Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 2935: Treasures of the Weapon Realm 1

Chapter 2935 Treasures of the Emperor Realm 1


The sound of metal cracking came, and the huge head of the Creator was torn directly by Wang Xian from the center!


At this moment, the immortal wing of Wang Xian was fiercely inciting, drilling directly from the position of the head rift, and heading down.


"Roar, Dragon King, you **** guys, I won't let you go, I won't let you go!"

At this time, at a distance of tens of billions of kilometers on this battlefield, the roar of the Creator came from the included mechanical heart.

This heart contains his core energy and all his scientific data.

As long as this heart is present, he can rise quickly.

And, in order to prevent this accident, he prepared in advance.

Soon, he would be able to return to his peak, and by then, he would pay the Dragon Palace.

Invade them, and destroy their robots, everything must bear the consequences for this.

The mechanical heart of the creator is flying fast. Similarly, he can still control the entire mechanical army at this time.

But watching the rapid collapse of the Mechanical Corps, his heart beating fiercely.

"Didi Didi, the giant robotic body completely collapsed!"

"The Robot Corps has only 33% of its strength. It is recommended to evacuate quickly, evacuate quickly!"

"There is a 0.5% hope that the Robot Corps will have 1.1% of the force to escape!"

Each piece of information passed into the consciousness of the Creator, causing the heart to beat violently.


He immediately issued an order.

"The Robot Corps wants to evacuate, don't let them run away!"

The location of the battlefield, the robot legion received the order of the creator and began to evacuate.

Turtle Prime Minister immediately ordered the pursuit.

One by one, Fengshenlong locked the fast-moving robots, easily chased them up, and quickly killed them.

"Sky array!"

At this moment, Wang Xian stood on the body of the creator giant and shouted towards the sky array.

"Dragon King, the Creator solved it?"

Tian Zhen asked immediately.

"No, one of his core-like things fled and locked him!"

Wang Xian shook her head and immediately ordered to the sky array.

"It's the Dragon King. Give it to me, even if he is a special living being, rely on his body information to lock it in!"

Tian Zhen's face showed a confident look.

At this time, the Creator had just fled, and it was very easy to find him.

The sky array immediately laid a formation on the giant body of the Creator, searching for the location of the Creator.


"The Dragon King has been found, here, more than 130 billion kilometers away from us!"

Tian Zhen said immediately.

"Let's go after it!"

"Portrait of the turtle, here you are!"

As soon as Wang Xian's figure moved, she turned into a human figure. With no movement of the sacred wings, a wind group included the sky array and quickly chased towards the creator.


The figure of the two disappeared quickly.

"Dragon King, the creator is three times slower than us, and we can catch up in three minutes!"

Tian Zhen looked at the formation in front of him and said to Wang Xian.

"Well, the core of the Creator fled towards the center of the Emperor's Realm. He should still have a hole card."

Wang Xian said blinkingly.

"With the wisdom of the Creator, it is impossible not to leave a trail for himself. It is estimated that he still has the body and strength hidden."

"If he transfers information directly, he can't be locked at all by means of matrix formation, but he doesn't, but flees directly. Maybe the heart of his residency is very important now!"

Sky array analysis.

"That being the case, we'll follow him behind to see where his hole cards and backhand are."

Wang Xian narrowed her eyes slightly and flew fast.

"No, that Dragon King seems to be chasing towards me. I want to change direction."

At the same time, the Creator received the information from the battlefield and captured Wang Xian and Tian Zhen chasing towards him. He was shocked and changed his direction quickly.

At the same time, he immediately searched for all the information about the array mage.

"According to the data records, the array mage has a powerful means of hunting. They can chase a person's position through one's hair and even clothing!"

"The array mage's chasing method is extremely horrible. It is recommended to enter a special environment to eliminate its own breath and get rid of the array mage's tracking!"

Messages appeared in the Creator's mind, making him make a bad noise.

"Search the star map, search for the special environment of Jihuang Realm, and fly over!"

The creator immediately performs a computational search.

"Okay, good luck, there is a special area on the right, the Thunder area. My mechanical heart is extremely immune to Thunder."

The secret path in the Creator's heart quickly shifts the direction.

"Well, the Creator has begun to change direction, Dragon King. He should know that we are chasing him in the back, and he should also know the method of array mage."

Located at the rear, Tian Zhen saw the creator's abrupt transfer direction, and raised his eyebrows slightly and said.

"It's okay, we will be able to catch up with it soon, and we will be tracking behind!"

Wang Xian narrowed her eyes slightly, speeding up suddenly.

"He entered a thunderous area, and that area had some influence on my formation, but it was not a big problem!"

Soon, Tian Zhen said.

"See it!"

At this time, Wang Xian also saw a thunderous area in front.

The yin-yang five-element dragon eyes glanced forward, and soon saw a blurry shadow.

"found it!"

Wang Xian's face was happy, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

"I'll see where you can escape!"

He murmured.

"Didi, according to analysis and calculations, this Thunder has a certain impact on the array mage, and the opponent has a 60% chance of losing the lock ability."

At this moment, the creator's mind was crazy calculating the search ability of the array mage.

Soon he got a stat.

"Not 60%. Search for a special area and go to the next special area."

"Burning energy, speed up!"

The creator mumbled, and the speed suddenly increased twice.

"Huh? His speed has increased!"

Wang Xian saw the creator's speed suddenly accelerate, and was slightly surprised, and quickly followed behind.

At his speed, it was very easy to keep up with the mechanical heart of the Creator.

His eyes were locked and he kept following.

At this time, the creator did not have all kinds of equipment, and he did not know that Wang Xian had followed him.

But then, what Wang Xian didn't expect is that the creator flew towards special places one by one.

There was no sign of going to their base.

"Didi Di, through black holes, particle interference by black holes, the array master's chance of locking is 8%."

"Dididi, enveloping the Tianyan solution, the chance of the array master locking up is 7.33%."

(End of this chapter)

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