.


"People in the Badlands!"

Just then, a voice sounded.

The desolate **** emperor stared at the figure appearing in front of him, his eyes flashed with cold luster.


Everyone's face changed slightly when they saw the figure appearing.

"Emperor of the Imperial Court?"

The desolate **** looked at the old man who entered the hall, holding a bright scepter, and looked surprised, asking.

"A funeral dog!"

The Emperor clenched the bright scepter in his hand and said blankly.

"I don't know what happened to our emperor?"

The barren **** stared at him, his face changing.

"The Witchcraft will be destroyed, all our gods are dead, and only I will escape!"

The emperor said in a deep voice, raising his head slightly and closing his eyes.

"Is that the Dragon of the Dragon Palace real?"

The Desolate Emperor gritted his teeth and asked the Emperor.

"Yes, it is exactly the same as the Fengshen Dragon in the record, the real Shenlong."

The emperor answered.


In the hall, all the law-protectors and the emperor could not help but took a breath of air, his expression moved.

"What happened to that emperor?"

Desolate God clenched his fists and said.

"Come to tell you, let you prepare for your escape and find opportunities to get revenge!"

The desolate **** opened some blood-red eyes, some desolate.

Everyone in the hall looked at the slightly tired emperor in front of them, and their hearts were astonished.

This leader, who once ruled the peak of a domain, is now so embarrassed.

"Let the emperor stay with us first. We have secret bases in the depths for hundreds of millions of years in the Eight Wastelands and Sixth Harmony. Even if they come, they will not be in danger."

The barren **** slowly said to him.

"it is good!"

The emperor nodded, glanced at the surrounding gods and fell on the desolate emperor: "The strength of the Dragon Palace is very strong, and the succession of the Cheng Wu Society has not been able to resist for two minutes. He is good at various formations. If the Dragon Palace comes, he must find a safe place. "

"Otherwise, everyone will die!"

He began to remind.

"Rest assured, even the powerful witch in that place in the Badlands and Liuhe can't be found."

Desolate God said.

At the same time, his heart was shaking.

What kind of power can make the emperor's court so frightened?

How strong is Dragon Palace!

Time passed by a little while, Bahuang remained silent.

What can they do without being silent at this time?

The clamor was nothing more than a joke.

Everyone can see that there is a huge difference between the Eight Wilds and Dragon Palace.

However, the news that the Dragon Palace swept the Heavenly Witch Realm and destroyed the Witch Club and the Imperial Court gradually spread to other star realms.

Unlike Bahuang Liuhe and Sanctuary, what they are most concerned about is the Dragon of the Dragon Palace.

Shenlong, is it a real dragon?

Is it the legendary dragon of the universe?

(End of this chapter)

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