Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 3884: If it weren't for the Dragon King, Jiuyuan would have been wiped out long ago.

In front of the starry sky giant city, the powerhouses of all the peak races stared at the front with cold eyes.

In the rear position, all the disciples gradually calmed down, and they stared at the front position quietly!

Waiting for the arrival of the Faith Cosmic Army.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

"Ho **** ho ho!"

Five minutes passed, and with a roaring sound, a huge legion appeared in the sight of all of them!

The huge legion was divided into twenty small legions.

It is said to be a small legion, but each legion has millions of strong disciples!

The first thing that came into view were ten huge starry sky giants.

The starry sky behemoth that dominates the sixth-order realm is comparable to the ten strongmen in the nine-source universe who dominate the ninth-order realm in the starry universe.

In addition to the ten eye-catching starry sky behemoths, there is also an illusory portrait phantom floating in the most central place!

In addition, there are some pictures formed by the condensed power of faith.

Both contain enormous power!

Above the starry sky giant city, the strong men of all the peak races saw this scene, and their expressions changed slightly!

"This belief in the power of the universe is much stronger than we imagined!"

"I thought they had at most sixteen or seven legions, but I didn't expect there to be twenty-one. This..."

The pupils of the powerhouses of the peak races shrunk slightly, and they murmured.

His face was full of shock!

But at the side, Prime Minister Turtle and the others didn't change in the slightest.

Regarding the belief in the power of the universe, no force is more clear than Dragon Palace.

Even, in order to deal with the Dragon King, Faith Universe has sent the strongest force.

A fragment of Tianyuan Fortune!

"This... the power of the belief in the universe is terrifying. I heard that the power of the belief in the universe is divided into twenty-four palaces. Does the power of each legion represent each palace? How can it be so strong?"

"Look, in front of those legions, either they have the power to dominate the sixth-order starry sky behemoth, or they have the power to fight against the sixth-order starry sky behemoth. Is this the strength of belief in the universe?"

"My God, you can see that in each of their legions, the number is comparable to that of us who dominate the seventh-order realm. Each legion has more than a hundred. How is this possible?"

"Also, each legion has 70,000 to 80,000 strong men who suffocate me. They should all be god-level existences!"

"Isn't their strength too strong? It feels much stronger than our Jiuyuan Universe!"

An extremely shocking voice came from the rear!

Not many disciples below the master of Jiuyuan universe participated in this battle.

They have been listening to various orders, either retreat here, or leave here.

Most of them have not seen the powerful army of belief in the universe!

Now seeing the power of this faith in the universe, one by one is extremely shocked.

"It seems that the power of our Jiuyuan universe in front of the city wall is at most half of the power of the powerhouses in the belief universe. These are nearly two million existences comparable to the realm of masters!"

Some disciples at the peak of the Venerable made a comparison, and their faces were full of shock!

The number of strong believers in the Cosmic Legion exceeded their expectations.

It also surpassed the number of strong races of all peak races in the Jiuyuan universe!

"Yes, each small legion has at least 70,000 to 80,000 members, but what about us here? There are only a few thousand masters from the realm of dominance at the Dragon Palace, and most of them are below the third rank of dominance. "

"In this way, the gap between us and the universe of belief is huge!"

Everyone felt a pressure and murmured in their mouths!

"The strength of belief in the universe has indeed exceeded our expectations."

On the side of the witch clan, a wizard who dominates the seventh-order realm frowned and said!

All around, the powerhouses of the peak race nodded silently.

A strong pressure is coming!

However, there was no look of fear on their faces!

For the starry sky giant city, they still have 100% confidence!

"Hahaha, the trash of Jiuyuan Universe, do you want to rely on this ruined city to protect yourself now?"

At this time, an extremely arrogant voice suddenly came from the opposite position.

Although the language barrier, but through mental fluctuations, everyone can understand what he meant!

His words made all the strong disciples of Jiuyuan Universe look down!

"Hmph, waste of belief in the universe, do you think you can break through our starry sky city with the power of you people? Let you come and go today!"

The big demon of the demon family stared at them with a full face, and roared in a low voice!

"Hahaha, let us come and go? Just rely on a bunch of trash from your Jiuyuan universe? Come on, stand up, let us see how many strong people there are in your Jiuyuan universe, and what can we compare with our belief in the universe? !"

Ahead, the one who believes in the universe, a seventh-order **** said with a wild smile!

The twenty-one legions who believed in the universe slowly came to the position in front of the starry sky giant city.

They stopped in the void, their eyes swept over all the strong disciples on the starry sky giant city, their faces were full of sarcasm and disdain!

"You will know after a while, what we have compared with you."

In the lineage of the sage, an old man with the air of a scholar held a fan and responded with a cold face!

"Haha, with a glance, is Jiuyuan Universe only this strong? It's rubbish, I think you are all shrinking turtles, don't you have the guts to come out and compete with us?"

A seventh-order **** responded mockingly!

"I heard that this giant city in the starry sky was built by Jiuyuan Universe using a lot of treasures to save lives. Haha, they only dare to hide in it. How could they dare to come out and fight with our belief in the universe?"

"With a glance, the strength of the Jiuyuan universe is simply incomparable to the universe we believe in. If the real calamity comes, all living beings in the small Jiuyuan universe will become our believers and crawl under our feet , Praise our greatness, hahaha!"

"That's not true. I thought Jiuyuan Universe was so strong. Now I look at it, tsk tsk tsk, rubbish!"

The seventh-rank gods of the Twenty-Fourth Palace Legion looked at the entire starry sky city and said mockingly!

Their faces are full of pride and disdain!

Arrogant words spread to the starry sky giant city one after another, which made all the strong disciples of the Jiuyuan universe extremely embarrassed!

However, they have nothing to refute!

Without relying on the starry sky giant city, they are indeed not the opponents of this Faith Cosmic Legion!

Their strength made the strong disciples of Jiuyuan Universe feel unmatched!

Without the starry sky giant city, they might have to flee!

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