
At this auction of fairy palace war pets, all the primary racial targets of the universe are those two.

Venerable Battle Angel, Venerable Battle Pet.

Battle angels can be put first, and pets can be put second.

But there are only two treasures, and no one wants to give up.

Even the relatively weak water mountain is a race with only one Supreme Master of the Universe.

They are almost doing their best.

Because as long as they get, it is equivalent to doubling their strength.

How can they not fight?

Even willing to take out everything in the treasure house.

"His, my obedient, the primary race of the universe is the primary race of the universe, what do we fight with them."

After a group of more than a dozen primary races in the universe began to sell, everyone in the entire auction house was silent.

No one bid for other items, and everyone looked at them all.

The price of the Supreme Lord of the Universe battle angels is very high, so high that those in the realm-level races can't bear it.

But the universe's primary races didn't hesitate at all, all kinds of resources, all kinds of **** stones, all kinds of treasures fell.

More than a dozen universe primary races now only add the price of battle angels, which is rampant going up.

Later, it was added treasures, elixir, and the kingdom tree.

The auction has begun, but the scene is silent competition.

The rest also held their breath and watched the battle.

They didn't dare to be disturbed, sitting quietly watching.


The competition continued for two minutes, and the Supreme Master of the Universe shook his head, his face was full of helplessness, and he could only give up.

Instead, they set their sights on the cosmopolitan pet.

In the second place, the pet of the lord of the universe is no worse than the fighting angels to a certain extent.

It's just that the battle angel is easy to order.

Some unsustainable junior races in the universe began to compete for the honorable class pets.

Prices are going crazy up.

Even a strong man at the peak of a famous **** emperor looked diligently.

The scene in front of me is crazy.

This resource is too scary.

"This group of guys are really rich."

Historian Lou Shan in the ancient painting Zongmen looked frantically at the resources and frowned slightly: "Fortunately, there are more treasures this time."

He murmured and raised again.

"It seems that the ancient painting zongmen is bound to be obtained for the fighting angel."

The Mighty Race, the Dragon Race, the Nine Sword Race, and the Skull Race glanced at the ancient painting ancestral gates, and their faces were contemplative.

"Take out the bottom line of the race."

Each race has also begun to put the limit price of its own race. If not, they will fight for the honorable war pet.

The universe's primary races have adjusted prices to their limits, and resources continue to climb.

"Haha, I sent it."

At the same time, Wang Xian, who was inside Xiao Lan's body, saw this scene with an excited look in her eyes.

He did not expect that these racial forces should be so crazy.

Originally, he thought that the fighting angels of the rank of the Supreme Master of the Universe could sell Dragon Resources to add ten first rank combat members of the Supreme Master of the Universe.

But judging from the current resources, at least twelve or three can be added.

At present, the main competition is still on the battle angels. The resources sold by the war pet can at least make the Dragon Palace add ten members of the first-order combat power of the Supreme Master of the Universe.

All in all, the resources that this auction brought to the Dragon Palace can hardly be imagined.

Dragon Palace can get a leap forward.

"The fighting angels are going to belong to the ancient paintings. It seems that they are bound to get it this time, and they are very well prepared."

Wang Xian looked and murmured.

"The battle angel was auctioned down by the ancient painting Zongmen."

At this time, there was some commotion in the auction.

The battle angels were divided.

Next, the honorable war pet.

Venerable war pet competition is still very fierce, the ancient painting Zongmen did not take the shot, but watched silently.

It didn't take long for the Lord's pet to be acquired by the Dragon Race.

"We can finally step in."

Seeing that the auction of the treasures of the two lords has been completed, some field-level race **** emperor peak strong men are relieved.

In the next auction, they can get involved.

The next auction was even more intense.

This is almost 800,000 people involved at the same time, those pets, fighting angels, suffered the madness of countless people.

Don't look at the number of battle angels, there are more than 10,000, but the dozens of primary universe races are thousands.

Especially those primary races in the universe who did not bid for the honorable fighting angels and pets, they can only target the ordinary fighting angels.

This caused Wang Xian to estimate that the resources sold by a **** emperor's peak pet and battle angel are enough for Dragon Palace to increase the first-order combat power of a Supreme Master of the Universe.

A crazy auction lasted for two hours.

After two hours, everything was sold.

Someone rejoices, others are excited.

Next, it took some time for Wang Xian to change her body shape and help some buyers tame war pets.

The entire auction kept him busy for more than half a month.

On the day the auction ended, the results of this auction boiled throughout the galaxy.

Someone has calculated the total value of the items sold at this auction, which is almost comparable to all the assets of a primary race in the universe.

And it is still a weak universe primary race.


The biggest beneficiary of this auction is not the imperial palace pet, but the dragon palace.

The name of the Dragon Palace has attracted the attention of countless people, and the discussion of countless people.

Soon, some information about the Dragon Palace was dug up.

Some people know that the Dragon Palace came from the Mohanshi Ruins.

As soon as this news came out, it caused a lot of shocks.

More and more news about the Dragon Palace was revealed.

For example, Dragon Palace has a pure dragon.

The dragon palace has a large number of Yalong and so on.

This surprised everyone. When the development speed of the Dragon Palace was dug up, it was boiling again.

Some people speculate that the Dragon Palace may have gained some inheritance from the Dragon.

All kinds of news are flying.

When Wang Xian saw various news about Dragon Palace in Yinhe, he was not too surprised.

It is only a matter of time before the Dragon Palace is exposed to everyone in the galaxy.

It's just here now.

"After the Dragon Palace digests this batch of resources, the main Dragon Palace can be transferred here."

Wang Xian returned to the Dragon Palace, muttering in her mouth.

"Portrait of the turtle."

He sang softly and called the turtle turtle over.

"Dragon King!"

The turtle turtle flew over and bowed.

"Report the gains this time."

He leaned on the dragon chair with a smile on his face.

I forgot to write it

(End of this chapter)

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