Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 3879: Public opinion, another provocation!


The killing of more than a dozen disciples of Dragon Palace spread at a terrifying speed.

Prime Minister Gui got the news very quickly.

When he saw the news, his expression changed drastically.

He immediately notified Anlie, and resurrected him with the soul-returning wood!

He frowned slightly, and immediately passed the news to Wang Xian!


At the same time, located in the ocean at the edge of the infinite starry sky, Wang Xian and the others are looking for the gods who believe in the universe.

Prime Minister Gui suddenly sent a message, which made him slightly taken aback.

Especially when he saw the contents inside, a cold look slowly appeared in his eyes!

"Have you found out the specific situation?"

Wang Xian asked Prime Minister Gui.

"Dragon King, I haven't found it yet. According to some eyewitnesses, the strong men of the Phoenix clan said that more than a dozen disciples of our Dragon Palace robbed them of their treasures. Now I have asked Anlie to resurrect them, but the specific situation will take a while." Only time will tell!"

Prime Minister Turtle replied!

"Well, revive those dozens of members as soon as possible, and ask them about their specific situation. If it is our Dragon Palace's responsibility, then we will bear it ourselves, but what if the Phoenix family is looking for trouble?"

As Wang Xian said, he narrowed his eyes slightly: "Then send Charming Dragons to directly attack the members of the Phoenix Clan, deal with them secretly first, and decide what to do next after I go back."

"It's the Dragon King!"

Prime Minister Turtle responded immediately!

"Xiaoxian, what's the matter?"

At the side, Lan Qingyue asked!

"More than a dozen disciples of the Dragon Palace were beheaded by the Phoenix Clan in public. The specific circumstances are still unknown. If it is the Phoenix Clan who is looking for trouble, hehe, then this time, all the strong disciples in the Star Universe will be killed. , and the subordinate races are all wiped out!"

Wang Xian said with a serious face!

He is a reasonable person, and Dragon Palace is also a reasonable force!

If it is true that the disciples of Dragon Palace maliciously robbed their treasures, then Dragon Palace will bear the responsibility!

But if the Phoenix Clan provokes, then let's go to war!

He has been silent for tens of millions of years, did you really think he was going to be caught up by you?

"Is it the Phoenix family?"

Lan Qingyue nodded heavily: "The relationship between the Shenlong Clan and the Phoenix Clan used to be pretty good. I never thought that they would do such a thing after the fall of the once peak Shenlong Clan!"

"have no idea!"

Wang Xian shook his head: "But now, if someone dares to provoke us, we will make them pay a terrible price. Now go and destroy the gods who believe in the universe first!"

As Wang Xian said, he continued to fly forward.

In this area, if you want to meet the gods who believe in the universe, it is entirely by luck.

But this range is limited after all, and there is still a great possibility of encountering it.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe a year from now!

Some elements depend on luck!

Just when Wang Xian continued to search for the gods of the universe, it was located in the communication stone plate of the Jiuyuan universe, in the starry sky giant city, and this incident caused a huge sensation.

However, when all the forces discussed it, they felt very surprised.

Because there is currently no reaction from Dragon Palace.

No statement was made.

As if nothing happened!

This surprised all the strong disciples of the peak races and other advanced races.

This is not in line with Dragon Palace's style of doing things!

Two days have passed, and there is still no response from Dragon Palace, as if it really didn't happen!

"Huh? It's strange that there is no response from the Dragon Palace, but it may be normal. After all, our Phoenix family is no longer the Phoenix family that has just stepped into the starry universe. The fighting power of the Dragon King and the others in the Dragon Palace can at most dominate the ninth-order realm. We have already It is enough to compete, but among other powerhouses, Dragon Palace is far behind!"

"If war breaks out again, Dragon Palace will definitely be crushed by us. It is the best choice for them to keep their heads down and keep quiet!"

At the same time, in a place in the starry sky city, several strong men of the Phoenix clan who ruled the seventh-order realm were chatting with each other with smiles.

"But we can't just let it go, there are orders from the deacon."

"The army that believes in the universe will attack at some point, don't hunt and kill the disciples of Dragon Palace for now, let's make some public opinion first!"

A phoenix who dominates the seventh-order realm spoke.

The rest of the phoenixes nodded!

"The reason why Dragon Palace didn't say anything is because Dragon Palace knew that our Phoenix Clan can't afford to provoke them now. At that time, the Dragon King of Dragon Palace had the upper hand, and Dragon Palace dared to be so arrogant to us. Now our Phoenix Clan is at the peak. In terms of combat power, we have already caught up, so what is the current Dragon Palace to us?"

"So what if our Phoenix clan killed more than a dozen strong men from the Dragon Palace? Really thought that our plan to slow down our troops last time was to really be afraid of the Dragon Palace? Afraid of the Dragon King?"

"Our Phoenix clan has killed more than a dozen disciples of Dragon Palace, does Dragon Palace dare to fart?"

Suddenly, many such messages appeared on the communication stone disk.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused quite a shock!

"I'm going? Isn't it true that the Phoenix family is so fierce? Are you afraid of the Dragon King's revenge?"

"This seems to be said by a strong person from the Phoenix family. One of the accounts is indeed from the Phoenix family!"

"It's definitely from the Phoenix Clan, otherwise, who would dare to pretend to be a strong member of the Phoenix Clan?"

All the strong disciples who saw the news in the communication stone plate discussed in shock.

"Oh? Interesting."

At the Angel Clan, the strong men and disciples of the Angel Clan raised their mouths slightly when they saw the news in the communication stone plate.

They also immediately started sending some messages on the communication stone disk!

"Don't look at the Dragon Palace was stronger in the past, but at that time, it all relied on the ancient **** Kun-breeder of the Dragon Palace. If there were no ancient **** Kun-breeder, our angel family would be afraid of them? But now tens of millions of years have passed, and in the past The foundations of our Angel Clan and Phoenix Clan are no weaker than the Ancient God Kun Breeder, and we are not afraid at all!"

"Dragon Palace, except for the ancient **** Kun Breeder, everything else is rubbish, especially the strong ones at the master level, which are incomparable with other peak races. In addition, these few times, whether it is for belief in the universe The counterattack, or the establishment of the Jiuyuan universe team, Dragon Palace did not participate, one is that the strength of Dragon Palace is relatively weak, and the other is that they are really rubbish!"

"Dragon Palace has never participated in the battles between our Nine Origin Universe and Faith Universe these few times. What kind of Dragon Palace is the pinnacle race of Nine Origin Universe?"

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