"Huh? That Dragon King escaped!"

"Just teleport away from here? What kind of treasure is this? He can escape directly?"

In the ocean at the edge of the infinite universe, the eight seventh-order gods saw the Dragon King who disappeared in an instant, with a look of surprise in their eyes.

"Don't worry, the Dragon King has been locked in our star field, he can't escape, he will always be trapped here."

A seventh-order **** said.

"Although he can't escape, the treasure of our star field is just a fragment. The range of the star field is too large. The chain can only trap it in this large area, but it cannot teleport it over in an instant. We need a Look around, and we haven't been able to get out of the range yet."

A seventh-order **** frowned slightly.

The fragment of the starry sky in their hands is a fragment of a supreme treasure of Tianyuan fortune.

Possesses part of the ability of Tianyuan Good Fortune Supreme Treasure.

These include the Star Field Chain.

Once you are entered by the chain of the star field, it is equivalent to entering the treasure of good fortune in the star field Tianyuan. As long as you are within a certain range, you can be pulled back instantly.

This range is very vast, after all, it is the range space of Tianyuan Fortune Supreme Treasure.

The coverage area is very wide, even if they search for all of them, it may take ten thousand years.

For ten thousand years, this is still under the condition that the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace does not move. Once he hides around, it will depend on their luck.

Moreover, because it is a treasure at the level of broken Tianyuan Fortune, it lacks a lot of functions.

They also cannot leave this range.

Once you leave, the effect of the star field chain will disappear.

But no matter what, the ability of this star field fragment is still very terrifying.

"As long as the dragon king is trapped in a certain area, we have a way to kill it. If it is not enough for a thousand years, it will be ten thousand years. If it is not ten thousand years, it will be ten thousand million years. It doesn't matter even if it is tens of millions of years. kill it."

A seventh-rank **** spoke, his eyes shining brightly.

The rest of the seventh-rank gods also nodded in agreement.

"Let's go, let's look for your Dragon King. If we are lucky, we may be able to find him within a few years. After all, our pursuit of faith can last for hundreds of years."

A seventh-order **** said, and quickly flew forward.

"In the end, it will be wiped out within a few hundred years, otherwise, it will be luck."


"Let's go back and talk!"

At the same time, Wang Xian who was in another place looked around.

After he sent a safe message to Lan Qingyue, he immediately sent a message to An Lie.

After An Lie received it, he quickly appeared by his side.

"Let's go!"

Wang Xian motioned secretly.

Darkly nodded, energy enveloped Wang Xian.


However, in an instant, Wang Xian's figure disappeared, but he was shocked to find that he had not returned to the Dragon Palace.

Instead, it is still in the ocean at the edge of the infinite starry sky.

He frowned, his expression constantly changing.

"Dragon King? What happened? Weichen felt that when you were teleporting you, Dragon King, you suddenly disappeared."

The dark message came quickly.

Wang Xian looked at the message with a look of shock on his face.

Anlie's ability has actually failed.

"What kind of ability is it that can make An Lie's teleportation power useless? You know, even Jiuyuan Universe's powerful Dongtianfudi defense has no effect on An Lie?"

"What level of treasure is that one? How can it be so strange and powerful? The fragment of the star field, is it just a fragment? If a fragment has such an ability, then..."

Wang Xian's eyes were fixed, and there was a trace of guessing in his heart.

A fragment has such an ability, so this fragment may only be a fragment of a treasure.

The supreme treasure of Tianyuan fortune-telling level.

Wang Xian was not surprised that Faith Universe was able to come up with a treasure at the Tianyuan level.

He was not too surprised to be able to take out treasure fragments of Tianyuan fortune level.

It's just that he didn't expect that the gods who believed in the universe would not hesitate to use such a treasure in order to deal with him. ,

"You really think highly of me!"

Wang Xian murmured.

Now, he's in trouble!

He seems to be trapped in a field.

He tried to fly forward, but at the position ahead, a real chain suddenly appeared, which completely blocked the road ahead.


Wang Xian's mind moved, he held a soul spear in his palm, and attacked towards it.

However, the attack landed on it without leaving the slightest trace.

This kind of defense is obviously not something that Wang Xian can break through.

"It can't be broken, it can't be avoided, and I don't know how big this area is. If it's too small, it will be troublesome."

Wang Xian murmured.

If this range is really small, then he may really die here once.

With a movement of his palm, he left a mark here, and then flew towards a place along the edge.

He has been flying for a year, and he has not come to the position he marked.

"It seems that this range is really huge, beyond my imagination, and the eight gods didn't come after me. It seems that they don't know my location."

Wang Xian spoke.

But there is still a problem now, that is, they have a way to lock their position.

In other words, they are still looking for themselves.

"It's really troublesome. I'd better keep avoiding it. After Xiaolan and the others improve, they will definitely make Faith Universe pay a terrible price!"

Wang Xian said with cold eyes.

He moved and continued to fly forward.

His speed is very fast, not at all slower than those of the seventh-order gods, and even much faster.

After all, he owns a soul battleship comparable to the ninth-order gods.


When Wang Xian was flying forward, he found an energy crystal!

Scanning his surroundings, he immediately flew over.

With a wave of his arm, he pocketed the energy crystal.

With a movement, he continued to fly forward.

He didn't know whether that place was in the depths of the ocean or at the edge, and he kept flying in one direction.

When he was flying for a few days, he encountered a power crystal again.

This caused a look of surprise in Wang Xian's eyes.

The number of energy crystals is beyond some of his imagination.

"What's the situation? Are you in the depths of the ocean here?"

Wang Xian guessed in his heart.

Because the space scrolls were sent randomly, Wang Xian couldn't tell the direction.

But looking at the number of energy crystals, Wang Xian felt that he should have entered the depths of the ocean.

His eyes became alert, he slowed down a bit, and flew forward.

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