Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2904: Back to Dragon Palace Mana Boundless 1

Chapter 2904 Backless Dragon Palace Mana 1

Time has passed, and it has been a year since the Turtle Prime Minister reported on the war in Liuliyu.

Over the course of a year, Wang Xian gets some information from time to time.

Today's Dragon Palace is extremely lively.

Because Chinese New Year today.

The year is a festival in China, and a festival of Wang Xian on earth.

Because of the rapid development of the Dragon Palace and the war at the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian did not spend much of the Spring Festival.

After a long time, my sister Xiaoyu and a group of girls suddenly mentioned that Wang Xian was going to run a Chinese New Year and spend a year.

Located on the Dragon Island of Emperor Star, the whole island looks lively.

The people in Emperor Starfield do not know what day it is, but they do know that the Dragon King is going to celebrate the New Year.

Although I do n’t understand, it also makes the entire Long Island very prosperous.

As the place where the Dragon Palace is the main dragon palace, many people from Tianwu domain come here for vacation.

Even at the Badaling Liuhe, some people came to visit Di Xingyu.

Because of the rule of the Dragon Palace, now the Badan Liuhe also has its own order. If you want to kill people for no reason, you have to pay the price.

With the repression of the Dragon Palace, no one dares to offend.

"It's been a long time since Chinese New Year, so I miss it!"

In the main dragon palace, there are lights everywhere, and the ao women lead a group of dragon palace maids to arrange.

Beside the submarine peaks inside the Dragon Palace, Wang Xian and a group of girls and friends walked and talked.

"I didn't expect that you, the Dragon King, rose from a small star ball."

Aside, Hong Fengyan said in surprise to Wang Xian.

"Oh, I didn't expect that I would have reached this step when I got the inheritance of Shenlong."

Wang Xian said with a smile on her face, slightly sighing.

"Hey, Boss, this is just the beginning. In the future, Boss Wang will dominate the great existence of the universe!"

The invincible method of warfare slaps.

Tian Xin next to him patted him silently.

"Oh, go, let's go out to see the fireworks and have a meal together!"

Wang Xian smiled, and a group of friends flew out of the Dragon Palace and came to the sky.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Outside, the night was dark, and fireworks rose into the sky, bursting into a brilliant brilliance, taking care of the entire Dragon Island.

On Dragon Island, countless people watched the fireworks, full of curiosity and surprise.

Such things as fireworks do not exist in Emperor Star.

"Come toast!"

After admiring the fireworks, everyone came to the Dragon King Hall and raised a glass of wine.

Wang Xian raised her wine glass with a smile on her face and respected everyone.

Hong Fengyan and his apprentices, invincible warfare, and his master and his girlfriend Tianxin them.

There are a lot of strong men in the Dragon Palace.


While eating, the Emperor Shangshui took out the communication stone plate and was slightly surprised when he saw the information on it.

"What's wrong, Master?"

The invincible warfare on the side saw his master very happy today, and his face frowned slightly, and he asked with concern.

"The things over Liuliyu, the master is going to Liuliyu in a while."

The God of Water God closed his eyes slightly and said slowly.

"Here ... Master, I'll go with you!"

The invincible warfare fainted for a moment, and then spoke.

"Don't go there, stay here at Dragon Palace!"

The God of Water God looked at him and said.

"How can you do that, master, why do n’t you, my apprentice, go with you, my invincibility is not an unfilial person, you know this master, I have such great qualities!"

The invincible method raised his head and said to his master.


The Emperor Shangshui patted his shoulder comfortably, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Invincible brother, you ..."

Next, Tianxin shouted softly.

"It's okay. I'll go out with the master and come back soon."

Invincible warfare said to Tianxin at ease.

"I haven't gone back for a million years, haha, come and drink!"

The Emperor Shangshui said with a slight sigh and raised his glass to his apprentice.

Throughout the banquet, the rest did not notice the conversation between the masters and apprentices of the God of Water, and everyone was happy.

Two hours later, the banquet was over, and a group of girls met to visit the streets of Longzhidao.

Wang Xian came to the study next to the palace.

"Mr. Turtle, what needs to be reported!"

Sitting in a central chair, Wang Xian looked at the turtle Prime Minister and asked with a smile.

"Dragon King, new news came from Liuliyu. There was some crisis in the form there. One day ago, Liuli fell five gods."

The turtle turtle came over and handed a copy of the information to Wang Xian.

Today, the Dragon Palace occupies three major sites in the bright starry sky. It is necessary to understand the situation of the rest of the bright starry sky.

"Five gods fell?"

Wang Xian's face changed slightly: "Is it so serious?"

"A dozen gods over there demon directly attacked Liuli Realm, and the robots of the Emperor Realm sent a terrible mechanical army to attack."

"In order to deal with the demon side, the Emperor fell one, and against the Imperial Emperor's area, there were four fallen.

Said the turtle.

"Send Ao Yao them to find out about the strength of the demons and the Emperor Realm, and we will prepare in advance."

Wang Xian commanded toward the Turtle Prime Minister.

"It's the Dragon King!"

The turtles nodded.

The Emperor Realm and the Enchanted Realm are human enemies. Although far away, the Dragon Palace still needs to be prepared.

"Boss Wang!"

Just then, the voice of invincible warfare came from outside.

"Huh? Come in!"

Wang Xian looked and said immediately.

"Boss Wang, I'm here to say goodbye to you."

Invincible approach entered and said to Wang Xian.

"Farewell? Where are you going?"

Wang Xian looked at him and asked curiously.

"Take a long trip to Liuliyu."

Invincible battle method responded.

"What are you going to Liuliyu?"

When Wang Xian heard his words, he gave a slight hesitation, and his face looked miserable.

"Boss Wang, don't you know, my master is actually a disciple of Liuli, a disciple of generations, I heard that my master seems to have had a conflict with his father and his family, and hasn't returned for a million years."

"It seems that something happened over Liuliyu. My master is going back, and I will follow it."

Said invincible warfare.

"Sheshui Emperor is Liuli's?"

Wang Xian raised her eyebrow slightly, looking at the invincible warfare.

"Go to Liuliyu and watch for safety."

He reminded.

"Relax, Boss, there will be no danger if you have the dragon weapon you gave me, not to mention, the glazed forces are also very strong. Although there is a war there, my safety is still guaranteed."

The invincible method patted the breast.

"Oh, this is for your defense."

Wang Xian smiled, and with a wave of his arm, the Xianxian Gourd above the ancestral tree appeared in his hand. He stretched out his palm and said invincible to the method of warfare.

(End of this chapter)

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