Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2911: Back to Dragon Palace Mana Boundless 8

Chapter 2911 Backless Dragon Palace Mana 8

"Oops, the situation is a little bad. Twenty or so demon-level demons flew out of the magic cave, which is troublesome."

"There are only a dozen or so powerful gods on our side. I don't know if I can resist them depending on other artifacts."

"Why did Yu Meiyu suddenly come out with so many horrible demons, **** it."

Located on the battlefield, the six major legions, all except the wounded, entered the battlefield.

A powerful man named God Emperor, resisting the invasion of God Emperor.

This is the most ferocious invasion these days.

Positioned in front of the battlefield, the wounded stared at the battlefield ahead with embarrassment.

Endless demons rushed to their faces, and their soldiers in Liuliyu desperately resisted.

This level of war is in danger and cannot be returned directly to his own god.

Once you retreat yourself, the rest are in danger.

In that case, it is not an evil opponent at all.

So I can only die.

The fall of the emperors was not that they were unable to escape, but that they could not escape or retreat, which led to the fall of the five emperors.

"Master, master he will be fine!"

The position on the battle platform, the invincible sister of warfare, looked at the war ahead, and said very solemnly.

Facing the scene of assassination and horror ahead, he was also a little dazed.

"Hey, the old man, the master, is old, and his head is dead. If you come back to see the master, just look at it. Why are you here to fight against the demon and inherit the position of your father, now that you can live? It's hard to say. "

"How far should this kind of thing be?"

The invincible method of battle is also helpless looking at the position of the battlefield ahead, and said.


The invincible master of warfare looked at him and did not know what to say.

Anyway, her master is a hero in her heart. As for her master, it's too irritating, bullshit.

"Do you think everyone is like you, like a coward, what is the purpose of cultivation? Not just to protect your homeland, to be happy and enmity!"

Just then, an angry voice suddenly came from behind.


The invincible tactics heard this sentence and turned to look.

It was found that the middle-aged man was wearing a mecha-like armor, and he flickered his lips, showing a look of disdain on his face.

"Well, although I hate Qingshui Qingshan, he didn't humiliate the name of Sheung Shui, I really don't know how he has you such a waste apprentice, garbage!"

The middle-aged man looked at the invincible look of warfare, and scowled at him with anger on his face.

"Oh, Hei Yao, don't bother with this guy, something greedy for life and fear of death."

"The strength is good, that is, timid and afraid of death. This kind of counseling, care about him."

"Yes, Brother Hei Yao, don't waste your tongue with this kind of person!"

In the rear position, a group of wounded saw the situation over here and said towards Sheung Shui Heiyao.

"My dear, I'm not in your glass field. My dear cultivation is to pursue longevity."

The invincible method of war looked up and ignored the ridicule of the generals.


Seeing that his dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, Sheung Shui Heiyao turned back black, staring nervously at the battlefield ahead.

Invincible, he took out the mirror and paid attention to the battlefield ahead.

The fierce battle has continued, the roaring and screaming of evil spirits in the void, and the screaming of human beings, accompanied by horrible impacts.

Resounded through the void.

"Fortunately, fortunately, the elders of the Four Lords are very strong. One person has not fallen behind against two demon-level demons, and the situation is about to stabilize."

An hour later, the invincible sister looked at the front and saw the situation today with a slight sigh of relief.

On their side, there are three first-order demons of the God Emperor, completely restrained by the God of Water and the four elders of Taishang.

In the lower position, hundreds of millions of generals formed a battle array, relying on war equipment and relying on warships to gradually gain the upper hand.


Suddenly, a sharp alarm sounded suddenly at the center of the battle platform.

Hearing this voice, the invincible warfare slightly surprised.

"Oops, there are magic caves again!"

In the rear position, the wounded heard a sudden alert and their faces changed greatly.

They flew directly into the sky one by one, staring dead ahead.

"Two huge caves are flying towards us. There may be god-level demons there."

An old man snarled and stared forward.

"All legions, all retreat, return to the third front, all retreat!"

At this time, a cold roar came from the central position.

"Back, let's restrain the magic cave behind the Emperor Level, and the rest of the soldiers will back immediately!"

The voice of the God of Sheung Shui came.


Everyone in the front of the Third Army immediately retreated toward the rear.

"Boom boom!"

The battle platform behind them was invincible, and a roaring sound was also made. The entire battle platform moved and provoked countless barrels.

The barrel is aimed forward.


Seeing this scene, the invincible warfare changed his face slightly.

Ahead, the soldiers of the entire Third Legion were retreating towards this side.

In the empty space ahead, the Emperor Shangshui and the four elders of Taishang are resisting the first-order demons of the three gods.

And in the two magic caves that flew over, there was a roar of horror.

"Roar roar!"

At this moment, huge skulls flew out of the cave.

"Oops, all the soldiers retreat, Castle Peak. Let's hold on for a few more minutes."

The elder Taishang looked, and growled with a somber look.

"Back off!"

The soldiers of the Third Army retreated quickly, and soon came to the front of the battle platform.

"Everyone is on the battlefield!"

The heads of the battle groups commanded loudly.

"Boom boom!"

Countless soldiers retreated toward the battle platform, and the invincible warfare and his sister and sister quickly cleared the way, staring grimly.

In front of it, countless evil spirits rushed towards this side.

And in those two huge magic caves, the demons of the first order of the two **** emperors led countless men to fly out.

Some rushed into the sky, the Emperor of Sheung Shui and the elders of the Taishang, while others attacked from the side of the battle platform.

"Not good, the master and the two of them have to deal with the first order monsters of the five gods."

The invincible master sister looked forward, her face embarrassed.

Five to two, one accidentally, their master may fall.

"It's okay. The four elders of Liuli Taishou should have the most precious card, and Liuli anyhow is also the strongest force, and should have a card."

Seeing this scene, the invincible method of warfare also changed his face slightly, murmured in his mouth, and kept talking.

"All the generals on the platform, attack the demons ahead, let the battle platform start, evacuate here, we evacuate, and they will be able to evacuate and attack!"


At this time, there was a roaring sound from the nearby location.

The invincible warfare looked at the demons rushing forward, and the demons that came out of the two magic caves, they were already at a disadvantage.


He sighed heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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